London Fatwa Council (Lfc)

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About London Fatwa Council (Lfc)

Phone: 0208 201 3632 /07985463440


London Fatwa Council (Lfc) Description

London Fatwa Council was established by Shaykh Mohammad Yazdani Raza (Misbahi) in 2009. The Council offers legal advice and counselling in accordance with Islamic law. It acts as a voice for women silenced by violent, abusive and forced marriages; empowering them to achieve freedom and justice from their oppressive situations.

Furthermore, as a recognised, decision making authority for the Muslim community, the Council offers advice on issues that affect their daily lives. Our advisory panel, made up of prominent Islamic Jurists deal with a wide range of cases undertaken by the Council.

London Fatwa Council is continuing to build on its interfaith work, by fostering and encouraging dialogue and cohesion within the diverse London Borough of Barnet and the wider community. It has fast become a prominent think-tank through its deep collaboration and engagement with all sectors of society, ranging from local businesses, schools and organisations to the Home Office, for which London Fatwa Council is a regular point of contact.

Chairman Shaykh Mohammad Yazdani Raza (Misbahi)

Shaykh Mohammad Yazdani Raza (Misbahi) is a Hanafi Jurist, who received primary education in the sciences of Islam, under the supervision of his father, the noble Shaykh Mohammad Ismail (Misbahi). Having undergone a solid foundation, the Shaykh was then enrolled at Jamia Al-Karam in Milton Keynes, to study under the tutelage of Shaykh Mohammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada and Shaykh Mohammad Abdul Bari. At Jamia Al-Karam, he received a wealth of sacred and orthodox knowledge. The respected Shaykh continued his studies at one of the most widely recognised and well respected institutions of sacred knowledge in India, Al Jamiatul Ashrafia of Mubarakpur.

The respected Shaykh has also studied at the oldest and most widely recognised Jamia in the Muslim world, Jamiatul Azhar, in Cairo. Whilst in Egypt he also studied at the Alexandria University, in Alexandria. Shaykh has a BA (Hons) in Middle Eastern Studies from The University of Manchester, and studied MA Islamic Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London and later completed the PGDL /CPE in Law, from the Manchester Metropolitan University.

Shaykh Mohammad Yazdani Raza has held the position of Imam at various mosques in the UK. The respected Shaykh had a regular slot on the Islam Channel for a number of years and continues to work strenuously amongst both the Muslim and other faith communities.

The respected Shaykh is involved in various Home Office initiatives, as well as playing an advisory role on topical and pertinent issues, for a number of prominent think-tanks in the UK. He has lectured both in the UK and abroad, including much of Europe, Syria, Egypt, Dubai, Bahrain, Malaysia, India, Sudan, Morocco, and various states in America and South America, amongst others.


All member of the LFC advisory panel, are prominent Islamic Jurists


Imam Mohammad Shahid Raza OBE, London

Imam Shahid came to the UK in 1977. He completed his BSc in Chemistry and Biology as well as an MA in Islamic Studies. At present, Imam Shahid is the Head Imam at Leicester Central Mosque and Chairman of MINAB (Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board). He is also the Registrar at the Muslim Law (Shari’a) Council UK; the Director of Imams and Mosques Councils UK; the Head of the Department of Imams Training and InterFaith Relations at the Muslim College, London; the President of the World Islamic Mission (Europe) and Founder Member (Trustee) of the British Muslim Forum.

In 2008 he was recognised in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list by being awarded with an OBE for his services to the Muslim community. He is the first Imam in the United Kingdom to be awarded with an OBE

Shaykh Mohammad Ismail (Misbahi), Rochdale

Shaykh Mohammad Ismail (Misbahi) is one of the foremost senior Imams of the UK, who arrived in the early 1970s, commissioned by Muhadith of Moradabad, Hafiz-e-Millat, for his missionary work in the UK. A scholar with deep insight and understanding of the Islamic Sciences. He founded the ‘Urdu Centre Misbahul Uloom’, Rochdale in 1983.

