
About Me.Decoded

Me. Decoded is dedicated to achieving a world where Neurodiversity is fully embraced - by bringing together the Neurodivergent and allies to share personal insights and experiences.



Happy International Womens Day. This years theme is Each for Equal, and I have been thinking about the future dreams of young neurodivergent women.
For me, equality starts with ensuring equal dreams of what is possible and this starts early on. Without equal dreams, we are unlikely to achieve equal success. When you struggle on a daily basis, it can be hard to dream big and follow your dreams. Which is why I think celebrating role models is so important, to show what is possi...ble.
To help spread a little dream magic, I have been sharing some of my favourite neurodivergent role models who show us each day that while the path may take a different journey, the destination can still be great.
Heres to our dreams, and those of the next generation of neurodivergent women. ality/
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Happy International Womens Day. This years theme is Each for Equal, and I have been thinking about the future dreams of young neurodivergent women.
For me, equality starts with ensuring equal dreams of what is possible and this starts early on. When you struggle on a daily basis, it can be hard to dream big and follow your dreams.
To help spread a little dream magic, I have been sharing some of my favourite neurodivergent role models who show us each day that while the path... may take a different journey, the destination can still be great. ality/
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This week I was thrilled to join @nancydoylepsych and @profamandakirby ... and many other great speakers at the “where has the girls gone” conference”” to discuss #neurodiversity. A thought provoking day. Thanks to @doitprofiler & @acttraining for hosting


A great morning with Arkk solutions talking about inclusion #eachforequal #neurodiversity #inclusion


Ross struggled through school and viewed managing to achieve “average” results as a major accomplishment.
After being diagnosed as dyslexic, Ross says he found a new purpose in life - he is now a researcher and writer for a number of dyslexic charities.
Ross is a reminder thy looking at life through a different lens can help us discover strengths we previously didn’t realise we had. This is what neurodiversity is all about - finding ways to ensure that everyone is able to d...iscover and utilise their own strengths instead of struggle with a one size fits all view.
#neurodiversity #dyslexia #inclusion #selfunderstanding q-a-ross-duncan/
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Excited to share my first ever inclusion in a magazine. It is a special edition focusing on neurodiversity, so plenty to read in the other articles too.…/…/edge_s pring_2020_full_book/24


‪Q&A with Kavina Pound who founded danzability, an inclusive dance company after being diagnosed as dyspraxia.
Kavina highlights some of the challenges dyspraxia face in education and the workplace, as she struggles with keypads and using a mouse. She would like to see more touch screens and voice activated software in the settings.
Since being diagnosed in later life Kavina is determined to be a positive example for others and has used her dance classes to have fun and rais...e money for the dyspraxia foundation. a-kavina-pound-d…/‬
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A new handbook in #neurodiversity from universal music -Handbook.pdf


Great to see BBC News writing about #neurodiversity. May this be the decade where neurodiversity reaches its tipping point with organisations, schools and society starting to fully embrace neurodiversity.


The most beautiful of posts.


Helen often struggles with social overload, especially at this time of year. Something that many people struggle with.
In her latest post, Helen shares some of the strategies she uses to minimise this ng-social-overload/


This is the year that I have tried not to think about. The year when I need to choose where I was my son to complete his secondary education. A reality I did not want to have to face, as there is no schools in our area which are able to support his needs and help him fulfil his academic potential.
This leads us with some very difficult decisions to make. No parent should have to ask themselves “what is more important, my child’s education or their mental health”
To true cost ...of not having inclusive schools which are able to support the needs of neurodivergent students means that many parents/ carers are having to make this choice every day.
#neurodiversity #autism #education #inclusion ice-my-autistica-…/
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I hadn’t planned a New Years message as I have been enjoying some time away from social media, then my daughter handed me a note.
I thought it was a great message to share as we head into a new decade.


This year I have met some amazing people who are working hard to bring about neurodiversity inclusion. Thank you for what you do.
I wish everyone a neurodiverse friendly Christmas, may you find a way to celebrate that works for you. Remember that allowing people to be their true selves, without the pressure to fit in with ‘the norm’, is the greatest gift you can give someone.


Loving this 👇


I am pleased to welcome Ausome Charlie - Neurodiversity Advocate as a new contributor to Me.Decoded.
In her first post, Charlie shares what life was like growing up before an autism diagnosis in later life. -through-educatio…/


I am looking forward to joining Prof Amanda Kirby and others for this event, on 3 March 2020 in Cardiff, which is dedicated to highlighting the experiences of neurodivergent women and girls.
Further details of the event can be found in the link.


On Friday I had the opportunity to talk about the need for #neurodiversity inclusion, alongside Alia Cooper a mental health advocate, as part of a discussion about invisible differences at the Aspire Leadership conference.
It was great to start a conversation with more people who have not heard about neurodiversity. Fingers crossed a few more people will help to continue the conversation, and call for their teams to create work with me guides .... a useful way of helping to identify the ways of working that work for everyone.

More about Me.Decoded