Lsesu European Society

About Lsesu European Society

Official page of the LSE Students’ Union European Society. It’s all about debating, learning, challenging and deciding Europe. Latest news and events

Lsesu European Society Description

The LSESU European Society promotes education of and engagement with the European Union, its Member States, their peoples and the wider world. It provides a variety of opportunities through its events, including lectures, panel discussions, debates, conferences and more, for individuals to debate, learn about, challenge and decide Europe. The Society aims to foster an atmosphere of knowledge exchange for students at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and indeed for the public as well. It is dedicated to its mission of building awareness, encouraging discussion and fostering civic engagement.

Join the Society online:
http://www. /societies /society /EuroSoc

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Connect with us on LinkedIn:
https://uk. /lsesueuropeansociety

Executive Committee 2014 – 2015:

Friedrich Kalthoff | President
Marta Bogiel | Vice President
Elena Shomos | Secretary
Patrick Breen I Treasurer
Nicolò Fraccaroli I Events Coordinator



Grab your calendars! The European Society is hosting Our Future Our Choice (OFOC) and Nick Clegg by the end of the month.
OFOC is hosting student events across the country, including one at the LSE on the 30th April with guest Nick Clegg in collaboration with us. The event will be a discussion on Brexit and the role of young people in politics, including a speech from Nick, an interview given by OFOC’s co-founder, Will Dry, and a Q&A which gives the chance for LSE students to... personally ask Nick Clegg and Will Dry their questions about Brexit and the role of young people.
This event will be ticketed, so keep an eye out for updates. Also be aware, LSE guidelines might require us to prioritise LSE students.
Venue: TBA
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'Our future our choice' is an advocacy group for youths who believe Brexit is a disaster and who want to stop through any democratic channels possible. The European Society fully endorses this group and will be hosting OFOC and their guest speaker Nick Clegg by the end of this month.
Please give them a like if you're interested :)


We are delighted to invite you to the European Ambassadors briefing at the Danish Embassy. This briefing will outline the latest political, economic and foreign affairs updates in the EU-Denmark relations. After a short presentation a leading diplomat working particularly with EU and European affairs will answer any questions that you may have in this closed round-table session.
The briefing requires prior registration as places are limited. So please only register if you ca...n attend. Registration ends on 6 March at 11:00 am.
Any of you who would like to make their way as a group to the embassy from the LSE can meet us outside Cowdray House. We will be leaving at 2.20 sharp and heading for the Piccadilly line at Holborn station. It usually takes about 25 minutes door-to-door so we’ll be there with a few minutes to spare.
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Euroscepticism is on the rise, and many say the problem is a lack of democracy in the European Union.
As part of our event series on European Democracy, the LSESU European Society welcomes the transnational European movement Diem25, founded by former Greek Minister of Finance Yanis Varoufakis, to present its "New Deal for Europe" that gives more room for democratic participation and that creates the "Europe of citizens" that others, such as Ulrich Beck (former LSE professor)... and Guy Verhofstadt (MEP), have been demanding, too.
Our panel will showcase the movement's current activities, also in the UK, and give an insight into its experiences and challenges as a trans-European movement, followed by a discussion with the audience on what it takes to build a more democratic Europe and opportunities to get involved.
"One very simple, but radical idea: to democratise Europe. ... So, let's shake Europe together. Gently. Compassionately. But firmly!" (Yanis Varoufakis)
LOCATION: LSE Students' Union, 6th Floor
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Inspiring discussion on transnational European democracy with Volt’s President Andrea who came all the way from Italy for last night’s event! Stay tuned for more!


What's the EU's current take on asylum? Come visit our friends at the refugee week and listen to Claude Moraes (MEP)'s take on the issue! 736252/


Last term, Jonathan White of the EI asked: Will transnational political movements help democratise the European Union?
On Wednesday, 7 Feb, the LSESU European Society will explore this question with our special guests from Volt (formerly Vox), a brand-new, young and extremely fast growing European movement that seeks to revive the European spirit and aims high in wanting to enter the next EU elections in 2019.
Who are they? What is their experience of forming a movement from scratch? And can Volt really make a difference?
Come along to the EI’s lovely Canada Blanch room (COW 1.11) and join the discussion on European activism!…/EU-youth-Vo lt-European-Parliame…
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What does it take for a more democratic European Union? This and next term, the European Society will discuss different aspects of this question through our events to which you are most warmly invited! They include: Panel discussions with the young trans-European movements Volt & Diem25, visits to diverse national embassies to learn about their current relationships to Europe, a visit to the European Banking Authority and guest speaker Teun Dekker (Maastricht) on the philosophy of EU officials’ salaries. Stay tuned!


Reminder of our Info session, AGM and social, happening in a few hours! See you soon!


The LSE European Society is back at it, with an info session coupled up with its Annual General Meeting (and pub, of course!). We will kick off the evening with an info flash on the Society, and committee elections. If you want to partake in running one of the most exciting and diverse thematic societies on campus, and shaping the LSE debate on European affairs, this session will give you a chance to ask furhter question about the Society, run in elections and join the team. ...This formal part is then followed by a brief group discussion: With recent media attention on how UK university campuses view Brexit and European affairs, we will share perceptions on how Europe is currently portrayed at the LSE, which dimensions and topics are covered well, and which are not. Particular focus will be on the single currency, as the European Institute is hosting a speakers' event on the topic later in the evening. Last but not least, we will be rounding off the night at the Knights' Templar pub – depending on popular demand, this part of the evening may start at 8 PM after the EI speakers' event on the Euro has ended. See you soon!!
Always feel free to message us with any questions you may have about the event or the Society. NB! Against the earlier announced 6 PM, the meeting has been moved up by 30 minutes to 5.30, so that those attending the 'Future of the Euro' event at 6.30 PM will have time to join both events.
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Hello all, hopefully everyone's summer is going well! We have been contacted by the Associated Press about a story on how Brexit will impact students from the remaining EU countries studying in the UK, and they would like to speak to some such students studying in LSE.
If anyone's interested, please comment here or send us a message and we'll put your name forward.


Reminder! LSE European Institute's 'French presidential election: implications for France & Europe' panel tonight at 6.30pm in the Old Theatre!
Speakers: Christian Lequesne, Sciences Po John Peet, The Economist... Françoise Boucek, Queen Mary University of London
Chair: Sara Hobolt, LSE European Institute
More information available on the event page below.
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Opportunity! EuroPeers are offering training courses to young Europeans interested in organising local activities in their area and joining the network.
The network is looking for 18-25 year-olds with previous European volunteering, project or study experience (e.g. Erasmus, European Voluntary Service, etc.). The training courses offered near London will be held between March 25-31 and May 15-18.
The courses are residential (shared rooms) with all meals included. Elsewhere in... the UK, the courses will be held in Glasgow (May 8-11), Manchester (July 3-6), and Cardiff (July 24-27).
Participation fee: £50 (which will be refunded after you have organised an activity). Up to £50 of travel costs can be reimbursed.
If you are interested, please email
More about EuroPeers:

More about Lsesu European Society

Lsesu European Society is located at Houghton Street, WC2A 2AE London, United Kingdom