
About Mastermind2.0

Exclusive addictions & wellbeing programs

Mastermind2.0 Description

MASTERMIND2. 0 provides highly specialized VIP, Executive Addictions & Well Being programs at 7 luxurious Resorts in UK, Thailand, Greece. Uniquely we only accept one client /couple /family /young adult at a time for our programs for therapeutic reasons and to ensure privacy.



Simply listening can be enough without trying to “fix” someone. Acknowledging someone’s experience can be better than unsolicited advice. It’s up to us to help change these negative reactions to positive ones. Mental Illness Awareness Week: Let's fight the stigma! #MIAW18 #thingspeoplesaidaboutmymentalillness #mentalhealth


Mental health should be as important as physical health. A new poll exposes the extent of the mental health crisis in Britain according to which "the most common catalyst for mental health issues is work – cited by 51% – closely followed by family (45%), health (37%) and finance (33%)...It is commonly believed that a quarter of the population has suffered a mental health problem". #mentalhealth #depression #stress…/mental-illn ess-health-fight-bac…


Improving mental health in the workplace was recently launched by Prince William. The project underscores the growing mental health challenges occurring at work. In Britain alone, 'up to five million workers will experience a mental health issue this year'. #mentalhealth #workplacehealth #mentalhealthatwork…/prince-willia m-mental-…/index.html


“Investing in the resilience of young people is everybody’s business.” One in ten young people in England will experience poor mental health. According to a recent study the key to dealing with this challenge is by building resilience in our young population--providing the tools to manage stress, negativity and adversity in life early on. The importance of accessible mental health services cannot be overstated.
#mentalhealth #resilience #childhood…/key-to-lifelo ng-good-mental-healt…


" whilst conversation around mental health is increasing, that doesn’t always translate to more help for the people suffering personally". #mentalhealth…/how-shifting-m indsets-can-help-c…/…


Friends and family can make all the difference in your recovery but often they are not supportive because of their own misconceptions about mental health issues, fear or other reasons. How can we deal with this? #mentalhealth #familysupport our-family-about-y…


Are you psyched about tonight’s semi-final between Croatia and England? Watching football is not only fun but it is also good for your mental health! #mentalhealth #football #fifaworldcup2018…/watching-football -may-good-mental-he…/


In our effort to combat our personal demons, mind, body and soul should be concurrently taken care of, if possible. In addition to therapy, exercise, meditation and nutrition can greatly help recovery. Needless to say, not a one-size-fits-all solution but for those veterans, yoga was a means to deal with depression and feel better not only physically but mentally as well. #mentalhealth #exercise #veterans #holisticapproach #depression…/veterans-turn-to- yoga-to-improve-phys…


It is OK not to feel OK? Even the most successful people, can struggle with anxiety, depression or stress. These female entrepreneurs openly discuss how they cope with mental health issues. The common thread among them is that they take good care of themselves so that they can take good care of business. In our quest for answers, we must take care of mind, body and soul. #mentalhealth #entrepreneurs #coping…/9-female-found ers-on-mental-heal…/…


The vicious feedback loops among financial, physical and mental health can have detrimental effects; it is not a good idea to bury your head in the sand and let time pass. Take action by either speaking to individuals or organisations who can help you. #mentalhealth…/bret…/2018/0 6/27/3-vicious-cycles/…


The restaurant industry is rife with substance abuse and mental health issues as pressure and stress pile up behind the scenes. #mentalhealth #pressure #restaurantindustry #stress…/chefs-mental- health-su…/index.html


Running the show? Don’t let it get you run-down.
A 2015 US study indicates ‘an underlying relationship between entrepreneurship and many of the affective, cognitive, and behavioural differences associated with mental health conditions’. Almost half of entrepreneurs are prone to various mental health issues. It is time to tackle mental wellbeing and talk openly and unabashedly about mental health. #mentalhealth #entrepreneurship
...…/5-mental-healt h-rules-for-entrep…/…
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Hooked on gaming? A very real problem got recognised as the World Health Organization (WHO) announced yesterday that gaming addiction qualifies as a mental health disorder. An increasing number of people get hooked on gaming and lose control of their lives. Players can become so hopelessly addicted that they may eventually be deprived of their family, their friends, their job and more. Teenagers are much more vulnerable; evidence suggests that extensive playing of video games can affect the development of their brain. It is never too late to take care of your health! #gaming #WHO #videogames #addictions #mentalhealth…/business/vide o-game-addiction.html


Accountancy Age's survey about mental health at work shows that there is still lot to be desired with a 77% of participants repeatedly feeling stressed at work. #mentalhealth #stress #workplace…/mental -health-at-work-how…/


We are in the midst of Men’s Health Week (June 11-17) which coincides with Diabetes Awareness Week, and on that occasion, we are reminded how vulnerable men are to a variety of health issues, from diabetes and alcohol addiction to suicide.
It is important that men become aware of their health issues and encouraged into doing something about it as they are less likely to follow up on warning symptoms than women. It is never late to take care of your mental and physical health...! #menshealthweek…/mens-heal th-week-mental-health
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Only a few days after Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain’s passing is added to the increasing suicide numbers in both the US and UK. According to the Office for National Statistics, the suicide rate for men in the UK has increased significantly since 2007. It is deeply troubling, and we need to talk more about mental health—early intervention is the key. It is about time that we remove the stigma from depression, anxiety and addictions. #depression #suicide #addictions #anxiety…/anthony-b ourdain-chef-found-d…


Kate Spade’s suicide is a stark reminder that wealth and success do not bring happiness or peace of mind in someone’s life. Only in England, 1 in 4 people experience mental health problems each year according to NHS figures. Remember that even in the darkest of times, you are not alone. #suicideprevention #mentalhealth…/…/05/us/kat e-spade-dead/index.html


We are very pleased to welcome Yvonne-Anusha Schol to our team. She is a qualified and internationally experienced Addictions Specialist and a highly experienced Iyengar Yoga teacher.

More about Mastermind2.0

Mastermind2.0 is located at London, United Kingdom