
About Marmalade

Real-world thinking meets intractable social problems at Marmalade, a social enterprise un-conference and fringe to the Skoll World Forum, 3 – 7 April.



Marmalade is the informal, dynamic, free and open-access fringe event to the Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship. 2018's event was about exploring place-based approaches to social change.


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Oxford has been identified by the 2017 Social Mobility Report as the 19th worst locality area in early years’ social mobility indicators for disadvantaged children. Some of the causes of this social mobility challenge are structural and rooted in national policy decisions. However, there is encouraging evidence that locally-led policies and initiatives can tackle this issue, ensuring all children have the best possible start in life.
Supported by t...
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We know that local people in communities have the ideas and ambition to meet the social challenges they face. But what’s the role of place-based funders and supporters? And how do we know our interventions really make a difference? If we want to empower people to create systemic change in a place, then an open sharing of successes and failures is needed. Join UnLtd to start a conversation and discuss the realities of working in place.
... Suggested Participants Place based practitioners and social entrepreneurs.
Hoping to achieve... Over the past six years, UnLtd have through the Star People programme found people with great ideas to make their place better and offered them funding and support. Working with Big local, we have helped develop nearly 300 social leaders across 133 areas.
Having recently launched the next iteration of our place based work, Resilient Communities, we would like to delve deep into the discussion around how foundations and funders can ensure they are always part of the solution rather than the problem.
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SPRING is a pioneering, human-centred-design-focused accelerator working with ventures in East Africa and South Asia that positively affect the lives of adolescent girls and young women, a project of DFID, Nike Foundation, USAID, and DFAT. To some, the 250 million adolescent girls living in poverty worldwide don’t make an obvious consumer base for profitable companies. But girls who have an opportunity to reach their full potential make vibrant economies possible. SPRING would like to invite investors and investment professionals to join this design workshop to explore the Why and How of investing in girls. Investing in girls is an emerging focus within impact investing and gender lens investing, and SPRING aims to catalyse more investment in girl-focused businesses in emerging markets through production of an investor toolkit. In this interactive session, SPRING Investment Director Suzanne Biegel and team will use human-centred approaches to gather your input to inform its design.
Suggested Participants Social investors; those interested in international development/women's empowerment
Hoping to achieve... We hope to validate our initial outline of an investors toolkit, and to gather some inputs on the structure and dissemination of such a toolkit.
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User-led design and place-based solutions in relation to social investment.
This will be an interactive session, people will have the chance to build and experience social investment in the framework of place-based approach.
... Suggested Participants • Local people • Local government • Social sector • Funders • Commissioners • Public bodies such as education and health
Hoping to achieve... To encourage shared decision-making and understanding motives. To empower a wide range of stakeholders in designing their value-based approaches to a wide array of trends present in Oxford. Trying to figure out how can we really understand what works/ what doesn’t, and how people most affected by decisions get to the table?
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Community based organisations are often forged in a crucible of pressure – they’re under a deadline to launch a campaign, or to take on a community asset from the local council.
Under these circumstances their goals are driven by these external factors, and what needs to happen is clear. Building a culture of the organisation for the long-term feels very much like a secondary concern. There’s not the time to work out how the wider communit...
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Team Oxford is a new movement of people, organisations and businesses working together to create a happier, healthier and more connected Oxford. We believe the key to this is a fresh approach to volunteering: one that’s flexible with modern life, is an exhilarating social occasion and has impact. We’re planning to run 3 social action campaigns to inspire new people to gift their time to make a difference – particularly those who are short on time –... in June, October 2018 and February 2019. The goal is to have a visible impact across the city – think Flashmob meets London 2012! We want to work with you to design the campaigns: the opportunities, the key messages and the promotion. So join us for a fun, action-packed day! There will be discussion, head-scratching, brainstorming and prototype testing – yes we’re going to let you lose onto the streets of Oxford for some fresh air! We’ll then come back together for cake, iteration and reflection.
Suggested Participants People who are not currently volunteering; organisations already or planning to involve volunteers and want to test short-term opportunities; anyone interested or working in the fields of mental and physical health, community development and/or isolation and loneliness; people who are already volunteering in any capacity or through work.
Hoping to achieve... To welcome new people to Team Oxford, whether you are an individual or organisation. To raise awareness of Team Oxford with the public – you’ll be helping with that!. To co-create 3 social action campaign outlines. To understand better how we can work together to achieve more than the sum of our parts.
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Gaby Arenas and Michael Sani are leading social entrepreneurs with a proven track record in creating systemic change for the empowerment of young people and communities across South America and the U.K. As Ashoka Fellows who lead organisations on different continents, they clearly shared a driving passion but their programmes and working methods were very different. Recognising their shared mission, they embraced the challenge of adapting, compromi...sing and reshaping their programmes to put their collective energies into a joint endeavour in Colombia at the end of last year.
