
About Loft2Work

Loft2Work has been a social business, dedicated to motivate, unite and encourage people to accomplish enterprising ideas for sustainable impact through interaction and collaboration.

Loft2Work was self-funded and sustained itself through services, based on social research and consulting, as well as collaborative initiatives (private & public sector).

Loft2Work, through its collaborative space in Keramikos, offered access and resources to an emerging ecosystem of people working collectively for a better world.

Loft2Work Description

Loft2Work has been a social business, dedicated to motivate, unite and encourage people to accomplish enterprising ideas for sustainable impact through interaction and collaboration.

Loft2Work was self-funded and sustained itself through services, based on social research and consulting, as well as collaborative initiatives (private & public sector).

Loft2Work, through its collaborative space in Keramikos, offered access and resources to an emerging ecosystem of people working collectively for a better world.



The Impact Lab works with NGOs, agencies, and humanitarian organizations to collect valid, reliable data from the world's most inaccessible places. Their team of epidemiologists, data collection experts, and data scientists have years of experience collecting data in harsh environments. Offerings include Rapid Health Assessments, Household Studies, and Surveillance.


UnitAid: 3rd organisation that has successfully raised money for health globally!


The Global Fund: 2nd organisation that has successfully raised money for health globally!


Three organisations have successfully raised money for health globally. Researchers have identified three global organisations that new funding initiatives should emulate in order to meet health priorities in poorer countries: 1. Gavi Vaccine Alliance


VillageReach serves as a catalyst to strengthen and improve the performance of health systems. They partner with governments, local communities and other non-governmental organizations to develop, test and implement sustainable solutions that improve health system capacity and efficiency.


Global Alliance for Chronic Disease (GACD) funds, develops and facilitates innovative research collaborations between low- and middle-income and high-income countries!


The Haven is a specialist primary healthcare care service for asylum seekers and refugees. The team of staff consists of a GP and nurses who will assess and meet the initial health needs of asylum seekers and new refugees.


GHETS: 'We believe that well-trained and supported doctors, nurses, and allied health workers are the key to sustainable change. By providing seed grants and project support to a network of health professionals and advocates, we promote an increased utilization of local knowledge and expertise.'


Riders for Health is an international social enterprise. They manage and maintain vehicles for health-focused partners in sub-Saharan Africa. Their expertise in transport management enables health workers to deliver vital health care to rural communities on a reliable and cost-effective basis.


Loft2Work @Keramikos, Athens, has been an autonomous co-working space until October 2013, when it merged with Impact Hub Athens. Loft2Work fb page now concentrates on social initiatives (entrepreneurial & other) that aim to address global health challenges! So stay tuned and if you wish, like Loft2Work page, if not yet liked, to get updates! Meanwhile, if you find any relevant material, feel free to post it, the page allows posts from users :-)


Starting today, Loft2Work page will publish Social Entrepreneurship initiatives or Community based projects, focusing on the area of Global Health!


Oksigen Lab offers coaching to Social Entrepreneurs, performs international research on Social Entrepreneurship and offers a wide range of services to support organizations in strenghtening their societal impact -


Making Sense of Social Entrepreneurship
Do you want to help social entrepreneurs tackle their biggest challenges? Do you have crazy ideas that can create social impact? Then MakeSense is for you.
Come find out what #MakeSense is all about and get a taste of what we do! Discover what it means to #MakeSense, what a HoldUp is and how you can be part of it too.
... Join this workshop on Wednesday 13th of November (6.30pm-8.30pm) at The Impact Hub Athens and be part of the global network supporting social entrepreneurship.
See More


Αύριο Δευτέρα 4 Νοεμβρίου οι ΒEFORELIGHT θα διοργανώσουν στη Στέγη Γραμμάτων και Τεχνών την -ανοικτή στο κοινό- ημερίδα “Urban Lightscapes” (, στην οποία θα συμμετάσχουν σημαντικοί ξένοι και Ελληνες light designers, μελετητές φωτισμού, εικαστικοί, αλλά και ακτιβιστές φωτός. Στον πυρήνα της συμμετοχικής αυτής δράσης θα τεθεί η διαμόρφωση του αστικού φωτισμού και οι συνέπειές του στην αλλαγή της ταυτότητας της πόλης.
Περισσότερα στο πρόγραμμα: apes-symposium-pr…/


Did you register for #HelloImpact yet?If not, hurry up is right around the corner! On Friday afternoon we will present some points of our new projects!!!


"We need to look at formal/informal and top-down/bottom-up not as conflicting poles but as “dialectic pairs”. Informal practices have their own position in a complex system of different players operating at different scales. They do not replace any of them." by Mr Ares Kalandides


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