Marjorie Wise School Of Dance

Monday: 17:00 - 19:45
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 16:30 - 19:30
Saturday: 09:30 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Marjorie Wise School Of Dance

Marjorie Wise School of Dance is one of the oldest dance schools still operating in Leicestershire. The school has recently been taken on by a new principal - Miss Laurie-may Pratt. We specialise in RAD
Classical Ballet and Contemporary dance.



Timetable/term dates for the Spring term 2019 -


New classes for January 2019 -


Merry Christmas to all students and parents at Marjorie Wise School Of Dance! We hope your day was as special as ours ЁЯОДЁЯОЙЁЯОКЁЯТЩЁЯТЪЁЯТЬЁЯТГЁЯХ║ЁЯР╗ЁЯШШЁ ЯШШЁЯШШ


I am officially an RAD Registered Ballet Teacher!!! ЁЯОЙЁЯОКЁЯОЙЁЯОКЁЯСПЁЯТГЁЯТГЁЯТГЁЯТГ
It's been a long 2 years full of ups and downs but I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed this course. This is a massive step for me and my dance teaching career and I am proud of myself ЁЯШБЁЯдЧ
I couldn't have done it without a few very significant, special people. Firstly, my No.1 from the very start of my dance journey Janice Spence ЁЯТЦ and my amazing mentor Miss Linda from HAPA (Harborough Academy of Performing Arts). Also and always my biggest supporter from the start of my existence, my Momma ЁЯТЦЁЯТЦЁЯТЦ and lastly and most crucially, my partner Lee Brown, for his continued support and help which allows me to pursue the career I love so very much.


Our Contemporary/Jazz group have come on leaps and bounds since they first started. These girls started out purely doing Ballet... a year or so on and they are doing so well with these new styles. Keep it up girls ЁЯСПЁЯСПЁЯСПЁЯТГЁЯТГЁЯТГЁЯТГЁЯТГ


Happy Halloween to all the students and parents at Marjorie Wise School of Dance! May it be as devilish as my Bodhi-Bear ЁЯОГЁЯжЗЁЯР╗ЁЯНБЁЯШИЁЯС╣ЁЯЩКЁЯТГЁЯХ║


Choreography inspo! ЁЯдйЁЯШНЁЯТГЁЯХ║


Marjorie Wise School of Dance - Term dates for the Autumn term 2018 -


Good morning and happy Autumn term everyone! ЁЯНБ
Classes start back tomorrow (31st August). Please take note of reminders about slight changes in class times...
Fridays Evington Village Hall:
... Grade 4 - 4.30 till 5.30pm Grade 5 - 5.30 till 6.30pm Grade 6 - 6.30 till 7.30pm
Saturdays Mayflower Church Hall:
Ballet tots - 10.00 till 10.45am (As of 8th September. This week as normal - 12.00 till 12.45pm) Contemporary - 10.45 till 11.45am (As of 8th September. This week as normal - 11.00 till 12.00pm)
Mondays Evington Village Hall:
Grade 7 - 5.00 till 6.00pm Beginners Pointe - 6.00 till 6.30pm Intermediate Foundation/Adults Ballet - 6.30 till 7.30pm
***Exam session***
In November there will be exams taking place. I have sent letters out to those of you ready to take your exams. Please make sure you bring your exam form back with you to your first class back this term. Also, can you please make sure exam fees are paid along with this - either via bank transfer to my Miss Laurie's account, by cheque made out to 'Laurie-may Pratt' or in cash. I need the forms and money in ASAP so please make sure this is a priority.
***Commercial/street dance class***
THERE WILL BE NO COMMERCIAL CLASS THIS HALF-TERM. Unfortunately Jordan has other commitments and has had to leave us. I am hoping to find another teacher for this post and will have it filled by the second half of term.
As of this term I will be using a technology called 'MailChimp' to send all information including invoices that you would usually receive via a letter. In order for this to work, I will need every parents/or students email address. If you didn't fill out the contact details form I gave out nearly a year a go, I will be handing these out again over the next week for parents to fill in and return. If you would like to opt out of this change and would rather receive letters you need to let me know. But please bare in mind I am trying to go Green ЁЯШБ
Finally, an announcement!....
It has been a whole year since I, Miss Laurie took over Marjorie Wise School of Dance. I can't quite believe it!! It has been a wonderful year and I have enjoyed every moment with every one of my students. Let's look to the future and see what this next year has to offer ЁЯОКЁЯОЙЁЯШШЁЯТГЁЯХ║
Lots of love, Miss Laurie xxx
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I hope everyone is enjoying the summer break, I sure am!... just a quick question for parents and students - who would be interested in purchasing a DVD of the recital? Please comment below!


