Mali Marafini

About Mali Marafini

Financial Services Technologist, Fintech Innovator and Corporate blogger

Mali Marafini Description

Financial Services CIO /COO Executive, Corporate Intrepreneur, one of the few Senior women from a diversity background with deep Fintech experience in Tier One Financial Services.
Finalist for Women in IT awards, & Mentor for Accelerators
- Finalist-Future, CIO of the Year Information Age Awards, 2015
- Innovate Finance 2015 - 100 Women in Fintech UK 'female leaders and business driver'
- Advisor for UKGov Fintech
- Mentor Level39
- Mentor Startupbootcamp
- FDM Everywoman Technology Awards – Start-up & Innovator for 2015

Innovation hub for Intrepreneurial ventures bridging gaps between emergent Fintech, challenging firms and market structures through. . .
-Collaborative partnership ecosystems
-Advisory on disruption, re-invention of business models,
-Lean start-up crowd-sourced innovation & MVP
-Uber Market places, Consortia, Chaordic Utilities, re-engineering legacy architecture
-White label As a Service B2B, B2C and P2P multi-tier Cloud /Digital /Mobile /Social
-Crowd Fund Industrialised scale-able ventures to IPO

Industry experience
- Extensive leadership in investment, wholesale, private, retail, commercial banking, capital markets, commodities, asset, wealth management, hedge funds, group functions
- Manage > £100M funds, ROI over £30m growth, change, TCO reduction; teams 100 + ,
- Strategic Adviser ‘invest and expand’ ROI ventures monetizing undervalued portfolios, M& A, divestitures, product launches, IPO readiness
- Fintech Program Director, Product Designer, Business Architect of complex solutions in
-F2B Trading, Operations, Payments, Cryptocurrencies, Risk, Reg, Finance;
-Cloud based BPAAS, SAAS, PAAS
-Big Data predictive Analytics,
-Re-engineering to decommission legacy platforms.
- Risk – Operational, Market, Credit, Liquidity, Financial Crimes; Regulatory - Basel. RWA, Dodd Frank, Volcker, EMIR, MiFID II, Solvency II etc
- Vendor Management -offshore outsourcing
- Target Operating model, Lean Six Sigma