Lsf London & Uk

About Lsf London & Uk

Christ Centered Church

Lsf London & Uk Description

Keys of the Kingdom Ministries Life in the Spirit Fellowship is a Christian church, full gospel, Bible believing, Spirit empowered church.

Our Story

Keys of the Kingdom Ministries International- Life in the Spirit Fellowship London Chapter also known as LSF is full gospel believing, Bible based doctrine, Spirit empowered church.

The Pioneers

It was in 1998 when the Lord gave the desire to five Filipino overseas contract workers to conceive the birthing out of a church. These devoted body of believers are namely, Sister Alwina Bestoyong, Sister Grace Arenos, Sister Julie Barfoot, Sister Joy Gao-an and Sister Cielo Kramer who is married to an American theology student, Pastor Shane Kramer. They incessantly gather on Saturday and Sunday for prayer meetings and Bible studies in a house in Osborne, Stratford. Their acts of zealousness in prayer and seeking the Lord were the key in the birthing of the church, now conquering London for Christ.

The LSF- London

By 15th of October 1999, the body of Christ was officially called Keys of the Kingdom Ministries International-Life in the Spirit Fellowship-London Chapter. LSF London is linked with Keys of the Kingdom Ministries International-Life in the Spirit Fellowship-Philippines instigated by Spiritual Director Pastor Michael Pangwi.

From its humble beginnings, LSF-London has grown through the foundation of the strong leadership and faith in God’s great commission. LSF-London has encouraged an atmosphere of building relationship with one another through Christian fellowship and small groups, discovering their God given talents and gifting for the use in the ministry and built in the foundational truth in God’s word and through the work of the Holy Spirit in us towards Christlikeness that impacts the lives of others.

The Challenges and Opportunities

Before the year 2001 ends, Pastor Shane Kramer was called for a mission in the Philippines. LSF in its pioneering stage faced some challenges. But with these challenges, also came into sight the opportunities. Within one year absence of a local pastor, God has raised committed leaders who stood and pursued the vision of God in the ministry.

In response to the need of a shepherd to lead the flocks, the church in the Philippines sent their support by sending Pastor Mark Yapyapan who came just in time for the 3rd anniversary. When Pastor Mark left for an evangelical mission in China, Pastor Lambert Bolido came to oversee the church.

The Breakthrough and God’s Favour

Pastor Michael Pangwi had a vision that the Lord has chosen a member of the church to pastor His people. One night he heard God audibly spoke the name “Hermie, Hermie”. Pastor Hermie Quiring was installed as our local pastor on January 02, 2005.

Under Pastor Hermie’s leadership; we live through the vision that God has given us which is the great commission.

Now the congregation have grown in number and formed groups like the Youth Ministry, Men’s Ministry, Couples Ministry and Children’s Ministry, of which centres our vision to reach out and the goal of spiritual maturity of the LSF family for God’s glory and honour.

LSF-London became one of the International Mission Point of LSF Philippines. As God is strengthening the ministry it is being used as a base for other European mission points in France, Italy, Portugal, Greece (Athens & Crete) and Cyprus.

Most recently, June 2009, was the birthing of the St. George’s Hospital- London Outreach which is unique in setting. There was also the launching of LSF Kilburn- London Outreach, on October 2009. Walthamsthow Bible study group is also being conceived to be converted as an outreach.

Also in 2009 the church amazingly purchased the commercial building at a very low price with a down payment of £40, 000. The building became our sanctuary since 1999, and miraculously used it for free, because God touched the heart of the Christian couple who owns the place.

In 2009 we celebrated our 10th anniversary, which is the “Year of Pursuit”. We are in pursuit of the things of God and that we continue to celebrate of His promise that the best is yet to come.

Statement of Faith

1. We believe that there is only one and true living God; and that in the unity of the God-head, there are three persons namely: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, equal in divine perfection, working together in harmony, in Creation, Redemption and Sanctification.

2. We believe that the Bible is the Inspired Word of God to man and is the only basis of sound truth and doctrine. The Bible is the infallible and authoritative Word of God. It is the sole authority of our faith and practice. It contains the basic doctrine in Christian living, Christian discipline and Christian Worship.

3. We believe in the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, and was born into the world as the SON OF GOD AND SON OF MAN.

4. We believe that Salvation is only achieved through faith in JESUS CHRIST.

5. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy Trinity, that convicts the world of sin, of judgment and of righteousness, and that He (the Holy Spirit) bears witness for the Lord Jesus Christ, in fulfilling the great commission, accompanied with signs and wonders and miracles and furthermore we believe that the evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian is the evidence of speaking in tongues.

6. We believe that water Baptism is by immersion, and likewise the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion are ordinances mandated by our Lord for His church to do.

7. We believe that God has established the Local Church, endowed with ministry gifts to equip the saints for the work of service in the Kingdom of God, so that the believers who are united by the covenant of faith and the fellowship of the Gospel, will truly be fed, cared, strengthened, nurtured, protected and blessed. The Local Church is mandated to fulfill the great commission, in the power and in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, who guides, leads and directs its Mission.

8. We believe in the autonomy of the Local Church; and that God’s method of supporting the Local Church operation is by means of congregational giving, particularly the giving of the Tithes and Offering.

9. We believe in the Theocratic type of Church Government, whereby the authority to govern rest in the under shepherd whom the Lord has called to govern and Shepherd God’s flocks.

More about Lsf London & Uk

Lsf London & Uk is located at 268 Mitcham Road, SW17 9NT London, United Kingdom
(0044) 2087674257