London Gynaecology

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About London Gynaecology

London Gynaecology is a leading first class private gynaecology clinic providing daily gynaecological services to women in

Our phone lines are open 24 /7 should you need to contact us by phone.

London Gynaecology Description

London Gynaecology is a first class private gynaecology practice, sharing women’s health information and news across all our social platforms.



Miss Meg Wilson has worked as a consultant gynaecologist at The Whittington Hospital since 2011, as the ‘labour ward lead’. She joined the London Gynaecology team in 2017. Miss Wilson is passionately interested in women’s experience and safety through all stages of pregnancy and provides a range of services for women, including caring for those with concerns in early pregnancy, emergency gynaecology and long-standing conditions.


Uterine cancer (also called endometrial cancer or womb cancer) is one of the lesser known gynaecological cancers. 8,500 women are diagnosed every year in the UK (NHS England). - The uterus is located in the pelvis and the lining of the uterus is called the endometrium. Uterine cancer is the abnormal growth of any cells which form the uterine tissue. - So what are the signs and symptoms of uterine cancer?
... ✨Bleeding after menopause is the usual presenting symptom. However, bleeding after menopause is often caused by many other benign causes such as polyps or vaginal dryness. In fact, out of 100 women with bleeding after menopause, only 5-6 will have endometrial cancer. It is, however, the most important cause of this abnormal bleeding and therefore needs to be taken seriously. ✨Occasionally, endometrial cancer can occur before menopause. If there is any bleeding between periods or if the periods are prolonged or heavier, that needs to be taken seriously and investigated.
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Vulval cancer is one of the rarer gynaecological cancers, with just over 1,000 cases diagnosed in the UK every year.
The symptoms and signs of vulval cancer include: - Persistent itching or pruritus which lasts for more than a few days - A mole or pigmented patch in the vulva that changed shape, colour, or size ... - Pain or soreness - Thickened skin patch which looks different in texture - Ulceration or bleeding - Swelling or lump - Dark or red patches on the skin
If you have any of these symptoms, please see your GP or gynaecologist urgently or give us a call on 0207 10 11 700.
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Almost all women going through menopause will get some menopause symptoms however in 50% of women the menopause symptoms are severe enough to affect quality of life. However there are a number of ways in which you can relieve menopause symptoms and continue to enjoy life without much disruption. 🌟 - 💊HRT: HRT stands for hormone replacement therapy. Ovaries before menopause produce oestrogen and progesterone, however menopause leads to a decline in ovarian function and in tur...n the amount of hormones produced. HRT aims to replace these hormones so that symptoms caused by the lack of hormones are reversed. - 💊Oestrogen cream: another way to relieve symptoms is to use a small out of oestrogen in the form of a vaginal pessary such as Vagifem. Vaginal oestrogen creams are also available such as Ovestin. These creams should be used twice a week. - 💊Moisturiser for vaginal dryness: some women experience vaginal dryness during menopause, the simplest treatment for this is using vaginal moisturiser on a daily basis. This will keep the vaginal epithelium moisturised. Additional lubrication may be required during sexual intercourse. - If you would like to speak to one of our consultant gynaecologists about your menopause symptoms and possible ways to relieve them, please give us a call on 0207 10 11 700 and we can arrange an appointment for you.
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🌟We love hearing from our patients about their experience with London Gynaecology. 🌟
“Mr. Pisal has looked after me for a number of years. He is without doubt one of the best consultants I have ever dealt with. He always takes the time to explain things clearly in a way which is easy to understand. His friendly and compassionate approach is so welcome and always puts my mind at ease. I cannot recommend him highly enough.”


Vaginal cancer is the rarest of the gynaecological cancers & is diagnosed in 250-300 women a year in the UK. - Vaginal cancer is a skin cancer which is caused by a cell changing its growth pattern, causing it to increase in size each time it replicates. -
... Symptoms can include: - Abnormal smear (sometimes the vaginal cells are picked up on a cervical smear) - Persistent vaginal itch - Smelly or blood tinted vaginal discharge - Pain when urinating - A vaginal lump
If you have any of these symptoms, please see your GP or gynaecologist urgently or give us a call on 0207 10 11 700.
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As PCOS is a syndrome, it is defined as a group of symptoms which consistently occur together. To be diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome you have to present with 2 out of 3 of the following features: 🌟Ovaries have many (more than 12) tiny cysts: these cysts are small blister-like-lumps that form on the surface of the ovaries. Polycystic appearance of ovaries is seen on an ultrasound scan in 22% of women but only a few of these will have the ‘syndrome’ 🌟Hormone imbalanc...e: alongside oestrogen and progesterone, the ovaries also produce a very small amount of testosterone. When testosterone in the blood exceeds a certain level, it can cause common symptoms of PCOS including acne & unwanted hair growth. 🌟Failure to ovulate every month leading to infrequent or absent periods. - If you would like to see a consultant gynaecologist about PCOS or to discuss your symptoms, please give us a call on 0207 10 11 700 and we can arrange an appointment for you. -
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To support the body through menopause, many women choose hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which replaces the hormones that your ovaries were producing. - Oestrogen is needed to reverse symptoms of menopause. Progesterone counter-balances the effect of oestrogen on the endometrium (lining of the uterus) and therefore prevents excessive growth of the endometrium. - HRT also helps with the prevention of osteoporosis (thinning of bones) and prevents cardiovascular events such as heart attacks.


If you have received your smear test result letter and they have come back abnormal, you may be understandably anxious. However, an abnormal smear almost always means that a minor problem (pre-cancerous change) has been detected and not anything serious - it means that your smear test has done its job and this minor problem can be dealt with. - The smear abnormality can be mild, moderate or severe. Mild or borderline abnormalities usually revery back to normal without any tr...eatment. Whereas moderate and severe smear abnormality often need to be treated. A colposcopy examination will often be recommended for any grade of abnormality. - Following your letter, mild or borderline changes usually require a repeat smear or a colposcopy procedure. If the changes are confirmed to be mild on colposcopy a conservative approach is usually adopted as there is a good change of spontaneous resolution. With moderate and severe changes a colposcopy and possible treatment is carried out. - If you have received an abnormal smear letter or have any further questions, please give us a call on 0207 10 11 700.
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An ultrasound scan and a blood test (CA125) can often give a provisional diagnosis, but this is only confirmed after biopsy (usually after removal of any ovarian lesion). An MRI scan will often give more specific and detailed information before surgery. - It is important to remember that a cervical smear will not detect or rule out ovarian cancer. Smear tests detect cervical pre-cancerous changes and don't have anything to do with the ovaries. - #gynaecological #gynaecancer #gynae #londongynae #gynaecologicalcancer #cancerawareness #cancerprevention #awareness #womenshealth #women #health #gynaehealth #ovariancancer #cervicalcancer #vulvalcancer #endometrialcancer #vaginalcancer #women #health #wellness #wellbeing #symptoms #abdominalbloating bloating nausea #urinaryfrequency #appetiteloss #cancer #woman


Many women report feeling more tired and lethargic when on their period. The hormone progesterone prepares and maintains the lining of the womb, but is also known to act directly on your sleep centre, causing increased tiredness. 😴 - To improve your sleep during your period make sure that your sleep environment is comfortable, well ventilated and not too warm. It may also be important to control period pain using pain killers to reduce the disruption to your sleep.


Ovarian cancer affects one in 50 women at some stage in their lives, early diagnosis significantly improves the prognosis - therefore being aware of the symptoms is so important. - Ovarian cancer is notorious for causing very minimal symptoms in the early stages. Symptoms can be non-specific such as: - Abdominal distension & bloating - New onset of pelvic pain ... - Nausea & fullness - Urinary frequency - Loss of appetite & weight - Lower abdominal lump
Please contact your GP urgently if you are concerned or call us on 0207 10 11 700.
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It is important to remember that many men & women will experience no symptoms from sexually transmitted infections. Chlamydia is a particularly common infection that often be asymptomatic. This just highlights the importance of having safe sex and attending routine checks 👩⚕️ when you enter a new relationship or if you notice any changes or symptoms.


If sexually transmitted infections are left untreated they can spread to the fallopian tubes and the pelvis - this can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is characterised by severed pelvic pain and raised temperature. Admission to hospital and intravenous antibiotics are sometimes needed. - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease can lead to blocked fallopian tubes and infertility. If the fallopian tubes are partially blocked or affected, there is also a... risk of tubal ectopic pregnancy - If you have any concerns about your sexual heath, please contact your GP or gynaecologist or give us a call on 0207 10 11 700. -
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Good to see HPV in the mainstream news.


Whether you are embarking on a new relationship, experiencing abnormal symptoms, or are due for a check up, it’s important to stay on top of your sexual health.
At London Gynaecology we offer a fully comprehensive review of your sexual health with our sexual health check. It involves a consultation with a consultant gynaecologist, abdominal and pelvic examination, tests for 7 STIs and blood tests.
If you have any questions or would like to book a sexual health check please give us a call on 0209 10 11 700.


Endometrial cancer (also commonly called uterine cancer or womb cancer) is cancer of the lining of the uterus. The lifetime risk of getting endometrial cancer is 1%. The peak incidence occurs after menopause in the 50s and 60s. - Bleeding after menopause is the usual presented symptom. Although only 6% of women who experience bleeding after menopause will have endometrial cancer, it is important to get this symptom investigated as soon as possible.
Occasionally endometrial c...ancer can occur before menopause. If there is any bleeding between periods or if they are prolonged or heavier, that also needs to be investigated. - If you have any of these symptoms or have any concerns please see your GP or gynaecologist urgently or give us a call on 0207 10 11 700. -
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When searching for the right doctor for you it can be useful to read about other patient experiences.
"I went to Mrs Pisal early in my pregnancy, as I was very ill and concerned that I was unable to keep any food down at all. I cannot be more grateful for her guidance and the supportive way in which she helped address my concerns, helping both my husband and I feel much better. I went back again a coupe of weeks later for treatment, and once again I was amazed at the way she worked with us. I could not recommend her more. She is by far one of the best doctors I have been to in London” -

More about London Gynaecology

London Gynaecology is located at 212 Great Portland Street, W1W 5QN London, United Kingdom
Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -