Martlets Hospice

About Martlets Hospice

Martlets is a charity that cares for people living through a terminal illness in and around Brighton and Hove.

Martlets Hospice Description

Martlets is a charity that cares for people living through a terminal illness in and around Brighton and Hove. We’re much more than a hospice and we’re working to change perceptions of hospice care. Today, most of our patients receive care in their own home. Our hospice in Hove is a place where patients and their families can use our therapeutic services, drop-in clinics, visit our in-patient unit or just sit and have a coffee in our café. Our community teams care for people living and dying at home. Families and loved ones are supported into bereavement. We run a 24 /7 helpline for free, personal support, this a collaboration between Martlets and the Sussex Community Trust’s palliative care team. Our care is only free thanks to the generosity of local people; every donation will help us change lives.



Have you been lucky? We've published the results from our weekly lottery! ✨


There are many myths about grief that we hear from people accessing our services.
To help clear them up, our Counselling and Bereavement Services Manager Jane has shared some of them on our blog 💙


Did you know we provide a number of courses for health and social care professionals?
View our courses below and contact us at with any questions


This week Hospice UK has been sharing stories from our staff, patients and volunteers about how our Sow and Grow group benefits them.
If you can volunteer your time to help similar projects happen, please consider supporting our bereavement allotment project 🌱 t-allotment-projec…


⭐ Can you take on a last-minute challenge? ⭐
We have been offered an AMAZING last minute opportunity to abseil at the British Airways i360 on Saturday 1st September for JUST THREE people
You'll need to pay £50 and are required to raise £100 for Martlets, but in return will receive support from our fundraising team to make sure you hit your fundraising goal. For more detail, you can go to p-abseil
... Please help us get our fundraising team together as soon as possible by tagging your friends in the comments below! ⏬
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£25 for food, drinks and entertainment with the Mayor of Brighton & Hove, plus a chance to support four fantastic charities?? I'm in!


This week it's the National Garden Scheme's Gardens and Health Week.
Ahead of this, we recently had a visit from Hospice UK who observed and filmed members of our Sow and Grow group. Each week they complete light gardening tasks including seed sowing, planting, weeding and cultivation of our raised beds.🌱🌷🌻
Here's a sneak preview of what Leonnie and Trish said about the experience - make sure you visit Hospice UK's Facebook page this week for more videos from our staff, volunteers and patients about why they enjoy Sow and Grow.


Can you take the challenge to climb up higher⬆️and higher⬆️ than you ever have before?
We're looking for thrillseekers to take on a 90-minute climb up the The O2 and fundraise for us.


“For everyone experiencing loss – no matter if you’re a close family member, friend or carer- grief can become a difficult burden to bear. Knowing how you’re feeling is perfectly normal can bring some much needed comfort at a dark time."
Jane, our Counselling and Bereavement Services Manager, shares some common myths about grief.


Snailspace Brighton & Hove goes live on the streets one month from today! 🐌🎉


Incredible 💙


"The charity’s ‘Walk the Hospice Trail’ event will take place on Saturday September 15.
Walkers can take on a section and raise funds for a hospice of their choice or support all 12 by donating to Friends of Sussex Hospices" 💙
You can support us by taking part in the Walk the Hospice Trail this September. Find out more details in the below article. ⏬
... Via The Argus
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Looking for something to do today? Why not head to Komedia Brighton for their record fair, in aid of Martlets. 🎶🎧


"I often spend time talking with the patients; it’s really rewarding to feel that I might have cheered someone up with just a smile and a little chat."
We are so thankful for all our wonderful volunteers and all the things they do. Read why Bridget volunteers at Martlets 💙


We are desperate for volunteers at our Western Road Martlets Charity Shops due to a number of people (including our wonderful student volunteers) being away over the summer. If you can spare a few hours please help us!
▶️ retail-assistant-o… ◀️


Join the Mayor of Brighton & Hove for an evening of food, drinks and entertainment in aid of her four chosen charities (including us!)


BRB! 🕟We're off to mindfulness - one of the wonderful perks offered to our staff and volunteers. 💙
If you want a new career in a supportive environment, make sure you check out the roles available on our website ▶️ gory/jobs ◀️ #brightonjobs


✅ Are you having a clear out? ✅ Do you have good quality items other's might want?
We take donations of good quality items to sell in Martlets Charity Shops, helping us continue to support local people and their families live well through illness.
... Please support your local hospice by donating today ⏬
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🎂 Have you got a birthday coming up? 🎂
Thanks to brilliant birthday fundraisers like Claire, we're able to help local people and their families live well through a terminal illness. 💙


the staff go out of there way to look after you and the family i will never for get how you all looked after my son arron and helped me out as well when i was down you picked me up and had a hold on me all the time i needed it


looked after my mum (Andrea tapp) last 13 days of mum's life from feb 10th 2018 wow amazing I can't thank the doctors and nurses enough for everything and making my mum so happy and comfortable in her final days ��


Will the Martlets be taking a leaf out of elephant parade charity and offering a small plain model of the dogs to paint and decorate, have a look at the website


This place is heaven on earth! The way the NHS used to be. I am so grateful for the love and compassion they not only showed to Steve the nicest mam on the planet!! But to us! Steve I salute you! A real life Cary Grant!! May all who work, support, or are anyway involved with this place be blessed xxxx


They run great events and do some amazing work, thank you for what you do.


