Madara Abele

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Madara Abele

I'm a social media manager /consultant based in London, United Kingdom. I have a passion for social media and I love to help businesses grow

Madara Abele Description

I'm a social media consultant and I help businesses to grow their social media presence. I can help you to discover how to do social media successfully, drive more traffic to your website or simply engage with your fans better.
I have experience with FB Ads so, driving traffic, generating leads and much more features can be delivered to your business, so you don't have to worry about doing it yourself! : )



This week's 'Skim: How brands can switch up their social strategy in the wake of Facebook's big algorithm change


Alex from Brilliant Digital has joined Interneta Biznesa Forums IBF.LV to talk you through SEO guidelines for 2018! Live Q&A, so go ahead, join in and ask your questions! :)
#seo #seolive


FB turpmāk ''sodīs'' tās biznesa lapas, kuras izmantos šos mārketinga trikus! Ieskaties šajā postā un izlasi ja tev ir FB PAGE! :) t-news-feed-tweak-…


Social media isn't one-size-fits-all-😑
Understand which social media platform(s) are best for your business. Just because everyone else seems to be on Facebook doesn't mean you need to be. Social media isn't one-size-fits-all. If you want to improve your SEO, then Google+ or YouTube might be your best choice. If you want to drive traffic to your site or improve your customer engagement, then Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest might be a better fit, accordin...g to Social Media Today.
[LV] Izprotiet, kura sociālā mediju platforma(-s) vislabāk atbilst jūsu uzņēmējdarbībai. Tikai tāpēc, ka visi pārējie izmanto Facebook, nenozīmē, ka jums tur ir jābūt. Sociālie mediju platformas nav piemērotas visām uz\nēmējdarbības jomām. Ja jūs vēlaties uzlabot savu SEO, tad Google+ vai YouTube varētu būt jūsu vislabākā izvēle. Ja vēlaties novirzīt traffic uz jūsu vietni vai uzlabot klientu iesaistīšanos, Facebook, Twitter un Pinterest varētu būt piemērotākas platformas.
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Kā pareizi izvedot FB Biznesa lapu un kādai ir jābūt tās struktūrai?Vai Twitteris is mirsi kā aktīva sociālo mediju platforma un FB pārņem vadību? To un daudz ko citu skaties šajā laivā! :)


Lets play a game!🤪😝
Add your sentences in comments and tag your friends to see what they have!🙈😊


You have a website, you are getting some visitors but you are not seeing results that you want?!
See THIS video where Alex will share some tips how to generate more leads.


Twitter announced 280 characters back in October, but is it any good? Have you you already used this?
Oktobrī Twitter paziņoja par rakstzīmju pagarināšanu no 140 uz 280, bet vai šī stratēģija atmaksājās?…/two-mont hs-in-280-ch…/1451504
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This morning live! :)
#seo #sociāliemēdiji


Guys I had a pleasure to participate on FB Live! Check it out! :) I will be live tomorrow at 10:00 when I will be introducing you all to FB Ads and what benefit can it bring to your business.
Man bija vienreizēja iespēja pabūt laiviņā! Tiksimier rītdien 10:00, kad stāstīšu par FB Advertising (reklāmām) un kā tās var palīdzēt tavam biznesam!


[blog post] Business Owners! Are you looking to generate more leads/sales from your website?
Read my article below to find out WHY you should NOT neglect your website and WHY website maintenance is one of the key success factors for your business.


Don't like your own posts. Of course you like your post. You posted it! But don't "like" or "favorite" your own material. Encourage your employees, however, to share and like the material that is posted. Your employees can be your brand's greatest ambassadors. ✨😑
Don't ignore comments. It is vital to engage with your customers. With no engagement, they may feel as if you don't care about their question, comment or concern. It all comes back to customer s...ervice. Don't ignore relevant comments. Use them as an opportunity to interact with your followers and show them how you address positive and negative situations.
Ps-If i will have more than 50 likes,every Friday from now I will be sharing with you some social media tips & tricks, dos and donts!☺️ Watch this space and follow for more!👌🏻
Comment, Like & Share! ❤️
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Saturday morning has started nice & sunny!What are your plans for today?💖


"83% of small business owners who already own a website feel they have a competitive advantage over those without one" - according to GoDaddy. If you are a business owner and don't have a website yet OR perhaps you have one but not sure how is helping you >> Watch the video below to find out the most important reasons how a website can help grow your business.


13 #Facebook Live Tips from Hootsuite’s Social Media Team #socialmedia #digitalmarketing tips/

More about Madara Abele

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -