Mandy Bloom Memoirs

About Mandy Bloom Memoirs

Creating Beautiful Books About Your Life for Friends and Family to Treasure

Mandy Bloom Memoirs Description

I am a Somerset-based Memoir Writer – often known as a Ghost Writer – who takes your story and transforms it into a printed document that you can treasure forever.



How ethereal is this photo? Having been working for the past year on the fascinating story of a Dorset farming and contracting family, I have been privileged to have had access to their collection of beautiful photographs from the last century. The problem is which ones to choose! An example being this stunning photo of three bridesmaids at a wedding in Beaminster in 1925. I am indebted to Sylvia Collins for her support and knowledge - many other lovely photos can be seen on her blog One of the bridesmaids is Sylvia's aunt.


*** A YEAR AGO! ***
August 2017 - I fractured my ankle while gardening and spent six weeks in plaster fretting and contemplating. Since then I have met some wonderful people and have travelled with their stories from Cyprus to Dorset to Kenya to Ghana, and of course Somerset. I've typed and edited 240,000 words of other people's memories, and edited another 300,000 words of other people's old diaries.
What a fascinating, grounding and rewarding year it has been. Adversity ca...n be a wonderful thing.
Still very busy with ongoing projects, but may have availability for new clients in the autumn if you know anyone who would like to preserve their memories and photographs in a printed book.
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Another exciting book delivery and another gorgeous cover by Becky at Design Somerset! This has been a wonderful project hearing all about life on the Somerset Levels, I love my job!


Great piece of editorial in the March issue of the popular Mendip Times. Pick up your free copy soon! Thank you MT. :-)


Lovely new sepia toned business cards just arrived from Becky at Design Somerset. Do any of my Somerset friends know anyone who might like a card - or who could pass a card to someone else with a story to tell? Nominations please! (dm or comment) Thanks xx


I am doing a lot of research for a Memoir at the moment, via old newspapers, and am frequently finding old adverts to interest and amuse. Here are some fashion ideas in case we need national mourning at any stage. This was dated 4th June 1910 - Edward VII had died on 6 May. Also details of who to contact if you want an organ built, or want sour milk. Sorry the snip isn't very clear.

More about Mandy Bloom Memoirs
