Mdx Unlimited Potential Society

About Mdx Unlimited Potential Society

The Unlimited Potential Society is a student support network that aims to help students realise their unlimited potential and promotes self development.

Mdx Unlimited Potential Society Description

> Actively identifying physical and mental barriers to students' study and helping them overcome them

Research - Speaking to several students every week about their struggles, barriers & worries and that of others

Feedback - Find common issue and ask public and professionals how they would solve those issues

Action - Expose solutions using media and campaign for positive change

Identify - Those doing exceptionally well and expose how

Support Network - Create network for student to be able to ask questions to public and a created network of professional

> Helping students get the most out of their university life by promoting everything mdx has to offer and creating social and engagement events

Highlight - Key areas for exposure spread across all departments in the university

Meet - Meet with departments to discuss how we can expose what they have to offer highlighting the benefits to students

Ask - Ask students what they feel they would like to know more about and ask staff what they feel students should know more about

Create - Create media material, engagement events & campaigns to encourage students to engage and get involved

> Identifying life skills that will be important to a students success during and after university including general life skills

Ask - Ask students and staff what skills they believe students should have personally, including general life skills and to contribute to society

Highlight - Highlight area of study, profession /department, cultural background and experiences

Debate /Feedback - Ask students what they think about common or interesting responses

Create - Create media material and innovative ideas for events, campaigns, activities or schemes to teach students core skills and reward them for it


Christina Hamilton
President -
To organise and oversee the overall running of the society and consult with the rest of the committee to define it’s vision, goals and objectives; ensuring that they are research based by actively speaking to students and generating new ways to engage with them. To engage with internal and external stakeholders to ensure that the society is effective in it’s actions.

Vice President -
To help the President organise and oversee the overall running of the society and assist all committee members wherever they need help in their roles.

Andre Thompson
Marketing & Finance Officer -
To come up with marketing strategies and structures for social media, email, MDXSU website and society website communications and campus based promotion. Then create and coordinate the production of text, image and video based content to keep all communication platforms up to date and engaging. This person is also responsible for the finances of the society and submitting funding bids to the MDXSU Executive Committee.

Rebecca Torie
Welfare & Campaigns Officer -
To lead on the structural side of physical and digital campaigns and generate creative ideas for them. To work with the Events Officer and MDXSU to book spaces for physical campaigns, coordinate volunteers and coordinate production of videos and other campaign material. To ensure that the society and its members are inclusive to all students and to ensure implementation of zero-tolerance policies.

Events Officer –
To generate ideas for, organise and run a variety of social and self-development events, taking into consideration inclusivity, the society’s aim & objectives and collaboration with other communities and groups. To (with the assistance of the committee) fill out booking forms for each event where required.