Mufti Sharafuddin, Milton Keynes

Mufti Mohammed Sharfuddin Ashrafi is one of the senior scholars in UK who is, Chief Scholar Islamic Shariah Board UK. He has undergone a doctorate in Islamic Jurisprudence and Fatwa, from the University of Nizamia Pakistan. The Shaykh has a Masters in Islamic Hadith Sciences from, Jamia Shamsul Uloom Pakistan. He is the Grand Imam of Central Mosque in Milton Keynes and President of Mahkamah Council of Jurists for Islamic Finance.

Mufti Qazi Hassan Raza, Bradford

Mufti Qazi Hassan Raza is a prominent scholar. He is highly qualified in various Islamic sciences. He established Al Markaz Ul-Islami, in Bradford.


Mufti Nizamuddin, Jamiatul Ashrafia, India

Mufti Nizamuddin is the head of the ‘Darul Ifta’ (Department of Verdict) in the leading Islamic ‘Darul Uloom’ of India, Al Jamiatul Ashrafia which is situated in Mubarakpur, UP. He is renowned for his in-depth research and verdicts on current and contemporary issues facing the Muslim community.

Mufti Mirajul Qadri, Jamiatul Ashrafia, India

Mufti Mirajul Qadri is a senior member of the ‘Darul Ifta’ (Department of Verdict) in the leading Islamic ‘Darul Uloom’ of India, Al Jamiatul Ashrafia which is situated in Mubarakpur, UP. He is renowned for his in-depth research and verdicts on current and contemporary issues facing the Muslim community.


We seek to provide our clients with the best and most seamless service. For this reason we have joined forces with two reputable high street firms who can further support our clients in achieving their full legal rights.

Applying for a Civil Divorce (Decree Nisi / Decree Absolute)

London Fatwa Council can only issue an Islamic divorce. To apply for a Civil Divorce we recommend Ms. Nargis Awan of Awan Legal Associates who can help you seek your official legal divorce. Ms Awan specialises in a number of areas of law (Immigration law & Asylum and Human Rights law) and is on hand for her professional advice and representation.

To legalise your Islamic Wills

Once London Fatwa Council has prepared your Will, we recommend Mr Haroon Khan of Legal Rights Partnership Solicitors to deal with any legal matters pertaining to it. Mr Khan specialises in a number of areas of law (Employment law and Immigration law & Nationality) and is on hand for his professional advice and representation.



Jumu’ah Mubarak ya Ummahtun Nabi(ﷺ)! Make darud and salawat in an abundance, In sha Allah.
‎إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما
Please remain vigilant as you attend the masjid today and if your masjid has more than one jama’ah, offer to stand guard whilst others pray and join the next standing, In sha Allah.
... May Allah(swt) protect our masajid and indeed the worshipers in prayer, Ameen.
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The Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ ) said,
“Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother.” ~ Hadith Ahmad, Nasai ~
May we honour our mothers and may we enter Jannah with our mothers, Ameen.
... Make every day Mother’s Day. Make every day count.
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Jumu’ah Mubarak ya Ummahtun Nabi(ﷺ)! Make darud and salawat in an abundance, In sha Allah.
‎إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما
Please remain vigilant as you attend the masjid today and if your masjid has more than one jama’ah, offer to stand guard whilst others pray and join the next standing, In sha Allah.
... May Allah(swt) protect our masajid and indeed the worshipers in prayer, Ameen.
Please also make dua for all those affected in the world right now; from New Zealand to Mali, to right across the globe, the world is in pain. Keep them and us all in your dua, In sha Allah.
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Respected Shaykh reminds us of what is most important in these times of tribulation,
“Religion is our individual and personal choice, but we must be able to live shoulder to shoulder with one another, respect one another and live and support and care for one another.”
Coverage of Thursday evenings vigil in Trafalgar Square, London.


