Maliha Salman Counselling

About Maliha Salman Counselling

Qualified integrative counsellor and psychotherapist blogging about emotional wellbeing and raising awareness of mental health issues



I am now listed on psychology today as a verified therapist. See my profile for more information on my work:…/couns …/eng/croydon/445172…
#counselling #psychotherapy #psychology #stress #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth


#mentalhealthawarness #depression #stress #anxiety #potential #anxiety #selfacceptance #selfworth #selflove #idealselfvsrealself #young #youth #selfesteem #acceptance #counsellor #psychotherapy #healthmind #positiveaffirmation


You matter
#selfacceptance #selfworth #selflove #selfesteem #affirmations #positiveaffirmation #socialmedia #counselling #counsellor #change #mentalhealthawarness #mentalhealth #youngminds #youth #positivelife #psychotherapy #depression #anxiety


An #inspirationalquote that reminds us to reach our full potential and strive to find our #authenticself. Maslow proposes that in order for one to feel #selffulfillment, one must ensure their basic needs and psychological needs are met. In other words, taking care of your own needs leads to personal growth!
#selfworth #selfcare #selflove #selfactualisation #selfacceptance #growth #personaldevelopment #psychotherapy #psychology #counsellor #mentalhealthawarness #depression #stress #anxiety #potential #positive itive #dailyreminder #lifequotes #positivelife #change #validation #emotionalwellbeing #mindovermatter


Imagine a world where your individuality was celebrated rather than criticised. Imagine having no expectations placed on you or the pressure to conform, just the freedom to make your own choices. Imagine feeling truly accepted and loved regardless of your mistakes or even your achievements. If only the world was #nonjudgemental and we all had #unconditionalpositiveregard for each other. #counselling #psychotherapy #psychotherapy #mentalhealth #reflection #empathy #respect #dailyreminder #positive #postnataldepression #depression #anxiety #affirmed #actualisation #worldwide #lifequotes #positivelife #change


Sad reality


Empathy- hearing and accepting what one is saying and feeling, without imposing our own judgments, assumptions, and biases. I would without a doubt say that this is the most important thing I learnt as a trainee psychotherapist. Feeling understood, believed, and accepted leads to healing as one is able to put down their defences and process their story without the fear of being told their narrative isn't valid. It sounds like such a simple process, but it really is very power...ful. Yet, it is something that we rarely receive in everyday life. What are your thoughts on this? #empathy #motivation #healing #stress #depression #anxiety #lifequotes #dailyinspiration #reflection #selfworth #selflove #mentalhealthawarness #mentalhealthstigma #life #nonjudgmental #emotionalwellbeing #personaldevelopment #inspire #simplereminder #talk #counselling #psychotherapy #positivelife #emotions #selfesteem #validation #givingback
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Something to reflect on. What are your thougts on this? Comment below. . . #selfreflection #selfworth #selfesteem #selfacceptance #stress #depression #anxiety #motivation #mentalhealthstigma #mentalhealth #emotionalwellbeing #bodyimage #bodydysmorphia #socialanxiety #socialmedia #positivebodyimage #lifequotes #dailyinspiration #reflection #mindovermatter


Many of us have a need to belong, to conform, and to be accepted by the people around us. However, at times this can be damaging to self-acceptance, as the focus is then on what others think and meeting their expectations. This is particularly true for people pleasers. It is important to know when to push through the need to be accepted by others, and the tendency to conform to the "norms" within families, social groups and cultural groups. Think of this as a sorting process ...and reflect on: 🔹The parts of your identity which are important to you. 🔹Which external expectations are important for you to meet. 🔹When and who you want to conform with. Then compare this with: 🔹Who's opinion of you shouldn't matter. 🔹Who/what do you not wish to conform with. 🔹Where would it be more valuable to accept yourself and your own choices and values rather than look for this acceptance from others. Reflect on these areas and figure out where there needs to be change in order for you to grow and develop more self-acceptance and self-love. #selfacceptance #selflove #selfreflection #lifequotes #selfworth #dailyinspiration #counselling #psychotherapy #anxiety #depression #motivational #personaldevelopment #mentalhealth #positiveaffirmations #stress #positivementalhealth #life #expectation #selfesteem #students
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When the thought of doing something fills you with fear, it is most likely the very thing you should be doing in order to develop yourself. Our inner critic is very good at stopping us from achieving our full potential, as we act out on internalised expectations from the past. These internalised expectations are usually telling us that we cannot do something or are incapable, and are rarely in line with our needs in our present life. It can thus be invaluable to work on these old maladaptive expectations of ourselves with new ones that are out of our comfort zone.
#innercritic #comfortzone #personaldevelopment #fear #counsellor #counselling #psychotherapy #motivational #dailyinspiration #dailyreminder #quotestoliveby #simplereminder #anxiety #stress #depression #mindovermatter #goals #reflection #selfworth #selfesteem #selflovequotes #selflove #lifequotes #positiveaffirmations #mentalhealth #mentalhealthstigma #examstress #studentlife #life #lovelife
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