Who else can relate to this?! ЁЯШВЁЯСПЁЯТГЁЯХ║ 10155252339906307/


Parents and students, classes for the summer term have now finished and we have broken up for the summer holidays!
We return on Friday 31st August, Saturday 1st September and Monday 3rd September.
Please keep checking the page for any updates as I will be doing a lot of work to strengthen the school and increase our numbers over the summer period.
... I wish you all the loveliest break and really look forward to seeing you all for the Autumn term ЁЯТкЁЯТЦЁЯТГЁЯХ║
Miss Laurie xxx
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Wow, what an incredible recital! I am massively proud of each one of my girls and felt so immensely proud and honoured to be your teacher today. You all did a cracking job!!!
Thanks to all the parents for your continued support and thanks to everyone backstage - Michelle and Gurgit for putting on a wonderful spread of food and drinks, Jackie and Gwenda for getting all the girls ready and running things back stage and Robyn, Lee and Kim for being in charge of ticket sales and... the music. Also a big thank you to Lucy our senior dancer for supplying me with hand-made business cards and thank you cards for the girls and finally to Doug who filmed today's performance and will be making us a school promo video from the footage.
Your LOROS donations totalled ┬г75.00 so thank you so much for your kindness, I will be sending this on to LOROS in honour of Miss Sheila ЁЯТЦ
Ticket sale money and food and drink donations will pay for the advertising of the school and costume and equipment expenses... I am overwhelmed with all the support I have received and can't thank every one enough.
If today's recital sparked your interest, don't hesitate to get in touch ЁЯТГЁЯХ║ЁЯШБЁЯТЦ
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Today's the day! ЁЯТГЁЯТГЁЯТГ
I want you all to embrace and enjoy this experience. I am extremely proud of every one of you so let's finish the summer term on a high!
Big smiles, find that confidence from within and work as a team ЁЯТЦ
... Marjorie Wise School of Dance 'Recital' July 8th 2018.
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This stunning photo is of Yvonne Saunders, she danced with the school and later went on to dance as a principal with The Royal Ballet, she even appeared with the prestigious Rudolf Nureyev!!! How's that for history ЁЯШ▒ЁЯдйЁЯСПЁЯТГ
#Balletdancers #TheRoyalBallet #RAD #YvonneSaunders #balletstar #claimtofame #rudolfnureyev #stardancers #iconic


Today is a special day for Marjorie Wise School of Dance!
It is with great honour that I present to you our very own website ЁЯШБЁЯСП it still needs some tweaking on my part and information adding but it's looking sharp thanks to Ryan Clarke at RRWebdesign. I can highly recommend him to anyone looking to set up a website.
So please click on the link and take a look around ЁЯТГЁЯТГЁЯТГ
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***Coming soon***
Personalised uniform, to include warm up wear, hoodies and leotards. I have just received an email and the images from IDTS and they look sensational!! Here's a little sample of the collection below ЁЯСПЁЯдй
All will be available to purchase very soon. Watch this space ЁЯСПЁЯСПЁЯСПЁЯШБЁЯТГ