There's not a word in the language I can use to express my gratitude for the care you gave to my grandmother and my mother. You made their final weeks comfortable and as content as possible. Your care is second to none and I hope that one day I can repay you for everything you have done for my family, and for me. Thank you.


The best friendly place ever, I been doing voluntary job at the hospice for a few years, such a nice group of people


So just under 18 months ago i lost my dear Dad. My sister and I did the Brighton 13 mile Half Marathon. In honour of him and raise some money just under £3k between us. However they still doesn't ever re pay what you did for our Dad and us as a family . So yesterday I popped in to the Martlets being interviewed for voluntary work with your wonderful organisation.

That's the first time I've gone back since loosing Dad.

It was hard , very emotional however I feel somewhat a little more healed in doing so.

As per usual the staff are wonderful here .

Your all completely AMAZING. 🌟🌟⭐️🌟🌟


My mum. My grandad died of cancer but didn't go to marlets I would love them to go there after people I know who have told me what it's like in there. But my mum and grandad died in a hospital and I was so upset how the hospital didn't look after them probably. If i could turn back the time i would of said to my mum and grandad go to martlets they will look after you in your last days. But I will try and support martlets everyday and forever. And i hope in my future if there was something wrong with me I hope my children would take me to martlets so I could died peacefully. God bless you all of the hard work you all do. Xx thank you


My dad died at the Marlets last week. Although he was only there for a short time the support for both of us was amazing. I will carry on with the support they offer.

Amazing place amazing people. Thank you.


I’ll struggle to find the words to truly express how wonderful this place is. Each and every single member of staff I met deserves a bloody medal xx


It's the most amazing place where you can get the support and care you need for those who are ill and carets too.


I'm 35 and was not interested in anything the hospice had to offer as my perception of it was not somewhere I wanted to associate with despite a palliative diagnosis. However, when needs must I finally succumbed and spent three weeks rest bite staying there in my own room. They got me back on track and it really is a truly wonderful place. Don't fear it like I did, I should have gone three months earlier! I now have no fear of the place and return often for day services. The staff are all incredible and a real credit. They go above and beyond which sadly NHS staff don't have the time to do. Xx


I would like to thank the martlets for making my dads ( brian fish) final journey so special and so dignified yesterday it truly was beautiful. He may have only been with you for a very short while but you made his final transition special and you helped us so much with this great loss. Xx


I think martlets is an amazing place. My dad was taken there for restbite initially but once he got there they realised he wouldn't last the weekend. All the staff were amazing with us, as you can imagine we had a lot of family coming to visit and say goodbye and they let us stay in with my dad all night and through the day, and accommodated my family so well even though there were a lot of us. They treated my dad with the upmost respect at all times even when he was near the end and not concious they came and cared for him about every hour. Even though we sadly lost the most important man in our lives there that day the hospice always will be so special to our hearts, it's a relaxing, calm place and we have been back to visit many times since. It makes us feel close to dad still and my mum to her husband, I cannot thank the wonderful staff here enough. Xx


I cannot thank the staff here at Martlets enough for the care they gave our mum at the end. Sadly many people wont become aware of the real work they do until they themselves or someone close needs their help. All the staff go above and beyond what you would expect and show true compassion and kindness. The place itself is really one of a kind and again, far from what you expect which made a huge difference through what is already a traumatic time in someones life. Thankyou will never be enough x


Have a very Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy and Healthy New Year! I really enjoyed the Christmas coffee morning, watching the choir...loved Santa too, you're such a little sweetie Patrick. I have to say that even though I don't participate much, for my first coffee morning, i found everyone to be friendly and welcoming..."Barney" loved meeting "Eva" and he did the rounds, making eyes at everyone...don't know who gave him such notions . Barney and I had lovely gifts, which are now under the tree. I then got a ride home from two of the choir , which was extremely helpful and kind of them...see you next year! ;)


From time to time we do electrical work at the hospice and must say its nothing like i imagined it would be. There is just the most amazing vibe around the place, all the staff are soo friendly and do such an amazing job and this seems to create such a warm and welcomig environment


From my wages I donate £1 per week, it's taken automatically as I asked my employer to do. I obviously don't notice it, since Mum passed 12 years ago I made this a pledge. Mum didn't go to The Martlets but I knew it was an important place. Six years later Dad sadly succumbed to this illness and attended a day restbite on numerous occasions. I was with Dad a fair few times, the staff made Dad and I so comfortable..Tea, Biscuits and (please don't ask me how they do it) smiles too. I saw a TV on the wall, I wish I could have bought showed a video of a tropical fish swimming---a relaxing image all-round.....then I thought!! mabey my £1 DID buy it in the long?. Dad sadly passed 5 years ago now, but the £1-a-week is still given....I hope that helps all the WONDERFUL work you all do x

More about Martlets Hospice

Martlets Hospice is located at Wayfield Avenue, BN3 7LW Hove
01273 273400 for the Hospice, 01273 747455 for the Fundraising team