Matt Kloiber Fitness

About Matt Kloiber Fitness

Online personal training /coaching, fitness, body transformations, fitness food. Helping you create the best version of yourself.

Matt Kloiber Fitness Description

Hi and thanks for showing an interest in my page.

I offer online personal training /coaching to anyone over the age of 30 who wants to improve their physique /fitness. . . I help you become the very best version of yourself.

So here is a little bit about me and why I am a good fit to help you achieve your physique goals.

My name is Matt and I am a 45 year old father of 2 little girls Jessica 6 & Lucy age 8. I'm married to my beautiful wife Helen, 10 years this September.

I have a BSc in Sports Science

But what about my fitness background & why I would be a good fit to help you get a body that you love? If you stick with my story here. . . you will see why we are a 'good fit' for each other. . . I am not your average online trainer as I can understand how difficult it can be to overcome 'life' and get the physique or body that you are happy in.

In my younger years I was actually a pretty decent runner, being ranked as high as 5th in the UK for 800m, and after I retired from competing in 1998 I tried to stay pretty active with gym, tried some duathlon (I am not an endurance athlete! ) and even some cycling.

In more recent years life, as it does, got more busy and I became less and less active. I was still doing some work in the gym on and off, trying new things to find some motivation to get 'in shape' again and it was after one of these new activities, around 18 months ago in the middle of the night, that I suffered a heart attack.

Now, without boring you with the details. . . . I survived (clearly! ) after having a stent fitted but found myself in probably the worse physical condition of my life. I had a proper 'Dad bod' and so after 6 weeks of cardiac rehab I decided that I should get myself back into a condition that I was happy with.

So I got a structure in place for training and eating right. . . and just started doing it consistently day after day. I began making good progress, and the owner at my gym suggested entering a 'physique competition'. . . . . I didn't have a clue what this was at the time! Now, at risk of losing your interest here! ! Fast forward to April 1st this year, around 18 months after my heart attack, and I won 2 categories in the Pure Elite competition - masters over 45, and muscle model over 35 AND was awarded my 'pro status' by the judges - thats me in my cover pic in the middle - and you can see my transformation in my profile pic.

So there is why we are a good fit to work together. . . I am not a twenty something Instagram celeb who has no commitments, no family pressures, no busy job, lives in the gym. I'm a Dad of 45 with 2 little ones, running 2 businesses, who despite all this got himself in the best shape of his life, after illness, at the age of 45.

If you think we could work well together, and you would like me to help you achieve your fitness and physique goals then drop me a message.




➡️4 Fat Loss Mistakes Most Women Make⬅️
The latest guest blog article on my website discusses the 4 most common fat loss mistakes most women make in pursuit of their physique goals, and what you can do to fix them


New Blog Post - How To Relax Your Hip Flexors For Improved Gym Performance We often think the only way to progress in the gym is to lift heavier, and of course progressive overload is a key factor, BUT something as simple as tight hip flexors (very common) could be having a significant impact on your abilities in the gym. Check the video in the blog for a simple move to rectify this. Matt


15 Muscle Building Hacks
There are many individual details that go into mapping out an effective muscle building workout plan… Factors such as training intensity, volume, frequency, workout structure, duration, warm ups, rest periods and more.... While all of these factors are obviously highly important when it comes to your bottom line bodybuilding results, there’s one simple factor you must nail down first if you want to progress in the gym at your maximum potential: proper training technique. At the end of the day, stimulating your muscles for hypertrophy ultimately comes down to the movements that you’re performing in the gym and how effectively you’re able to place your muscles under tension during your exercises. Muscle growth is an adaptive response to stress, and if you don’t know how to execute your lifts in the proper way to optimize that stress, you’re not going to achieve the very best gains possible. Simply “going through the motions” isn’t going to cut it, and in this information-packed report I’ll be outlining 15 unique training tips you can employ to get the strongest muscle-stimulating effect from your workouts. This isn't the typical "fitness 101" advice you hear on every run-of-the-mill blog and YouTube channel out there... This report is filled with a huge collection of useful, little-known training techniques, many of which you've probably never even heard of before. Implement these tips during your next few workouts and I guarantee you’ll notice a big improvement and really feel the difference that they make. Let’s get started…
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Free 'Done For You' Transformation Meal Plans The link below takes you to my free 80 page meal plans. You will find plans from 1400 to 2600 cals (in 200 cal increments) Each one has: ✔️Full shopping list including vegetarian options ✔️28 days of meals,,,with every meal & snack for every day... ✔️Full breakdown of macros for every meal ✔️Full prep/cooking instructions for every meal/snack eal-plans
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Intermittent Fasting - Could This Be The Answer To Hitting Your Physique Goals? Have you stalled with your progress? Hitting your 'macros' but still not getting the results you want? Read our latest blog here:


In our latest blog post we discuss German Volume Training....Is it effective for building muscle? WATCH THE POST HERE:


We are often led to believe that once we are past the age of 40 our chances of building a lean and muscular physique are gone forever....but that doesn't have to be the case


Do You Really Need That Post Workout Shake? It’s an all too familiar sight…
Guys and girls walking around the gym with shaker cups full of powder, heading to the water fountain to consume that post workout concoction within minutes of completing the last rep of their session.
... After all, their muscles have just been thoroughly stressed, and they need a quick-acting source of protein and carbs immediately after their workout to kick-start the recovery process… right?
Well, not really....READ MORE:
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Fasted Cardio...Does It Really Improve Fat Loss?
Performing cardio on an empty stomach (usually first thing in the morning after an overnight fast) has been a popular fat burning strategy among bodybuilders for many years.
It seems to make sense…READ MORE:


The 8 Biggest Mistakes That Prevent Fat Loss ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
This is an excellent article/ebook by Sean Nalewanyi that cuts through much of the nonsense surrounding fat loss.
... Get your copy here ➡️
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More about Matt Kloiber Fitness

Matt Kloiber Fitness is located at Bristol, United Kingdom
07793 018773