Tomorrow's recital rehearsal:
Ballet tots - please arrive at 11.30 and you will be needed only for half an hour
All other grades - please arrive at 10am, unless you have spoken to me about alternative arrangements
... Contemporary girls - please bring your t-shirts you'll be wearing for Michael Jackson, also your black shorts to go under your dress that I have for you to try on tomorrow
Get a good night's sleep and come with your head screwed on! ЁЯТГЁЯСМЁЯТЦЁЯТЦЁЯТЦ
Miss Laurie x
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CONTEMPORARY GIRLS - please remember we start half an hour earlier tomorrow, 10.30am till 12.00pm.
COMMERCIAL GIRLS - Please make sure you are attending every Saturday class in the lead up to the recital if you want to be in the commercial number. Not doing so will jeopardise your position in the piece Jordan is so kindly piecing together.
Thank you for your time! ... Miss Laurie x
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тАОChrissie GrayтАО to Marjorie Wise School of Dance

3 hrs ┬╖

We experienced 3 dance schools before settling with Marjorie Wise. The first one collapsed for financial reasons, the second two were downright destructive of girls' self -esteem and confidence- if you didn't have the right figure and competitive spirit, they basically didn't want you and made that very clear. They also encouraged cliqueness and verbal meanness . My daughter, Caitlin went all the way with Miss Spence at Marjorie Wise school to grade 8 honours learning alongside Laurie for much of that time. We greatly appreciated the way all levels of talent were welcomed whatever their body shape and ability. Also, the girls danced there because they enjoyed it and winning competitions was not the sole aim. My daughter was never going to be a ballerina but her experience here gave her body confidence, poise, worhwhile and fun exercise and a love of the stage and performance. I would genuinely recommend this school for any younger parents looking for a dance school for their little ones


My daughter has been going to ballet classes here since she was little. She has continued to enjoy it and recently took her Grade 6. As an extension of the ballet school, she attends contemporary classes on Saturdays.


I went here for years when I was younger. My great Nana Kath was the pianist here who was a very good friend of Janice. She was an excellent teacher and although I was very young I remember it like it was yesterday. Even being a Dalmatian in the show and still have the photo to remind me.


I loved my time at Marjorie Wise & have fab memories of classes at Mayflower taught by Miss Jan and Laurie. Achieving my Grade 8 Ballet with Distinction has to be a highlight but week to week I looked forward to every single class. Best of luck with everything Laurie! Cant wait to watch the school blossom.


тАОChrissie GrayтАО to Marjorie Wise School of Dance

3 hrs ┬╖

We experienced 3 dance schools before settling with Marjorie Wise. The first one collapsed for financial reasons, the second two were downright destructive of girls' self -esteem and confidence- if you didn't have the right figure and competitive spirit, they basically didn't want you and made that very clear. They also encouraged cliqueness and verbal meanness . My daughter, Caitlin went all the way with Miss Spence at Marjorie Wise school to grade 8 honours learning alongside Laurie for much of that time. We greatly appreciated the way all levels of talent were welcomed whatever their body shape and ability. Also, the girls danced there because they enjoyed it and winning competitions was not the sole aim. My daughter was never going to be a ballerina but her experience here gave her body confidence, poise, worhwhile and fun exercise and a love of the stage and performance. I would genuinely recommend this school for any younger parents looking for a dance school for their little ones


My daughter has been going to ballet classes here since she was little. She has continued to enjoy it and recently took her Grade 6. As an extension of the ballet school, she attends contemporary classes on Saturdays.


I went here for years when I was younger. My great Nana Kath was the pianist here who was a very good friend of Janice. She was an excellent teacher and although I was very young I remember it like it was yesterday. Even being a Dalmatian in the show and still have the photo to remind me.


I loved my time at Marjorie Wise & have fab memories of classes at Mayflower taught by Miss Jan and Laurie. Achieving my Grade 8 Ballet with Distinction has to be a highlight but week to week I looked forward to every single class. Best of luck with everything Laurie! Cant wait to watch the school blossom.

More about Marjorie Wise School Of Dance

Marjorie Wise School Of Dance is located at 1 Charnwood Drive, LE7 9PD Leicester, United Kingdom
Monday: 17:00 - 19:45
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 16:30 - 19:30
Saturday: 09:30 - 12:00
Sunday: -