Make Britain Great Again.

About Make Britain Great Again.

Our purpose is to oppose the collapse of the British culture and nation, particularly to resist:

the cultural terrorism of postmodernism, which is colloquially referred to as “political correctness”, and was envisioned by Gramsci, Lukacs, and Marcuse

Make Britain Great Again. Description

Non-partisan traditionalist campaign group. #TradLife

The People's Charter Foundation was established for the non-violent promotion of British (and in Ireland, Irish) identity, welcoming all patriots, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, or where in a manner that is peaceful and with acknowledgement of British law as supreme, any religious practice.

2016 will go down in history as the year when we, the people, of Britain stood up to the establishment, when the 52% came together, and forced the government to hear their voice. We must stay united, whatever party we be, and move forward as one, pushing for the Brexit referendum to be respected, regaining pride in Britain, and challenging the obsessed "liberal elite" that ignores the voice of the people.

The "chattering classes" of the Islington (and Dublin) metropolitan elite, many who worked in the arts and non-profits, never had a real job and are completely out of touch with the people. The likes of Anna Soubry, Diane Abbot and Emily Thornberry don't speak for us. Enough is enough. The people won't accept this any longer.

There was a long and difficult struggle to establish the British concept of negative liberty, including your right to vote – your right to choose and fire politicians, so as to ensure your voice is heard. In 1215, Magna Carta, “the Grand Charter”, granted free men a voice. The English Civil War questioned whether Parliament or the monarch was supreme. In 1838, another Charter was written, the People’s Charter, demanding for universal suffrage. There was also the battle of the suffragettes. Today, in 2016, the People’s Charter was written, to demand our freedom – the result of the June the 23rd referendum must be accepted.

The demands of the new Chartist movement is as follows:

The six points of the People's Charter of 2016 are as follows:
1. Stop globalism, and seek greater integration of the Commonwealth realms: A points-based skills-driven migration policy. To leave the globalist EU, including the 'single market'. No more open border experiments. Deny entry to asylum seekers that do not meet the UN definition of a ‘refugee’;
2. Englishman’s home is his castle: Government to interfere in our lives as little as possible, to be downsized. The national budget must be balanced and taxes lower, including abolition of the TV tax;
3. Stop cultural Marxism: To regain our British identity, rather than be ashamed of British national flags, and history. Stop academia’s’ anti-British hard-left bias;
4. A strong military is essential, including a tough approach on Islamofascist terrorism. Do not allow jihadis entry back into Britain;
5. Cultural integration into the nation-state: Migrants require to speak English, our our core language. Resist multiculturalism, oppose political correctness, and allow religion only to be practised in a manner that is peaceful and with acknowledgement of British law as supreme;
6. In the spirit of the 1838 Charter's sixth point that was never realised, for the right to recall bad MPs;

We welcome you to form in your constituency a Chartists group that stands for the six points above, and protests not just for Brexit /Irexit but all of the above. It is time to stand up to the establishment. The “chattering classes” of the Islington metropolitan elite, many who worked in the arts and non-profits, never had a real job and are completely out of touch with the people. Enough is enough. The people won’t accept this any longer.

More about Make Britain Great Again.

Make Britain Great Again. is located at W1B 5TB London, United Kingdom