Maintainfit Personal Training

About Maintainfit Personal Training

maintainfit is Personal Training targeting those who want to lose weight and get fit in an outdoor environment or within a gym located in Fulham, London.



Awesome repost from @beastmode_training #idoindeed #gohardorgohome #thegymismybattlefield #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #trainwithme


Summer is coming in the Northern Hemisphere so get your ass into shape (literally)!! Southern Hemisphere you may as well do it as well as summer bodies are made in the winter 😉 Squats are an awesome way to help lose unwanted body fat and tone not only your behind but full body as this is a compound exercise that involves multiple big muscle groups. The more muscle activated the more calories burnt! Give my 30 Day Squat Challenge a go and start heading towards your fitness It gets tough but keep going, if you need breaks take them especially if you start losing form but do try and keep them as short as possible. Push through it and even just the feeling of accomplishment will be well worth the effort. Make sure you have correct form while squatting to avoid injuries and unwanted pain and get the most out of this exercise. #squats #squatmotivation #squatlife #asstothegrass #glutes #summerbooty #workhardgetresults #pushpullgrind #determination #motivation #summerbody #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #trainwithme #easygymfulham #easygym #feeltheburn #gym #instafit #fitfam #fitness #fit #loseweight #tone #thatass
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#traininsaneorremainthesame #beastmode #goals #hardworkbeatstalent #mindset #dedication #chargetoday #thegymismybattlefield #fitfam #fitness #gym #gymlife #pushpullgrind #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #easygym #easygymfulham #trainwithme #followme


This is a great way to make your diet a little healthier from the doco #thatsugarfilm For anyone wanting to get get fitter and healthier I definitely recommend a watch. Amazing what people don't know about sugar! #food #healthy #healthoptions #foodswaps #reducesugar and #badfats #cleaneating #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #easygymfulham


Agreed #rackyourweights #gymvomit #lazypeople #respectgetsrespect #treatyourgymlikeyourhome #gym #gymlife


A really good #mass builder for your #arms is #barbellbicepcurls . It is important to make sure you keep the correct technique allowing the only #movement during the #exercise to happen at the elbow. This places all the #tension and #weight into the #biceps creating maximum #musclefibre #activation making them bigger and stronger. I usually start my #bicepworkout with these and go nice and #heavy for 4 #sets of 8-10 #reps There are many variations of this exercise so... get one mixed into your #arm #workout and get some #results . #bigarms #biggerbiceps #sunsoutgunsout #getbig #getripped#maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #traininsaneorremainthesame #trainwithme #easygym #easygymfulham #personaltrainer #gains #beastmode #fitnessmodel #nevergiveup #itwillhappen #pushpullgrind #instafit #fitfam #orange #salmon #getbigordietrying
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#2016 #gymlife #gym #pushpullgrind #newyearresolution #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #easygym #easygymfulham #practice #warmup #gametime #goals #traininsaneorremainthesame #sweatisfatcrying #gains #fitness #exercise


Anyone wondered what the random vibrating machine in the corner of your gym does? It's actually called a Power Plate and can be used for a few different things such as, Warming up - the vibration helps recruit all your muscle fibres and get them all firing, there for making you stronger when you get into your heavy training. Stretching - after your workout the power plate can be useful to stretch out tight muscles using a lower vibrat...ion which allows the muscle to loosen. Massage - the power plate can also be used for a gentle massage on those aching muscles. I highly recommend using the step by step instructions or talking to a professional in your gym before using a Power Plate because they can be amazingly useful they can also be dangerous to your spine if not used properly. #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #fitfam #instafit #fit #strong #massage #stretch #powerplate #vibrations #warmup #muscleactivation #easygym #easygymfulham #followme #trainwithme #getresults #newyearresolution #pushpullgrind #gym #gymlife #2016
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2016 is so close it's scary! Get a jump start on your #newyearresolution to get that #flatbelly or #6pack with this #abs #circuit . Complete #cablecrunches #russiantwist and #battleropes (drummer) for 45sec one after another without rest then straight into a #plank until failure. Rest for 90secs then repeat. Do this 4/5 times. Too easy? Increase the time of your sets to a minute or longer as you get #fitter and #stronger. #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #gym #core #coreexercises #fitness #gym #pushpullgrind #feeltheburn #goals #easygym #easygymfulham #personaltrainer #trainwithme #followme #trainwithme #strong #fit #instafit #fitfam


