Look Here Copywriting

About Look Here Copywriting

Helping designers, developers and agencies win more attention, respect and business with incisive, structured, user-focused copy for their websites, brochures, landing pages, chatbots, ads, case studies, emails, press releases. . .

Look Here Copywriting Description

Not just another copywriter's page.

I used to say I was the writer you go to when you don't have the time, energy, skills or inclination to write your promotional copy yourself.

But those aren't the right reasons.

I'm the guy you go to when you know that a professional can bring a lot more to your copy than simply saving you time or stress. When you need someone who really knows and loves what they do.

What others like you have said about me. . .

'Doug was a pleasure to work with. His work was impeccable, he was cooperative, and he submitted all of his work on the agreed times. Will definitely be using Doug for more content writing in the future! ' - Pat Leach, Positive Advantage, Townsville Australia.

'Doug carried out his work to an exceptional quality, and he met our brief perfectly. He is professional, timely and very polite in discussions, and I'd strongly recommend his services to other business owners. ' - Will Coombe, Sharpe Digital, London.

I don't wait for inspiration to strike - I sit at the keyboard with your goal in mind and get to work. I research your audience - the people, language, feedback, feelings and keywords - as well as everything about you, and then distil it onto the page.

People make decisions based on emotions, not logic. I can help your business by talking to your clients or customers about what matters to them most, and in the kind of tone and language they think and speak in themselves.

Remember, they are always thinking: 'What's in it for me?'

Put simply, I'm someone who writes headlines, copy and other content in a way that connects with your readers and makes them like you and want what you've got.

I enjoy producing content in a warm, easy-to-read style that:

- your readers will find helpful, easy to read, and will want to share

- chimes with your target audience’s needs, problems and desires, compelling them to act

- uses SEO and Keywords, making you more visible in Google searches and appealing to your audience to click through

I can offer help with:

- website content: landing pages, home & about pages, services & products pages
- blog posts
- brochure copy
- press releases
- proofreading and copy-editing
. . . and more

Copywriting helps you look good, increases engagement and turnover, and saves you time.

Drop me a line or we can have a quick 5-10 minute call about your needs. Don't be shy, I'll be happy to hear from you : )

More about Look Here Copywriting

07982 938538