Marie Stopes International

About Marie Stopes International

Our work ensures women everywhere can determine their own futures by delivering quality family planning and reproductive healthcare to millions women around the world.



Government rejects national legislation on #BufferZones despite acknowledging the “distress” that protests cause to women accessing legal healthcare. #BackOff


Hugely disappointing response from the #HomeOffice on harassment outside #abortion clinics - #PSPOs are a step forward but national legislation is desperately needed to avoid a postcode lottery and ensure all women are protected. Read our full response here.


#BokoHaram has displaced more than 2m people, leaving millions more without enough food. In Niger, Maryam was forced to flee with her 7 children. She told us: "The children don’t have a father so I will get an implant to reduce the number of problems we have." @ruthmaclean @guardian


Only 1 in 4 women in #Ethiopia are using modern contraception, with many young women afraid to even talk about it.
Marie Stopes International Ethiopia's new campaign highlights how women can use #familyplanning to build their dreams.
Its strapline? "A dream without a plan is just a wish". 🤩


DFID has announced a major new programme of funding for our work in West & Central Africa - enabling many women to access contraception for the first time in their lives.


In the Democratic Republic of Congo, almost 90% of women are unable to access any modern method of contraception.
So we're going there.


2017 was undoubtedly a challenging year for the MSI partnership. As funding cuts caused by the Trump Administration's Global Gag Rule took hold, many of our 37 country programs struggled to maintain family planning services for the women and girls who need us.
But thanks to US donors, we overcame that obstacle. Your support reached women and girls in 27 of those 37 countries, and helped to prevent 8.2 million unintended pregnancies and 5.4 million unsafe abortions. Thank you for your commitment to the lives and futures of women and girls everywhere.
Read more:


"It's just not an issue any more. We're not finding women coming in distressed."
Buzzfeed UK highlights how things have changed for the better since the UK's first buffer zone against anti-abortion 'protests' was introduced outside a Marie Stopes UK clinic in West London.


Children by choice, not chance means "helping women to make a decision or to plan to get pregnant or not so that we don't have unwanted pregnancies".
Just like Patience, we believe that every woman should feel empowered to make choices about her body.


Myths and misconceptions can prevent women using the contraception they want and need, and to dispel them it's vital that men are also included in the conversation.
See how our team in Ghana promotes dialogue and builds trust through education and information.


Happy #InternationalFriendshipDay! In the 7 years Umah's taken contraception, she's seen friends struggle to support their growing families, while she finished school and got a degree. So she's now a peer educator to give others the same life chances.


"We sometimes travel through areas affected by civil wars. That can be scary. But I like to be out here helping women and saving lives."
Meet the amazing Afride, outreach nurse at Marie Stopes Tanzania. e-lyatuu/


Breakthrough could mean an end to degrading and unscientific “virginity testing” that leads to girls, as young as 13, being jailed. Thanks to our partners, including the Afghanistan Ministry of Public Health, @hrw and @SIDA for making this happen.


Watch how Marie Stopes teen connectors, Catherine and Bwalya, are helping young #women to access the information and services they need to take control of their #futures:


We’ve told you about how our clients’ access to #contraception transformed their futures for the better. Now we want to hear from you! Tell us why you support #HerChoice globally:


We have just released our 2017 Global Impact Report: This Is How We Change the World. This year, we’re especially excited to profile the work our teams are doing to reach adolescents and youth. Read our full report here:


45% of all abortions in Ghana are unsafe. That means thousands of women put their lives at risk every year. @MarieStopes_GH provides the #SafeAbortion services so that #HerChoice can be a safe one.


“I am tired, the suffering is too much. There is peace here, but no money.”
In northern #Nigeria our teams provide vital #FamilyPlanning to women displaced from their homes by Boko Haram. We are committed to serving women wherever they are.
Women like Fatima, who's life was thrown into turmoil when soldiers attacked her village, killing many of her friends, neighbours. Read her story here:


i just fell great with your services and especially the family planning services and reproductive health in General


When famine caused Bob Geldof to organise the Live Aid concert to raise funds for starving Ethiopians in 1985 the population was 99 million. Today it is 99 million. " If the population had been stabilised in 1985 there probably would not be a food problem now". Seeletter in Sydney Morning Herald in 13 June 2017. Go Marie Stopes Foundation!


Thanks for the nice job you are doing, young girls can now continue with their studies and career pursuit.


Thanks for doing great with your laudable programs. I will like you to focus more on Female abuse in the world Especially in Africa. The rate of rape, violence against women, using girls as terrorist to bomb etc


Thank you to all the staff that took care of me in your clinic in Swindon. I am fortunate that I live in a country where family planning is available to me. I shall support your cause so that others less fortunate can have the same choice.


Thank you so much maristops for empowering women of our country uganda,thnk you so much


Thank you once more, even almost 25 years later! Thanks for understanding I was adamant and mature enough for such an important choice, even if I was childless and very young. I had my tubal ligation in Buckhurst Hill clinic, the place was nice and comfortable, the staff was excellent and everybody was very kind to me. Somebody may think I'd repent later, but it has never happened: I knew it was the best choice for me and I was so glad and relieved when your counselor in London eventually agreed.



Such important work empowering women and providing education, safe abortion, and providing contraception for men and women. Birth control helps women, children, and everyone else impacted by the deteriorating environmental and social conditions caused by human overpopulation


Mspng is doing great in providing sexual reproductive healths services in PNG. They provide quality n effective family planning services which serves plenty remote and isolated area with effective n reliable long term family planning methods.


It is an amazing organisation working for people.

I think it will take care of the people.


Is the care for people and their right for information.


I am really impressed by the great work and activities of Marie Stopes International. They have been impacting positively on the lives of many African women. I on behalf of my NGO - Commonwealth Africa Stakeholders Forum on sanitation & water do salute the efforts of this humanitarian agency. God bless them abundantly.


Helping many women across the world. Can't even put in to words how grateful I am for what you do. Keep up the great work.


Goodwork to Marie Stopes international,i work for women empowerment and Gender equality in Kenya as an advocate.Currently working on addressing the problem of unsafe abortion among young women in pastoralists communities and rural areas.I believe women need to be given alternative choices to choose from and have the freedom of getting a child by choice not by chance,Let there be pro-choice among women because violation of women rights is violation of human rights.Looking forward to work with you and currently working as a youth champion at Voice Africa's Future campaign and also serving as a Sub-saharan Africa Female Representative in Action 2015 campaign.


Congratulations to Marie Stopes Bangladesh for being named 'Best Reproductive Health and Family Planning Organization' in this year's Bangladesh Netrokona District Good Achieved in this Country.


Take care about your and your companion health. Care is batter than treatment.


If we are smiling greater than is laughing ,one

step greater than is crying,it isn't sadness,

it is ever happy for joyful,indeed.


I advise the youth mainly to all way think positively in order to avoid risks of getting HIV.

I its the only way we can safe our generation.


sick murderers !

Stopes was strongly against the termination of a pregnancy; during her lifetime her clinics did not offer abortions. Stopes thought birth control was the only means families should use to limit their number of offspring. Nurses at Stopes' clinic had to sign a declaration not to "impart any information or lend any assistance whatsoever to any person calculated to lead to the destruction in utero of the products of conception"

Marie Stopes (1925). The First Five Thousand. London: John Bale, Sons & Danielsson. pp. 16–17.

More about Marie Stopes International

Marie Stopes International is located at 1 Conway Street, Fitzroy Square, W1T 6LP London, United Kingdom