Margate Mantra Lounge

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 12:00 - 16:00

About Margate Mantra Lounge

The Margate Mantra Lounge is a unique, meditation-based community project aimed at bringing peace and harmony to Margate and itвҖҷs neighbouring towns.



Ancient yoga wisdom describes the body as being like a tree, with two birds sitting in its branches: one bird (the soul) is eating the fruits of the tree while the other bird (the supreme soul) is simply witnessing everything. ūü¶úūü¶Ę .
According to ancient sages, we invest too much time & energy in trying to taste the fruits of this world through bodily pleasures and comforts, none of which really satisfy us. Eventually we become frustrated, bewildered and exhausted with the pursuit of fleeting pleasures, and we start to question where our real happiness lies. ūüėĆūüßėūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüßėūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ .
Kirtan is the opportunity to answer this question by turning to the other bird - the Supreme Divine Person who lives with us - and offering ourselves to him, mind, body and soul, through divine song. ūüé∂ūüéĻ .
When this relationship is reawakened it is possible to leave this world of perpetual suffering and relief, and enter a world of ever-increasing spiritual bliss ūüôĆūüŹĹ‚ėļÔłŹ
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Today is perhaps the most wonderful day of the year.... Gaura Purnima! ūüĆĚ
It marks the day when Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared on this planet to teach the world how to chant, dance and feast in divine bliss ūüėć
The material world is sometimes compared to a raging forest fire ūüĒ•: despite not knowing how it started, everyone is suffering the burning effects of materialistic life.
... But because of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu‚Äôs unparalleled compassion, people all across the world are feeling the cooling effect of the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare. ūüôĆūüŹĹūüé∂ūüíõ
We‚Äôll be celebrating this amazing day at the Beet Bar tomorrow from 6pm so come and join in the fun!!! ūüėĀ
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Due to popular demand - and thanks to the kind folks at the Beet Bar - we‚Äôre very glad to announce that the Margate Mantra Lounge will now be a WEEKLY event! ūüéä
So we‚Äôll now be getting together EVERY THURSDAY for kirtan, cake & good company ūü•įūüćįūüé∂ ‚ÄĘ... If that isn‚Äôt something to smile about then we don‚Äôt know what is! ūüėĀūüėú
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Massive thanks to Franco & Dario at @101socialclub in Cliftonville for opening their doors to us for the first ever ‚ÄúKrishna Lunch‚ÄĚ in Margate today! ūüíõ
We were way too busy to keep count, but around 30 beautiful souls came and enjoyed a free meal of hot kichari, fresh bread & chocolate brownies. ūüėč We hope it will be the first of many, many events like this! ūüôĆūüŹĹ
It was our pleasure to serve you all and we can‚Äôt wait to see you at the upcoming Mantra Lounge in Margate. Hare Krishna! ūüé∂ūüßėūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüßėūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ


Trust George to hit the nail on the head! ūüĒ®ūüēČūüßėūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüßėūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔł Ź


Margate Mantra Lounge is working with 101 Social Club to provide free meals in Margate!
We'll be serving lovingly prepared, *free* hot meals to the public this Sunday from 3pm-5pm to help nourish the good people of Thanet - mind, body and soul!
Tell your friends, share this event & join us at 101 Social Club (101 Northdown Road, next to the Grain Grocer) from 3pm onwards.... everyone is invited!


Truly #enlightened sages say that meeting the needs of the body while ignoring the needs of the #soul is like polishing a fancy cage while ignoring the bird inside. ūü¶ú What happens next? ūü§Ē The bird sadly dies, rendering the cage useless ūüėĘ ‚ÄĘ Kirtan (group mantra meditation) directly addresses the needs of our real self (the soul) *and* helps us to understand how best to take care of our external, material needs too. It‚Äôs fun, it‚Äôs easy and it solves all of life‚Äôs problems. Wha...t‚Äôs not to like?! ūüé∂ūüēļūüŹĹūüíÉūüôŹūüŹľūü•į ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ #margate #thanet #music #meditation #yoga #kirtan #mantralounge #chanting #Margz #margateoldtown #margatebeach #harekrishna #mahamantra #eastkent #kent #thanet #peace #love #community #communityovercompetition #happiness #spiritual #spirituality #bhagavadgita #krishna #bhakti #devotion
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Getting in the mood for tomorrow‚Äôs Mantra Lounge! ‚§ĶÔłŹūüé∂ūüßėūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüßėūüŹĺ‚Äć‚ôÄ ÔłŹūüćįūüėĆ
Can‚Äôt wait to see everyone there! ūüôŹūüŹľ


We‚Äôre so excited to be back! ūüôĆūüŹĹ After a Christmas break and a trip to India, we‚Äôll be filling the beautiful @beetbar with sacred sounds next Thursday from 6pm! ūüĆł . . . . .... . . #music #meditation #yoga #kirtan #mantralounge #chanting #Margate #margateoldtown #margatebeach #harekrishna #mahamantra #eastkent #kent #thanet #peace #love #community #communityovercompetition #happiness #spiritual #spirituality #bhagavadgita #krishna #bhakti #devotion
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The last Margate Mantra Lounge of 2018 is TOMORROW! This year has absolutely flown by... ūüēä
Please come and join us at the Beet Bar on Market Street from 6pm for a cosy evening of music, meditation, like-minded company and free cake! ūüćį


The Margate Mantra Lounge is a free, monthly meditation workshop and sacred space held right in the heart of Margate ūüíõ It‚Äôs open to everyone & our next event is on the 6th December... not long to go now!! ūüėćūüôĆūüŹĹ
In the meantime, here is a beautiful meditation led by our dear friend George, recorded at Bhaktivedanta Manor, our rural retreat in Hertfordshire.... ūüźĄūüĆ≥ūüĆ∑ūüé∂ūüėá


Huge thanks to everyone who braved the rain, came to the Mantra Lounge and offered a candle to Krishna tonight! ūüíóūüēĮūüėá
These evenings are turning into something really special, we are so lucky to be able to share these beautiful experiences with you all! ūüėć
Can‚Äôt believe we have to wait a whole month until we can do it again ūüė≠
... Can‚Äôt we just do it every week instead?? ūüėúūü§ěūüŹľ
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Forget the weather, it‚Äôs going to be raining sunbeams at the Beet Bar this evening from 6pm!! ‚§ĶÔłŹūüíďūüéĻūü•Āūüėé 6179508/?ti=ia




It‚Äôs the first Thursday in October! ūüćā
That means we‚Äôll be getting cosy at the Beet Bar TONIGHT with a special Autumn edition of the Margate Mantra Lounge ūüćĀūüćÉ
Expect spiritual music, deep meditation, enlivening discussion and delicious cake in a beautiful setting.... see you there at 6pm!! ūüďŅūüďöūüéĻūü•Āūüėć


Not long to go! Have you told your friends yet? ūü§ó


We’re slowly turning the Beet Bar into a divine shrine to show you a good time.... only one hour until the first ever Margate Mantra Lounge!
Looking forward to meeting everyone!!

More about Margate Mantra Lounge

Margate Mantra Lounge is located at 101 Northdown Road, CT 9 2QY Margate, Kent
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 12:00 - 16:00