In this workshop, using the Tendrel methodology, they will build on this experience to share lessons learnt about themselves and the skills and personality traits that are needed for successful co-creation and collaboration. The workshop will encourage young changemakers to open their minds – and their methods – to others in their proximity, whether that’s a local partner, or a global entrepreneur that shares their passion for change. Through a series of interactive games and reflective practice, it will encourage young people to develop peer-to-peer networks based on the challenges they seek to tackle, and to give them practical tools to collaborate on their work – rather than duplicate – so as to transform the world for the better.
This session is furthermore shaped and supported by the extensive experience in inspiring and supporting young changemakers of United World Colleges as well as the university social action network Student Hubs.
This session is for 16-25 year olds with some prior experience of social action in any sector and the passion and commitment to continue making a difference.
We hope to inspire young people to find other individuals and organisations in their locality or sector who are working to achieve the same vision as they are. We will build awareness of the personality traits and practicalities needed for successful collaboration so that they can create greater impact in their field of interest.
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Ex nihilo- “out of nothing” is a timeless Latin phrase that has underpinned our quest to answer the question: how was the universe created. But whilst such existential discussions are rooted in a long tradition of philosophical, theological and anthropological debate, they may have some surprising benefits to the seemingly far removed world of business and social innovation.
Unravelling a business’s roots and understanding its creation story may he...lp us see how different companies and organisations share a similar common origin: they are created to solve a human social problem. In the context of social innovation, having a common denominator can foster a joint vision for companies and non-profit organisations working together to solve social problems. Let’s share our stories together!
Suggested Participants Schools, local business across different sectors, anyone interested in social change
Hoping to achieve... Create a collection of social innovation stories and understanding of our common denominator. Practical insights, best practices and contribute to real cross sectoral partnerships
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Oxfordshire is recognised as a “hot bed” for Social Enterprise and has the accolade of being a Social Enterprise County under Social Enterprise UK’s “Place” programme.
SE UK and and OSEP (Oxfordshire Social Entrepreneurship Partnership) are collaborating to provide a warm and friendly space for Social Entrepreneurs to come together over a drink and some nibbles during Marmalade week – and to hear from experts in this space operating and supporting ...Social Enterprises locally and nationally.
Suggested Participants Local and national social enterprises, social entrepreneurs and support organisations - or anyone who fancies a friendly chat over a drink!
Hoping to achieve... A great experience for attendees to meet and hear from experienced social entrepreneurs and make lots of new connections
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Join us at this lively and interactive session to hear thought-provoking speakers who have built and supported enterprising communities and then engage in a workshop to debate and discuss opportunities, challenges and solutions around creating strong and purposeful community enterprise networks.
OSEP (Oxfordshire Social Entrepreneurship Partnership) been supporting and promoting social enterprise, social entrepreneurs and purpose-led business acros...s Oxfordshire and beyond since it was set up in 2013. It has provided funding and support services, events, and links to people and organisations in this sector.
It is now entering a new and exciting phase and wants to learn more about the ways in which it can support organisations in Oxfordshire and help grow an even stronger and purposeful community enterprise network that you can be a part of.
Suggested Participants Local and national social entrepreneurs, social, environmental and purposeful businesses as well as others providing support
Hoping to achieve... Rich and diverse contributions on what is needed to continue building a strong and sustainable Social/purposeful Enterprise community across Oxfordshire.
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The Positive Change Initiative Ltd is a bespoke transformational change practice that is transforming the way Changemakers deliver positive impact change globally.
There are a total of 10 change steps within the practice, of which the first three will be presented at Marmalade. These are:
... Step 1: Engagement
Step 2: Intention
Step 3: Clarity
The aim of the workshop is to empower Changemakers to understand how they can learn and adopt new change techniques, to drive the change they want to see in the world.
We are co-creating the following four transformational change tools, each to meet the needs of the four learning styles:
1. a book (for intellectual learners) – first draft already written
2. a facilitators’ pack (for emotional learners)
3. an app (for physical/in action learners)
4. an online platform (for experiential learners)
Participants of our workshop will support the co-creation of a new way of working with and delivering positive impact change practice to a diverse group of stakeholders.
Suggested Participants Changemakers, would-be Changemakers, positive impact change catalysts
Hoping to achieve... What the Positive Change Initiative Ltd would like to achieve from the workshop is feedback from attendees about what they liked/did not like about the way the steps were presented/shared, as well as what they understood/did not understand about their preferred learning style and how these two things relate to each other.
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After a short introduction to the session’s four sub-topics; custom-splitting, Oxford Community-Led Housing’s research project, co-housing and Homemaker Oxford; an interactive discussion will involve participants in the discussion of how we can work with housing providers to enable delivery of alternative housing models like community-led housing in and around Oxford.
The session is designed to engage with those who are housing providers (both smal...l and large scale), or have the potential to provide housing, in and around the city of Oxford. What barriers, if any, do these groups and individuals experience when thinking about or actively engaging in community-led housing projects? Further, what can Oxford Community-Led Housing and similar groups do to break down these barriers and engage with housing deliverers to provide alternative housing models like community-led housing as a viable, sustainable and affordable housing model in Oxford?
