
About Mamazons

A business page for the mighty Mamazons! Find out about what we offer in the way of Hypnobirthing classes, private Hypnobirthing in the comfort of your own home and pregnancy relaxation classes. Please get in touch if you are interested. xx

Mamazons Description

Welcome to MAMAZONS! I'm Joanna; mother of two incredible young men, 'stepmum' to two incredible younger boys and partner to one incredible man! I'm an enthusiastic Samba drummer and a Hypnobirthing teacher with a HUGE PASSION for SUPPORTING WOMEN and helping them to claim their BIRTH experience as the AMAZING, EMPOWERING TRANSFORMATION that it can be!

Many women have worries and fears about giving birth, however delighted they may be to be pregnant and I totally understand why. However, I know for a FACT that it doesn't have to feel that way. By arming yourself with a tool kit of powerful knowledge and skills, any woman can become a BADASS AT BIRTH!

Personally I have overcome several sizeable bumps in the road and have reached a point where it's not enough to just survive. I have found my voice and am no longer willing to be unheard or left feeling powerless in any situation. I have learnt a lot along the way that I know I can use to lift other women up and to support them on this crazy ride to motherhood. It's time to fight back and I intend to build a tribe of strong, fearless mothers who are armed, dangerous and ready to hit the ground running! BRING ON THE MAMAZONS! ! !


HYPNOBIRTHING GROUP CLASSES - £220 for the full course (for you and your birthing partner)

HYPNOBIRTHING PRIVATE TUITION - £250 for the full course (for you and your birthing partner)

PREGNANCY RELAXATION GROUP CLASSES - £35 for a 4 week block (just for you)

Please contact me on 07877739335 or at if you are interested or need any more details; I'd love to hear from you.

Some questions crop up quite often so I've answered them here:

Q: But what is Hypnobirthing (I've heard it's a bit weird)?!

A: It's simply a set of ideas, information and techniques based on evidence and science which will help you to reduce your fear and build your confidence around giving birth. There's no chanting or vagina whispering, I won't make you dance or hug each other and I almost never wear a long purple cloak or dangle stuff in front of you! ;0)

Q: But can't I just read a book?

A: Of course. but you can't ask it questions or discuss anything you're not sure about with it and you won't meet anybody else who's in the same boat. Finding a community of like minded people can be invaluable, especially once your baby arrives.

Q: Should I join a class or book private tuition?

A: That depends on how you feel about it as both have their advantages. Private tuition is in the comfort of your own home and you will have my undivided attention but in a class you will meet other like-minded people, get involved in group discussions and it's a little bit cheaper. It's your call!

Q: If I learn Hypnobirthing will I have a perfect, painfree, drugfree birth?

A: I don't know and anyone who promises you this has got the wrong end of the stick! There probably won't be any rainbows and unicorns floating around on clouds (unless you go with the drugs option) but it also won't be a terrifying chainsaw massacre situation with everyone running around and you screaming like it is on telly. What Hypnobirthing does give you is the tools to be able to cope well with whatever happens on the day and I promise you that it is possible to enjoy your birth however you choose to do it and to feel INCREDIBLE about it afterwards.

Q: Did you use Hypnobirthing yourself?

A: No. My first birth experience eventually turned into an awful procedure that was performed on me involving just about every medical intervention available apart from a caesarean section I have never felt so vulnerable, frightened and powerless and it was a trauma that I carried around with me for 20 years. My second was the polar opposite. I was so determined not to repeat the experience that it was a case of "back off, I'm having a bloody baby and nobody is coming near me! ". I became an Amazon and I 'roared' him out in 94 minutes with no pain relief. For my mind, this was fantastic but it was all a bit too quick and forced and I had lots of stitches and went into shock, so it still wasn't ideal! I am convinced that had I known about Hypnobirthing, I would have achieved something in the middle between my two experiences and I know I would've felt calm and in control and I would've been well equipped to make informed decisions along the way, allowing me to take ownership of the experience. I have also taught many people who now shout about it from the rooftops!

I'm happy to accept that having read this, you may still be interested in Hypnobirthing but feel that I might not be your cup of tea. If that's the case I would urge you to keep looking for a teacher who appeals to you. Hypnobirthing really can make such a difference to your experience and really is the best thing you could do for yourself, your partner and your baby.

With love and warm wishes always.

Joanna xxx

More about Mamazons

Mamazons is located at John Street, NE30 4PJ Cullercoats