
About Maxyfit

Wellbeing, Health and Fitness Coach. Offering tailor made Nutrition Plans and Fitness plans from Amateur to Elite.

Maxyfit Description

Nutrition and fitness plans for all interested in raising energy levels, reducing mid-afternoon slumps, losing weight and improving mental wellbeing or progressing you fitness career or levels.
Soon to offer 1: 1 personal training sessions and a possibility of bootcamp this summer. Stay tuned for more info.



My next slots for coaching are beginning to fill up! -
If your looking to lead a more healthy and active lifestyle, wanting to get a better relationship with food. Educating yourself with nutrition / energy balance in order to eat all the foods you love! Join me and the gang to get fitter and healthier ūüĎĮ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüćĆ -
... Feel free to direct message me or email me on for more information / quires and concerns. -
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Do what you like, it’s going to be a long and boring life if not #maxyfit


‚ÄúThis is really healthy because it‚Äôs green and it says so on the bottle‚ÄĚ -
The natural sugars found in fruit can reduce a spike in your blood glucose due to the fibre it‚Äôs paired with, in its natural form. Aka if you eat a banana there are carbohydrates such as fructose but there is also fibre, eaten in its ‚Äėraw‚Äô state will require some processing to breakdown and digest (chewing your food). -
... As soon as your blend / purée your fruit into a smoothie, this takes away all the mechanical process and actually activity of chewing away! Meaning the fibre quantity is significantly reduced and you’ll be getting a lot more sugar in your smoothie hit!. The smoothie can also lose some essential vitamins and minerals if the skins are cut off / not added. -
You‚Äôll also be a lot more fuller for longer if you was to eat all the fruit in the ‚Äėgreen smoothie‚Äô rather than drinking it ūüėÖ -
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Steps ups -
Why should we be adding step ups into our leg workouts. -
... Helps improve balance and stabilising, helping you to improve symmetry. This can help massively if you have any imbalances in your legs or a ‚Äėstronger side‚Äô by working each individual leg unilaterally. -
This is fantastic general lower body exercise working all the major muscle groups in your legs ie glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and calvesūüí™ūüŹĹ -
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Stop screaming at your scales, it’s normal for your weight to fluctuate so much especially if your female. The process the female body goes through when menstruating is amazing, unfortunately weight fluctuation is just another thing added to the shit list of being a female #maxyfit


Calorie swaps -
If your looking to reduce your calorie intake but want to still enjoy all your favourite foods, here’s a list of some alternatives, which contain less calories, sugar and fat. -
... Or of course you could just eat slightly less of the your favourite foods, there really isn’t a right or wrong overall calorie intake is what determines weight gain / loss -
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To whey or not to whey ūüźģ -
Benefits - -... Convenient, easy to digest, quick, cheap, requires no cooking. -
The cost is going to work out a lot cheaper per weight of any other food alternative. Ie chicken, fish, beans, pulses, tofu etc. -
Drawbacks- -
Not the highest quality source of protein, eating a food alternative will provide the body with more nutrients and a better structure of amino acids (amino acids are the building blocks of protein, what protein is broken down into). -
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No your favourite influencer doesn‚Äôt actually drink that weird drink, there just getting paid to say they do and can‚Äôt find any other way to make money ūü§∑ūüŹĺ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ #maxyfit


Dumbbell press ūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ -
Performing the dumbbell press on the floor can be beneficial if you struggle with shoulder pain or poor mobility. Performing this movement on the floor shortens the range of movement, this can help improve your one rep max / pushing strength. -
... Incorporate this within your training programme, to help save your shoulder, improving your pressing strength. -
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Bootcamp circuit training. -
The main benefits of circuit training being improved cardiovascular fitness, improved muscle strength, and muscle enduranceūüŹÉūüŹĺ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔ łŹ -
... However the main benefits I feel are the social interactions made within the group, the communication and camaraderie. This helps with the motivation and adherence to exercise! If it’s fun and you want to do it, your a lot more likely to turn up each week! -
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A diet in which you restrict a certain food group / product will be a very miserable oneūüėÖ -
Educate yourself to the point where you understand energy balance and the amount of calories ‚ÄėYOUR‚Äô body needs (everyone requires different). -
... This way you can enjoy the foods you love and still maintain an active and healthy lifestyle ūüėä -
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Fat loss more of a long game then a fast fix. If you do a crash diet and lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks your most likely losing muscle mass not any fat stores ūüßź #maxyfit


Push press -
A push press (overhead press) can help to improve your overall coordination and ability to hold a weight above your head. This exercise allows you to use the eccentric portion of the exercise, with a weight that’s heavier (or slightly to heavy) for the concentric phase allowing you to increase your strength and progressing. -
... #maxyfit
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Building glutes will most likely come down to genetics how quick / large the muscles grow. However make sure your doing some resistance (weight) training, a stepper machine isn‚Äôt the answer and will get you minimal resultsūüėĀūüŹčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ -
Lift weights you won’t turn into the hulk, I promise you. -
... #maxyfit
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Potatoes! ūü•Ē -
Sweet potatoes vs white potatoes, ones not better than the other, ones a different colour, contains more fibre and vitamin C. -
... That‚Äôs it. They slightly differ in calories Enjoy both, don‚Äôt cut either of them owt. And don‚Äôt just eat sweet potatoes as they people often say there better for you on InstagramūüėÖ -
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#flexfriday are step counts really that important? -
Expenditure is the key to any weight loss regime! Implementing good habits in order to improve your weight management and overall health. -
... Steps is a simple and effective method to help create a deficit. Rather than reducing your calories or starving yourself, doing more steps will be a lot easier and simpler don’t you agree? -
My advice would be to aim for 10k a day or above, if your looking to reduce body weight or lead a more active and healthy lifestyle. Take the stairs not the lift, get off a bus stop early. -
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More about Maxyfit

Maxyfit is located at HX1 1 Halifax, West Yorkshire