Suggested Participants Housing providers, developers, Housing Associations, contractors, landowners and homeowners with spare space looking to share
Hoping to achieve... To understand better any barriers to building alternative housing models in Oxford, specifically community-led housing and custom-splitting, that housing providers currently experience. Additionally, to discuss and identify ways that Oxford Community-Led Housing (CLH) and similar groups can help to break down and potentially remove some of these barriers.
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This session will explore current Systems Change theory and practice, particularly as it relates to people experiencing Multiple Disadvantage.
It will draw on the experience of programmes supported by Lankelly Chase in recent years which have taken both place-based and theme-based approaches to changing entrenched ways of working that have consistently failed the most vulnerable.
... The session will be interactive, drawing on learning from elsewhere and encouraging participants to apply it to systems and barriers in their own context, particularly in Oxfordshire. It will also provide participants with learning about the merits and pitfalls of different approaches to change.
Suggested Participants Users of services, community activists, social enterprises, charities, public sector, public service delivery organisations
Hoping to achieve... A broader understanding of the current challenges we face in tackling disadvantage and where the solutions might lie.
A space where participants are willing to share their own perspectives and in turn be challenged to rethink them.
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The current startup culture and venture capital system is broken. It rewards quantity over quality, consumption over creation, quick exits over sustainable growth, and shareholder profit over shared prosperity. It chases after “unicorn” companies bent on “disruption” rather than supporting businesses that repair, cultivate, and connect. Impact investors risk falling into the same traps.
After publishing “Zebras Fix what Unicorns break” in March of... 2017 (search for it on Medium), we heard from thousands of founders, investors, and advocates who agreed: “We cannot win at this game.” In this interactive session we’ll look at principles and practices that help funders and founders build better businesses. ebrasfix-c467e55f9d96
Suggested Participants Founders and funders interested in alternative models for building impactful businesses, and creating community with others like them. Lawyers, accountants, academics and others working with socially impactful businesses. Prospective Zebra chapter leads from across the UK — currently chapters are forming in Edinburgh and London.
Hoping to achieve... We want build the zebra community in the UK, and inspire some international visitors to Oxford that week to take the concept back to their home communities as well.
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An experiential workshop to explore the value of community-led housing in the UK and how, by equipping communities with the skills and tools they need to develop their own homes, we can create long-term social, economic and environmental benefit. The session will focus on the action needed to progress this booming movement, including the crucial role of social impact investors.
The content of the workshop... will revolve around the findings from the One Planet Affordable Living (OPAL) action research project, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. The teams from Bioregional and Transition by Design will cover the challenge OPAL adopted and the approach they have created to up-skill citizens to work with housing professionals and the wider construction sector
Suggested Participants Organisations wanting to create affordable housing that promotes happy, healthy and sustainable lifestyles. We’re particularly keen for social impact investors to join us to find out how they could create a step-change in the housing sector.
Hoping to achieve... To share our innovative system for structuring the community-led housing process and build confidence that citizens, with the right support, can build strong and vibrant communities so that those with the power to support this sector are inspired to do so.
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The Community Resiliency Model® provides a biological perspective that reduces the stigma with regard to symptoms and creates a new paradigm by teaching wellness skills that help individuals and communities. The primary focus of our skills-based, stabilization program is to re-set the natural balance of the nervous system. CRM® helps individuals understand his or her nervous system and learn to track sensations connected to resiliency. The nervous ...system begins to return to its normal balance or rhythm (referred to as the “Resilient Zone”). As the individual learns to use the skills, cognitions, emotions, behaviors, and physical symptoms can begin to change and even remit as the individual’s natural resiliency is restored.
This participatory workshop will teach participants the philosophy of CRM® and introduces the wellness skills of the model.
Suggested Participants Community leaders, public health practitioners, funders, charities, academia, social services
By the end of this 3-hour workshop: -Participants will be able to identify and use the basic skills of the Community Resiliency Model®; -Participants will create self-care plan with regard to how they could incorporate the basic skills into the tasks of daily living; -Participants will identify two or more ways CRM® skills can help stabilize the human nervous system; -Participants will identify the autonomic nervous system and its relevance to trauma; -Participants will identify one or more methods of how to bring CRM® skills into the community, and; -Participants will identify the three organizing principles of the brain.
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The aim of the event is to bring together the publishers of community newspapers and other community media organisations from across the UK, to both better understand the challenges facing our organisations and consider practical ways we can work together to become more sustainable and socially useful businesses.
Social Spider CIC is the publisher of two community newspapers, Waltham Forest Echo ( and Tottenham Commun...ity Press ( and last year partnered with Eastside Primetimers to run a London Community Media summit:…/th…/253/london- community-media-summit/
Suggested Participants Publishers, community organisers, funders, journalists, public sector, charities, social enterprises
Hoping to achieve... To bring people together to discuss different models for creating meaningful and commercially sustainable community media. To discuss typical challenges and consider possible solutions.
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More about Marmalade

Marmalade is located at 40 George Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire