Lobi Africa

About Lobi Africa

Africa's advancement today is driven by the many extraordinary individuals across the continent using science, technology, and creativity to solve everyday problems challenging their community. Lóbi is platform dedicated to Africa's forward thinkers.

Lobi Africa Description

Science, technology and engineering



DRUGS: BENZODIAZEPINE - 1st line treatment for seizures - 1st line treatment for alcohol withdrawal - Used for management of severe anxiety and/or insomnia
... #Pharmacy #Medicine #Medschool #Medstudent #PAstudent
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FEBRILE CONVULSIONS: a #seizure associated with a #fever, often seen in kids the age of 6 months to 5 years. Can also present outside of this age range, but very rare. #BloodGlucose levels should be checked in any child presenting with a seizures. #Medstudent #PAstudents


DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE II: commonly known as insulin resistant diabetes as its pathophysiology predominantly involves cells becoming less sensitive or reactive to insulin presence, resulting in reduced glucose uptake by cells, and increased blood glucose levels which is associated with numerous health complications. . #lobiafrica #PhysiciansAsassociat #medicine #healthcare #medstudent #PAstudents #diabetes


VOLUNTEER TO WRITE FOR @LobiAfrica : use your experience and skills to teach the world about the #Healthcare and #Medical sector in #Africa.
Mention a friend passionate about healthcare!
#blogger #medicalblogger #healthcareblogger #WriteArticle #writer


COULD AI TECHNOLOGY HELP THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR IN AFRICA CATCH UP TO THE WEST? Further example of how AI is impacting the medical field. A tech that detects and clinically diagnoses #DiabeticRetinopathy. A complication of uncontrolled #DiabetesMellitus that can lead to #blindness. The tech speeds up the rate of diagnosis and thus initiation of treatment. #healthcareafrica #africantech #medicine #


‪PRIMARY AND SECONDARY AMENORRHOEA: the absence of #menstruation can be #physiological (e.g. pre-puberty), #pathological (e.g. ovarian failure) or #iatrogenic (e.g. contraceptive #medication). #Amenorrhoea can also be subdivided into primary and secondary. #Medicine #Medstudent #PAstudent


‪NEW ARTICLE NEXT WEEK -> ASPHYXIA: severely deficient supply of oxygen to the body that arises from abnormal breathing causing generalized #hypoxia, which affects primarily the tissues and organs. An example of #asphyxia is choking and other form of suffocation. #MedEd #Medicalschool #Medicalstudent #PAstudent


DIAGNOSIS OF CLINICAL DEPRESSION: requires at least 5 symptoms including 1 or 2 of the ‘core’ symptoms of #depression. Symptoms must be present for at least 2 weeks and have significant impact on the individuals quality of life and function. #MedEd #MedStudents #PAstudent #MedSchool #lobiafrica


WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE COVERED NEXT?? It’s great to see people enjoying our revision posts 😄. The goals is to create quick Top-Up 👍🏾contents for #medstudent and professionals ✨comment✨ below👇🏾and we’ll get to it 😉! TAG a medic friend #MedEd #PAstudent


CHILDHOOD ASTHMA: the most common #respiratory disorder in children. Diagnosis is difficult because about half of all children will #wheeze (a characteristic of Asthma) in the first 3 years of life. But not all wheezes in childhood are due to #asthma .
#medicalstudent #lobiafrica


MOOD DISORDERS: psychiatric illnesses characterised by disturbances in the emotional state of a person, and broadly categorised into depressive and bipolar disorders.
Follow @lobiafrica for more easy-going medicine
#lobiafrica #medicalstudents #depression #bipolar #psychiatry


‪🚨NEW ARTICLE -> REAL-TIME MULTIPLEX DIAGNOSTIC TEST 🇱🇷: Rapid Diagnostic Test to Detect and Differentiate Between 3-7 Infectious viruses.‬ ‪Full article 👉🏾👉🏾 www.Lobi-Africa.com‬
‪#lobiafrica #students #healthcareinnovation #doctors #medicalstudents #medicine #healthcare‬


NEW ARTICLE TOMORROW -> BLOOD-BORNE VIRUSES: these are viruses that are transmitted from person to person through blood to blood contact or other body fluids. The most common are hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Diseases caused by these pathogens devastate countries worldwide, particularly developing countries where healthcare systems are not as adequate. . . . #lobiafrica #medicalstudents #medicine #healthcare #physicianassociate #medicalschool #medicalnotes


DISORDERS OF PLACENTAL IMPLANTATION : in normal pregnancy the placenta is attached to the uterine wall via a fibrinous layer of endometrium. In abnormal placental implantation this layer is not present and the placenta directly attaches and invades the uterine wall at varying degrees. #lobiafrica #doctors #medicalstudents #medicine #healthcare #physicianassociate #medicalschool #medicalnotes


THE COMBINED TEST: Screens early signs of Down’s Syndrome, determine the foetal gestational age, as well check for other vital signs of life such as a structurally normal and functioning heart. #lobiafrica #students #medicalstudents #medicine #medicalschool #medicalstudent #study


ILLUSTRATED TEXTBOOK OF PAEDIATRICS - we get recommended a lot of books in my course, but this hands down has been one of the best in terms of conciseness and style of writing which almost resemble student notes. Would highly recommend! #medicalschool #Medstudent #medicine #physicianassociates


BILIRUBIN METABOLISM : Today’s theme of revision for me has been #jaundice which is caused by excess serum #bilirubin levels.
1. The breakdown product of #haemoglobin is unconjugated bilirubin, which is insoluble in water but soluble in fat. #Medstudent #medicine #medicalschool
2. Unconjugated bilirubin bound to albumin is taken up by the liver and conjugated by glucuronyl transferase to form conjugated bilirubin.
... 3. Conjugated bilirubin is water soluble and excreted in bile into the gut and then as #stercobilinogen and #urobilinogen.
4. Some bilirubin in the gut is converted to unconjugated bilirubin and reabsorbed via the #enterohepatic circulation and metabolised in the #liver. #hyerbilirubinaemia #neonatalmedicine
[adapted from “Illustrated textbook of Paediatrics” by Tom Lissauer and Will Carroll]
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‪🚨 NEW ARTICLE 🇰🇪: #Echolocation Technology Giving Freedom Of Independent Movement To The Visually Impaired 🚨‬ ‪Lobi-Africa.com/articles.html for full article [available in all languages]‬ ‪.‬ ‪#scienceinafrica #panafrican #blindness #healthcare ‬ ‪#medicalschool #visualimpairment ‬

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