***Tonight! Tonight! Tonight!***
‘Shan e Sayyidunna Abu Bakr as Siddique(Ra)’
A gathering to remember the life, dedication and sacrifices of the closest companion and greatest Caliph of Islam this evening, Saturday 23rd March, from 6:30-8:30pm.
... Speech and anasheed in English and Urdu followed by dua and food, In sha Allah.
As always, all welcome, In sha Allah.
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***Event notice, tomorrow evening***
‘Shan e Sayyidunna Abu Bakr as Siddique(Ra)’
A gathering to remember the life, dedication and sacrifices of the closest companion and greatest Caliph of Islam tomorrow evening, Saturday 23rd March, from 6:30-8:30pm.
... Speech and anasheed in English and Urdu followed by dua and food, In sha Allah.
As always, all welcome, In sha Allah.
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Jumu’ah Mubarak ya Ummahtun Nabi(ﷺ)! Make darud and salawat in an abundance, In sha Allah.
‎إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما
Please remember to keep the families of those lost in New Zealand last week in your dua and too the mosques and communities affected ever since, In sha Allah.
... Please also remain vigilant as you attend the masjid today and if your masjid has more than one jama’ah, offer to stand guard whilst others pray and join the next standing, In sha Allah.
May Allah(swt) protect our masajid and indeed the worshipers in prayer, Ameen.
This is the beautiful adhan that serenaded Trafalgar Square during the vigil for Christchurch last night, Al humdulillah.
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Respected Shaykh praying in Trafalgar Square this evening, for those lost in the massacre in Christchurch last week.


Shaykh Mohammad Yazdani, on behalf of London Fatwa Council expresses his deepest sadness at the attacks of terror on five mosques across the midlands today,
"Today I am not shocked, nor am I numb. Today I feel resigned. I feel absolutely resigned to the fact that these terrorists are adamant that they will continue to terrorise and wreak havoc in a blind and irrational ideological hate for a religion and it’s people. In one night five mosques were attacked. That is despicable.... Absolutely unthinkable. Are we now to live in a state of fear, in even our places of worship?
The media and it’s Islamaphobic rhetoric has a lot to answer for. I urge the government to take greater responsibility for what it allows its media to purport as factual. I also ask that the very real threat of far right radicalism is taken more seriously and rooted out from is very core. Something needs to happen before this is escalated any further than it has already.
I am so very and deeply saddened by today’s news and pray for ease during these times of tribulation.”


Notes to Editors:
London Fatwa Council is one of the UK’s leading Islamic legal advice and counselling services and a think-tank for the Muslim community.
For further information please contact: London Fatwa Council 9 Sheaveshill Parade Colindale, London NW9 6RS Tel: 0208 201 3632 / 07985463440
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Respected Shaykh will be leading a dua for the deceased from 6pm, this evening in Trafalgar Square, In sha Allah. If you are able to attend, come and show your care and love for the lives lost in Christchurch, New Zealand, last week, In sha Allah.


Shaykh Mohammad Yazdani, on behalf of London Fatwa Council expresses his deepest condolences at the attack on the Muslim community in Christchurch, New Zealand,
"I feel numb with the frequency of the terrorist activity engulfing our times. Every few days we witness yet another act of terror and I question humanity and wonder what on earth is driving these people to become terrorists and to take lives. It is sad that this act of terror was masterminded to take the lives of in...nocent Muslims at the time of prayers; an opportune moment to take maximum lives. This is deeply, deeply saddening.
I have said this before and I will say it again, ISIS is not of my faith and by the same token, far-right terrorists should be be called out for not being a part of this society. Terrorism spares no one and terrorists come in all shapes and sizes. We absolutely need to recognise that the far-right is not only a threat, but are real terrorists who have and who will continue to take lives if they are not uprooted and monitored with vigilance. Ideological extremism and radicalisation is not limited to faith communities, it spares no one. The far-right are a network of hundreds of radicalised individuals, this can no longer be denied. Something must be done.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this atrocity and especially to the families who have lost loved ones. I pray that justice is done and that the Muslim community in Christchurch are granted ease, Ameen."