Need to #burn #calories #fast after #Christmas ? Grab one of the #battleropes from #easygym for a fast #effective #workout . Make sure you keep your #form even when you start to #fatigue . Key #technique pointers are- Keep #tension on your #quads by staying low in a half #squat , keep your #core / #abs tight the whole time (protecting your lower back. Hold the #battleropes #tight and pretend your playing the #drums #like you've never played before. Seems #easy ? Set a #timer ...#goforit rest for #30seconds then pick them back up and beat your last #settime . #repeat 6 #sets #goodluck . This will get the calories #burning and start #shedding those extra #trimmings you #enjoyed so much over the #holidays. #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #easygym #pushpullgrind #cardio #gym #fitness #shred #hiit #hiitcardio #trainwithme #losebodyfat #instafit #fitfam #dontgiveup #goals #dreams #reachfurther #pushharder
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And the rest of the #upperbodyworkout #tricepcablepushdown #tricepdips #seateddumbbellshoulderpress #standingbarbellshoulderpress #barbellbicepcurls #dumbbellhammercurls #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #easygym #easygymfulham #gym #fitness #instafit #fitfam #muscle #strength #traininsaneorremainthesame #sweatisfatcrying #reps #sets #dominate #pushpullgrind


Want to start building #muscle or #strength or both but don't know where to start? Try this full #upperbodyworkout using a mixture of #exercisemachines #cablemachines and #freeweights and start #feelingthegains #chestpress #pecfly #latpulldown #cableseatedrow #feeltheburn #easygym #pushpullgrind #easygym #getstrong #buildmuscle #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit look at your #muscles @lucy_wnbfpro_puffin 💪💪💪 rest of exercises to follow....


Hit your #core before the Turkey does. One of my favourite pieces of #equipment to do this is the #trx The #trxsidecrunch activates all of the #abs and #obliques really nicely with an intense #burn when done with proper #form, see how many you can do! #gym #fitness #train #trainhard #trxtraining #coretraining #corestrength #abdominals #trainwithme #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #easygymfulham #easygym #getripped #pushpullgrind #workitoff


It was #backandbis day for me today. Usually start off with something like a #cableseatedrow to get my #lats firing. I like to do about 15 #reps light #weight to #warmup then 4 #heavy #sets of 8-10. #back #biceps #trainhard #getstrong #getfit #fitness #gym #followme #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #easygym #easygymfulham #buildmuscle


If you tried the last #exercise I posted and liked it give this other #abdominal #muscle exercise a go. #hangingwindshieldwipers keep tension on the #serratus #muscles while working your #obliques . #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #easygymuk #easygym #easygymfulham #personaltrainer #trainwithme #followme #gym #fitness #getfit #getstrong


Take #hanginglegraises one step further by contracting your #abs and driving your #hips forward creating almost an upside down plank then come down slowly unrolling keeping that #core squeezed. #abs #core #hangingraises #abkiller #barwork #easygymuk #easygymfulham #maintainfitpersonaltraining #maintainfit #personaltrainer #followme #trainwithme #sweatisfatcrying #nopainnogain #abtime


I have a #lovehaterelationship with #lunges possibly because I always do them at the end of my workout to finish off my #legs. Awesome exercise for hitting all four leg muscles #quads #glutes #hamstrings #calfs and not to mention core activation and strength to help balance while performing this exercise. Best thing about this #exercise is that there are so many variations to so you can #mixitup. #personaltrainer #maintainfitpersonaltraining #easygym #felixschumackphotography #train #followme #easygymuk #easygymfulham #orange

More about Maintainfit Personal Training

Maintainfit Personal Training is located at Inner Park Road, Southfields, SW19 6ED London, United Kingdom