Manchester Aerial & Acrobatics Convention

About Manchester Aerial & Acrobatics Convention

The Manchester Aerial & Acrobatics Convention is an annual convention for aerialists and acrobalancers to come together and learn from amazing teachers



Timetable is nearly written, then I'll be sending it out to teachers to check they're not being asked to teach something they've never heard of and then when majority have confirmed I'll release it on here so you can start plotting!
Gotta say, this one is looking really awesome.


Update on the timeline for the May convention: we're speaking to teachers throughout January to get them all confirmed, then in Feb I'll put the timetable together and it'll be released in draft form when we have majority classes confirmed. That will give me a better idea of when the class booking date will be.
For those of you who haven't been before - when class booking goes live you need to log in and book the classes you want to do. Booking can be a bit manic as everyone ...tries to book their classes at once so you do not want to miss this date.
If you've got an acro pass you don't need to book the main acro classes because there are loads of spaces, but if you want to do the ancillary classes like handstands and gymnastics which have limited spaces you'll need to book those.
We'll also be doing an email mailshot this year with the updates so you don't miss them, so make sure your email address on the maac site is correct.
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If you want to learn to handstand properly but don't think you could handle a full weekend don't worry - we have day tickets available too. You can see all the classes at so just pick your favourite day!


Tickets are released at 12pm today at
FAQs - all tickets are being released today at the 2019 price of £170 for aerial and £95 for acro and this price will last until Dec 31st or until tickets run out
There are 195 aerial tickets and 50 acro only tickets.
... You can buy multiple tickets on one account but these MUST be transferred to individual people's accounts before class booking goes live next year.
Aerial tickets get you full access to all classes, acro tickets get you access to acro and any floor based classes.
Tickets are non-refundable but you can sell your ticket to other people if you end up not being able to go.
The dates are 8th, 9th and 10th May starting Friday lunchtime and ending Sunday night. All other info including location postcodes and travel details is on the website.
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We've started adding classes to the website, as soon as we've finished you'll be able to book your spaces in the classes you want to do. It's first come first served and some classes have very limited availability so make sure you grab your ticket so you can book your spots asap


Are you worried you aren't good enough to come to MUDfest? We've had quite a few messages from people who can't hold a freestanding handstand and fear the weekend will be too advanced for them.
WRONG! You are the people the convention will benefit the most. We have beginner level handstand classes, yoga inversion classes (headstands and forearms with a nice low intensity yoga flow to them etc). We have acroyoga classes, handstand technique classes, strength drills and flexibi...lity classes - all suitable for beginners to help you set the foundation blocks for your amazing handstand journey.
I'll tell you a secret - even the most advanced handstanders aren't going to be able to do advanced handstand workshops back to back all weekend so we've put on fewer advanced classes with smaller numbers for the high level students. The rest of the convention is for people who've always looked at people doing handstands and said 'I wish I could do that'.
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Introducing one of our first teachers for MUDfest - the beautiful soul that is Mau Aguilar!


We've got some timetable changes - unfortunately due to something entirely beyond her control Jo Staveley can't make it to maac anymore so Maria is taking over her classes with the following two workshops:
Splits: Fake it til you make it - a selection of Maria's favourite splitty moves including some actual splits and some all out lies
Maria's Favourite Combos - some of Maria's newest and most interesting hoop transitions that have at least four likes on Instagram
... If you were booked into Jo's workshop and you hate the sound of this new upgrade make sure you unbook and swap to a different workshop!
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🎶Y'all ready for this? 🎶


If you didn't get a ticket and you're feeling the fomo there are a few people looking to sell their tickets so there's still chance!
If you're selling comment below :)


Class booking goes live today at 12pm! Please make sure you can log on in good time prior to this. If you need to do a password reset check your spam, it often goes in there.
Don't stress if you don't get all your classes, people always book and unbook as they change their mind, especially throughout the convention and especially by Sunday afternoon!
Any queries or problems Kit and I will be on hand to help, please message the MAAC Facebook page or email Please DON'T message or email the cloud page, I will not be monitoring these inboxes. Please also don't message me or kit personally, it's too difficult to monitor so many inboxes at once so we'll only be looking at the maac inboxes.
Finally, if you're selling your ticket I still recommend you book classes today as you'll be more likely to sell your ticket with classes attached.
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We've got most of the workshop descriptions in now and we're uploading them to the website this week.
Booking will go live on SUNDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER AT 12PM. Please read below, especially if this is your first time at MAAC.
To book you need to log in at and go into the class you want to do and click 'book class'. If you change your mind just click 'I cannot attend'. That's it.
... Don't stress if you don't get every class you want - people book and unbook all the time, even up to and throughout the convention.
Don't leave it too late to book your classes - over 200 people will be booking their classes at 12pm on the 22nd so if you leave it even a few hours you might not get all the classes you want. You're welcome to let someone else log in and book for you but we can't book your classes for you.
If you are planning to sell your ticket but haven't sold it yet I would strongly advise you book some classes because you'll have much more trouble selling your ticket with no classes attached to it after booking has gone live.
We can't be held responsible for you not getting the classes you want and we don't refund tickets on this basis.
Finally, make sure you can log in before classes go live and make sure you have an active ticket in your My Account section. Any problems in this area must be sorted out before the 22nd because we might not have time to do it all when booking goes live and that might mean you miss out on classes.
Any questions, message us on here or email
Maria & Kit
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We're working on collecting together all the workshop descriptions and uploading them to a document so it's easier to digest. This is a huge task but we hope to have it done within the next week so we can then begin uploading the classes to the website. Once we've done that we can schedule a class booking date which will likely be Sunday 15th (optimistic date) or Sunday 22ND Sept (more realistic date).
Current working conditions in the MAAC HQ:


We've been a bit quiet over here at the MAAC desk while we sort out our new studio HQ but we're still organising amazing teachers for the convention this October. First up is my favorite acrobatic family, Forma Fortis. If you've done their class before they need no introduction and if you haven't then you're in for a treat! ❤️


We've got Caitlin Murphy coming down from Edinburgh to teach static cloud and trapeze

More about Manchester Aerial & Acrobatics Convention