Lunabel Reiki And Crystal Healing

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 18:30
Thursday: 10:00 - 19:30
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00

About Lunabel Reiki And Crystal Healing

Intuitive Angelic Reiki Healer & Soul Guide



Angel class - Tuesday 7th August 7pm to 8pm At the Olive Tree Community Centre (WA5 2NB) ┬Ż6 per person
This week weŌĆÖll be connecting with the beautiful energies of Archangel Haniel in our meditation ŌØż’ĖÅŌ£© weŌĆÖll be talking about honouring our individual sensitivity, and also how to call in this incredible archangel to support us during times of intense astrological activity ­¤īĢŌ£©
... And of course weŌĆÖll be doing a little angel card reading to set us up for the week ahead ­¤śćŌ£©
Come join us ­¤śā xx
#angels #archangel #archangelhaniel #graceofgod #grace #love #water #moon #sensitivity #flow #emotions #energy #change #transition #growth #loving #powerful #meditation #support #therapy #thankyouangels #angelcards #weeklyguidance #weeklyhealing #affirmativeangelprayer #angelprayers #angelichealing #connectwithyourangels
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Angel class - Tuesday 7th August 7pm to 8pm At the Olive Tree Community Centre (WA5 2NB) ┬Ż6 per person
This week weŌĆÖll be connecting with the beautiful energies of Archangel Haniel in our meditation ŌØż’ĖÅŌ£© weŌĆÖll be talking about honouring our individual sensitivity, and also how to call in this incredible archangel to support us during times of intense astrological activity ­¤īĢŌ£©
... And of course weŌĆÖll be doing a little angel card reading to set us up for the week ahead ­¤śćŌ£©
Come join us ­¤śā xx
#angels #archangel #archangelhaniel #graceofgod #grace #love #water #moon #sensitivity #flow #emotions #energy #change #transition #growth #loving #powerful #meditation #support #therapy #thankyouangels #angelcards #weeklyguidance #weeklyhealing #affirmativeangelprayer #angelprayers #angelichealing #connectwithyourangels
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Oh my goodness - YES! ŌØż’ĖÅŌØż’ĖÅŌØż’ĖÅ
I always say that you are your own healer, all I do is hold the space for you ­¤ÖÅ­¤Å╗Ō£©
A little challenge for you - think of something that you love about yourself. And If you feel comfortable to share it in the comments below then I would LOVE that ŌØż’ĖÅ
... Have a fantastic Thursday all ­¤śś xx
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Sending you all angelic blessings and so much love as we enter into a brand new month! ­¤ść­¤Öī­¤Å╗
Make it as awesome as you are! ŌØż’ĖÅ
Have a great one all xx


Oh WOW - Thank you SO much to everyone who came to angel class tonight! ŌØż’ĖÅ­¤ść
I am beyond grateful every single week that Angel Class is even a thing, and to spend a Tuesday evening with a room full of beautiful people with such gorgeous energies is just an absolute blessing ­¤ÖÅ­¤Å╗Ō£© #thankyouangels!
Archangel Michael was as lovingly fierce as ever! ­¤ÆÖŌ£© I loved hearing about all your individual connections with him during the meditation and in your own journeys ­¤ść And I LOVE that we h...ave a space to talk all things angels!
Thank you, thank you, thank you ­¤ÖÅ­¤Å╗­¤śŹ xxx
Ps - if any of tonightŌĆÖs members would like to join our angel class fb group then please send a friend request to my personal profile and I will add you (I will pop a link in the comments as I canŌĆÖt seem to tag myself ­¤śģ­¤żŻ)
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SO excited for an Archangel Michael angel class this evening ­¤śŹ­¤Öī­¤Å╗Ō£©­¤ÆÖ
All are welcome - come along and join us ­¤śćŌ£©


SO excited for an Archangel Michael angel class this evening ­¤śŹ­¤Öī­¤Å╗Ō£©­¤ÆÖ
All are welcome - come along and join us ­¤śćŌ£©


Thanks to everyone who joined in the Sunday Soul Draw today! ­¤śŹ­¤ÖÅ­¤Å╗­¤Æ½
Here are the reveals ŌØż’ĖÅ
... Card one - Trust your path
Wow! You have worked so hard to get to this point in your life, and your angels are absolutely celebrating that and reminding you to be SO proud of yourself! Your angels are also gently reminding you to ŌĆ£trust the processŌĆØ. It is so easy for us to get wrapped up in ŌĆ£progressŌĆØ and pushing ourselves forward that we can forget to appreciate the here & now. Your angels lovingly encourage you to set your goals and intentions in order to live your divine purpose of being happy, and they also lovingly encourage you to balance that out with taking some time for you. Allow yourself the space to celebrate all that you have achieved, knowing that your path is unfolding exactly as it should. You are divinely supported in all that you do ŌØż’ĖÅ
Card two - Priestess
There is certainly an energy of a very fiery and fierce love behind this card! The energy of the priestess in all about standing in your power ­¤öźYour angels know the INCREDIBLE level of strength you hold within you, and so they ask - why are you keeping yourself small? Do not allow the perceptions of others, or even your own limiting self-beliefs, to stand in the way of your true level of greatness. Call up the energy of the FIERCE divine feminine (yes even if you are a man - we all need that balance ­¤śē) and allow yourself to take the lead. Honour yourself as the divine spark of greatness that you are - call back your power from all times and all places, and as per NikeŌĆÖs advice (­¤żŻ) ŌĆ£Just Do ItŌĆØ!
Card three - Birthing a new age
ŌĆ£The sky is the limitŌĆØ - how many times have we heard that saying? And yet we choose to believe that ŌĆ£impossibleŌĆØ IS a limit. But why, when the very word itself spells out ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm possibleŌĆØ! If you can dream it, then you can absolutely do it! Your angels are encouraging you to channel that creative energy into action. All of those daydreams and ŌĆ£if onlyŌĆØ ideas are emanating from a divine source of inspiration - so work with that divine source to make those dreams become reality! Put pen to paper and thank the angels for working through you to show the most inspired course of action to put those wheels into motion, for the highest good of you and for the highest good of all. Be the one to break the pattern - be courageous and be daring. Feeling ŌĆ£stuckŌĆØ is the old energy - as the world shifts, so does our collective thinking and NOW is the time to reach for the stars ­¤Æ½
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Ō£© Soul Draw Sunday Ō£©
Allow your soul to select a card for guidance ŌØż’ĖÅ simply take a deep breath, ask yourself ŌĆ£what do I need to know right now?ŌĆØ and make your selection by commenting either 1, 2 or 3 below. Answers to be revealed later this evening ­¤Æ½ xx


Angel class - Tuesday 31st July 7pm to 8pm At the Olive Tree Community Centre (WA5 2NB) ┬Ż6 per person
... This week weŌĆÖll be connecting with the amazing energies of Archangel Michael in our meditation ŌØż’ĖÅŌ£© weŌĆÖll also be talking cords, the cutting of said cords, and energy awareness ­¤Æ½
And of course weŌĆÖll be doing a little angel Card reading to set us up for the week ahead ­¤śćŌ£©
Come join us ­¤śā xx
#angels #archangel #archangelmichael #hewholikegod #thelikenessofgod #strength #protection #fiercelove #bluelight #cords #cordcutting #energy #change #transition #growth #loving #powerful #meditation #support #therapy #thankyouangels #angelcards #weeklyguidance #weeklyhealing #affirmativeangelprayer #angelprayers #angelichealing #connectwithyourangels
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Angel class - Tuesday 31st July 7pm to 8pm At the Olive Tree Community Centre (WA5 2NB) ┬Ż6 per person
... This week weŌĆÖll be connecting with the amazing energies of Archangel Michael in our meditation ŌØż’ĖÅŌ£© weŌĆÖll also be talking cords, the cutting of said cords, and energy awareness ­¤Æ½
And of course weŌĆÖll be doing a little angel Card reading to set us up for the week ahead ­¤śćŌ£©
Come join us ­¤śā xx
#angels #archangel #archangelmichael #hewholikegod #thelikenessofgod #strength #protection #fiercelove #bluelight #cords #cordcutting #energy #change #transition #growth #loving #powerful #meditation #support #therapy #thankyouangels #angelcards #weeklyguidance #weeklyhealing #affirmativeangelprayer #angelprayers #angelichealing #connectwithyourangels
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A Course In Miracles defines a miracle as a ŌĆ£shift in perception from fear to loveŌĆØ ŌØż’ĖÅ
I adore this quote from Gabrielle BernsteinŌĆÖs ŌĆ£The Universe Has Your BackŌĆØ. It reminds us of the power of our perception, but it also reminds us that we hold the limitless power to shift that perception in any moment that we choose.
Do we bemoan that today is a ŌĆ£grey dayŌĆØ? Or do we smile knowing that underneath the sky is ALWAYS blue, and the covering of grey clouds doesnŌĆÖt change that fact...?
Have a wonderful and miraculous Saturday all ­¤śś xx
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In case anyone else is feeling the crazy this week ­¤ś▒­¤śģ here is an affirmative angel prayer to AA Haniel to help you ride that wave like a kick-ass surfer ­¤Åä­¤Å╗ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Öī­¤Å╗­¤Æā­¤Å╗ xx
ŌĆ£Thank you Archangel Haniel for connecting with me as I choose to harness the magical and powerful energies of the moon. I move out of the way and allow the incredible lunar energies to flow freely though me. I set the intention to release that which is no longer serving me, and lovingly honour and embrace the tide of my emotions. It is safe for me to be so powerfully sensitive. It is safe for me to grow and expand. I know that the shadow side is my biggest teacher, and the universe is supporting me in becoming my most authentic self. I embrace my inner goddess and the divine feminine energies within. And so it is - thank you, thank you, thank youŌĆØ


There is something so lovingly powerful about saying a prayer on someoneŌĆÖs behalf. We all want the best for the people we care about, but sometimes we just canŌĆÖt ŌĆ£fixŌĆØ the situation, no matter how much we wish we could. DonŌĆÖt get caught in a space of beating yourself up about it - instead put that energy to positive action and channel all of the love you have for them into saying a loving prayer for their highest good - to the universe, or the angels, or whoever you fee...l most comfortable with.
The energy of prayer is a powerful thing, and I truly believe that a prayer from the heart can be felt, and that it holds the power to make a difference ŌØż’ĖÅŌ£©
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One of my favourites ŌØż’ĖÅŌ£©
Have an amazing Friday gorgeous butterflies ­¤śś­¤ść xx


ŌĆ£We are all sacred mirrors reflecting back the same lightŌĆØ
What a beautiful message that is!
... Have a wonderful Wednesday all ­¤śś xx
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Absolutely massive THANK YOU to all who came to Angel Class tonight! ­¤Öī­¤Å╗ŌØż’ĖÅ
We had the absolute please of Lesley Fisher- Hall and her gorgeous group joining us and it was just fantastic! Thank you so much Lesley for your knowledge and wisdom ­¤ÖÅ­¤Å╗­¤śćŌ£© The energy in the room was just incredible ŌØż’ĖÅŌØż’ĖÅ
Thank you all once again for making my week ­¤śŹŌ£© and for choosing to spend your Tuesday evening in our little space. I feel so blessed and so thankful for each and every one of you!
... Have a wonderful week all ­¤śś­¤śś xx
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Ō£©Ō£© Angelic Reiki Training - 2 day Course Ō£©Ō£© Thursday 13th September and Friday 14th September 2018
This course will qualify you to Angelic Reiki Level 1 and there is a big emphasis on self-healing with this level. My intention is to keep the group to a maximum of 3 people per course, to ensure the upmost attention, coaching and support is given to each student. The price is ┬Ż133 per student and includes the extensive Angelic Reiki Manual, Attunement crystal, lunch and refres...hments throughout the 2 days, and ongoing support after you have qualified.
Level 1 is the most intensive level and forms the foundation for your reiki journey. Students will gain the majority of their Reiki knowledge during this level, and embark upon their own individual healing journeys.
Angelic Reiki is not only my livelihood and my passion, I truly feel that it is my calling ŌØż’ĖÅ And I am so blessed to say that it is a journey that has transformed my life. By training with me you can be assured that I will share with you the full extent of my knowledge, so that you may start off your own healing journey towards achieving such a transformational shift within your own life.
If you feel drawn to learn with me, please drop me a message and I will reserve your space (A ┬Ż50 deposit will be required to secure your space).
Should you have any questions then please donŌĆÖt hesitate to get in touch ŌØż’ĖÅ
With my Love, blessings (and lots of excitement ­¤śü­¤Öī­¤Å╗ŌØż’ĖÅ)
Rachael xx
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More about Lunabel Reiki And Crystal Healing

Lunabel Reiki And Crystal Healing is located at Hadleigh Close, Great Sankey, WA5 3SA Warrington, England
Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 18:30
Thursday: 10:00 - 19:30
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00