Notes to Editors:
London Fatwa Council is one of the UK’s leading Islamic legal advice and counselling services and a think-tank for the Muslim community.
For further information please contact: London Fatwa Council 9 Sheaveshill Parade Colindale, London NW9 6RS Tel: 0208 201 3632 / 07985463440
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‎إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
This Jumu’ah please keep New Zealand’s Muslim community in your specific dua, after the horrific act of terror carried out at a number of Mosques, claiming so many innocent lives. Praying that the community are safe and the perpetrators bought to justice, In sha Allah.
Please keep the community, all those who lost their lives and their families in your special dua today - May Allah(swt) grant the deceased Jannah and their families... and the community sabr to overcome this terrible attack, Ameen.
Al Fatiha.
Make darud and salawat in an abundance, In sha Allah.
‎إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما
Please continue to make dua for respected Shaykh’s health, In sha Allah. May Allah(swt) grant dear Shaykh a full recovery, Ameen.
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Yesterday respected Shaykh attended a reception hosted by The Countess of Wessex, at Buckingham Palace, to celebrate the vital role women play in Peace Building across the world.
During the reception, The Countess announced her commitment to champion the UK’s work on #WomenPeaceSecurity and the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative (#PSVI).


Respected Shaykh was earlier today, having a spot of tea at Buckingham Palace, at an International Women’s Day event, hosted by HRH The Countess of Wessex.


First Jumu’ah of the noble month of Rajab Mubarak ya Ummahtun Nabi(ﷺ)! Make darud and salawat in an abundance, In sha Allah.
‎إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما
The beloved Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The most complete believer in faith is the best in morals, and the best among you is the best to their women." - Imam At-Tirmidhi(ra)
... Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them, Ameen.

There is absolutely no place for domestic violence in an Islamic marriage. NO reason, NO excuse and NO tolerance. No means NO!
If you are in, or know someone else in an abusive or violent marriage, contact us today. We are here to listen and be the voice for the silenced. You are not alone.
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The blessed month of Rajab mubarak ya Ummahtun Nabi(ﷺ)!
It is mentioned upon the authority of Anas Ibn Malik who said, “When (the month of) Rajab would enter (upon us) he (the prophet – sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) used to say:*
‎اَللّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِى رَجَبَ وَ شَعْبَانَ وَ بَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَان
... [Allahumma Baarik lanaa fee Rajabin Wa Sha’ban wa Balighna Ramadan]
"Oh Allah bless us in Rajab and Sha'baan and allow us to reach Ramadan”.
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Earlier this week, respected Shaykh was invited to join the ‘steering group’, for the, ‘Register Our Marriage’ (ROM) campaign, which has now been invited by government to run a national programme of awareness-building.


Shaykh Mohammad Yazdani, on behalf of London Fatwa Council expresses his deepest sadness at the attacks of terror on five mosques across the midlands today,
"Today I am not shocked, nor am I numb. Today I feel resigned. I feel absolutely resigned to the fact that these terrorists are adamant that they will continue to terrorise and wreak havoc in a blind and irrational ideological hate for a religion and it’s people. In one night five mosques were attacked. That is despicable.... Absolutely unthinkable. Are we now to live in a state of fear, in even our places of worship?
The media and it’s Islamaphobic rhetoric has a lot to answer for. I urge the government to take greater responsibility for what it allows its media to purport as factual. I also ask that the very real threat of far right radicalism is taken more seriously and rooted out from is very core. Something needs to happen before this is escalated any further than it has already.
I am so very and deeply saddened by today’s news and pray for ease during these times of tribulation.”


Notes to Editors:
London Fatwa Council is one of the UK’s leading Islamic legal advice and counselling services and a think-tank for the Muslim community.
For further information please contact: London Fatwa Council 9 Sheaveshill Parade Colindale, London NW9 6RS Tel: 0208 201 3632 / 07985463440
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More about London Fatwa Council (Lfc)

Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -