Lydia Bogert

About Lydia Bogert

5-Star rated Top Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist empowering + helping WOMEN achieve lasting mental and physical health naturally.



As the sun sets each day, take some time to recalibrate and breathe. With each sunset comes the blessing of sleep and opportunity to rejuvenate and restore our bodies and minds. As the sun rises each morning, make a conscious decision to be mindful of your words, actions and feelings. Each new day is a new mini beginning. We never know how many we have left, so use each sunset and sunrise as great and limited magical gifts.


We all have to deal with set backs in life. It's HOW we deal with them that matters.


Hi beautiful people! I'll be going live at 8:30pm gmt today for your daily dose of inspiration and motivation. Sending love and light. X - Lydia


Mesmerised by the smells, sights, sounds and tastes of Borough Market today. Food has the ability to evoke strong associations and memories, which result in solid feelings and emotions. Our imaginations are so wondrous that we can experience physical sensations just by THINKING of something. For example, imagine biting into a lemon. I mean REALLY imagine it ... what happens? Our minds are so powerful and we are capable of incredible feats. Wishing you all a beautiful day. x Love and light - Lydia


Hi from Royal Ascot! Some people bet on horses. Why not bet on your happiness and mental health by investing in your mind? You will reap all kinds of benefits. You are worth it! X - Lydia


Here's something concrete you can do next time you're having a moment of weakness. Love and light. - Lydia


Achieve your goals by learning the importance of Visualisation! Prime your brain for SUCCESS with the principle of the law of harmonious attraction: ACT AS IF!


Just like a wave peaks in force and intensity and crashes, so too do intense moments in life. There's no question that things will calm down, it's a question of what we do while its peaking. Emotions, feelings, thoughts, anxiety, panic, arguments etc bring us all to the brink sometimes, but HOW you deal in the moment makes or breaks you. You can decide to surrender and drown, or you can choose to stand up to the challenge and fight. Fight for your survival, fight for your future, fight for what you know right. You have somewhere to go, just as we all do. Don't let the waves drown you. Rise above. Learn how to surf those waves and you will start winning. You are worth learning how to surf. You are worth the fight. You are here for a reason. This is your chance. What are going to do?


Manifest your own destiny! It's your life, it's your choice!


You deserve to be wealthy and successful. You also deserve to be happy. Although money does NOT equate with happiness, think about how much good you could do in the world for yourself, your loved ones and those in need. Learn how to unblock your negative beliefs about money and success by reprogramming your mind and abundance will flow. It's ok to want more. Dont be afraid to reach for the stars.


Good morning beautiful people! Here's a thought for you this morning. Love and light. - Lydia


Seek and you shall find. Happiness is something, which if we look for and expect, we will be able to find right under our very noses, for it is within us all. If you are looking all around you trying to gain affirmation from the world, you are looking in the wrong place. Look within, and right in front of you. Seek and you shall find. I'm here to teach you the skills you need to live a happy and fulfilled life.


Is anxiety holding you back and ruining your life? You're not alone and there is hope! Anxiety is epidemic and presents itself in many sneaky ways. I tackle anxiety head on, helping you change your beliefs, feelings, thoughts and actions to help you get rid of it once and for all. Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy is one of the BEST ways of dealing with most forms of anxiety. Call me anytime. 07934598779 - Lydia


Do you suffer from debilitating panic attacks? You're not alone. Many people like you are suffering silently. Learn how to STOP panic before it spirals out of control into an attack. I combine highly effective CBT counselling and Hypnotherapy to radically STOP panic attacks and CHANGE your life.


Lydia's approach is professional. She is an attentive and discerning listener that tailors her therapeutic methods to best suit each person's concerns and needs. She has helped me address a pressing issue . Her approach is warm, with sincere intentions. As a CBT Hypnotherapist, she diligently uses her skills to help get you through your personal obstacles. I highly recommend Lydia to anyone out there who is seeking a break through in life and is held back by the debilitating conditions that engulf our mind be it anxiety, phobia or fear.


Lydia made me feel so comfortable, calm and relaxed at our sessions. She has honestly helped me so much and has made the impossible now possible. I feel she has truly given me a new lease of life and really cannot thank her enough for that. Amazing.


Lydia is an excellent practitioner of CBT-based hypnotherapy. She takes the time to listen and gain an in-depth understanding of her clients’ needs and goals, and then charts a bespoke path to addressing their issues and employing guided meditations and other tools to help unlock solutions for some of life’s biggest and smallest challenges.


It's cool!


I would highly recommend Lidia for her therapy work . She is exceptionally thorough with a friendly and reassuring approach. She is easy to confide in and she has helped me at a very challenging time in my life. I cannot speak highly enough and am so grateful. I am in huge admiration of her.


I came out of Lydia's sessions feeling refreshed and more clear headed. Lydia helped me to become more in touch with both my thoughts and feelings, and gave me the skills to continue my path to a stress free life. I am very thankful to Lydia and would highly recommend her sessions.

More about Lydia Bogert