
About Medix-Global

Medix is a provider of innovative global comprehensive medical case management services tailored to customers needs.
-Personal Medical Case Management

Medix-Global Description

Medix is a global company specializing in quality medical management



“There is a significant shift going on in the insurance world. Basically, insurers turn from being just payers who cover for expenses, and become partners to their customers.” - Ms Sigal Atzmon, Medix CEO.
Click on the link below to learn more about the changes and digital transformations that are currently affecting the global healthcare insurance world, in an interview given by Ms Sigal Atzmon, Medix founder and CEO, to Enterprise Innovation.


Marking World Health Day! Medix supports the cause and believes that no one should ever have to live in fear of falling ill because of the lack of affordable, quality health services. Join us and bring attention to this important initiative by The World Health Organization seeking to drive change and increase access to quality care.


Among the biggest challenges facing healthcare are accessibility and standardisation of quality care. But what role will Artificial Intelligence (AI) play in alleviating these pressures while also driving much-needed change? Medix' Jonathan Sternberg, VP Global Business Development, discusses in the link below.


Sigal Atzmon, CEO, and founder of Medix, in an interview with Bloomberg, discusses the overwhelming implications Brexit will have on the U.K. healthcare industry as a whole. She also addresses Medix' decision to downsize in the U.K., and the company's push into Asia. Click on the link below to watch this eye-opening interview and to see where Medix is heading to next.


March is Endometriosis Awareness Month! For many women, period pain and premenstrual cramping are a normal monthly occurrence. However, if your menstruation includes heavy bleeding, pelvic pain or extended periods of cramping before and after menstruation, you may be suffering from Endometriosis. Speak to your gynecologist or healthcare provider for more information on getting tested and treatment options available.


Over the last decade, there has been a drastic increase in colorectal cancer diagnosis among young adults. The most predominant risk factors include lack of physical activity, use of tobacco products, and alcohol consumption. This Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, take preventative steps to maintain healthy body weight, exercising regularly and adhering to regular screenings.


Termed the 'silent killer' aneurysms are one of the most common causes of sudden death as patients often don't present with obvious symptoms until the aneurysm bursts, leading to fatal outcomes in 75% of cases. However, understanding the causes and treatment options available can save lives.


Start following a few golden rules to maintain healthy kidneys on this World Kidney Day! First, keep regular control of the sugar levels in your blood. This will assist in preventing diabetes-induced kidney damage. Second, maintain a healthy fluid intake by drinking enough water to help your kidney's clear sodium, urea and toxins from your body. Third, avoid taking unnecessary over-the-counter medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs on a regular basis as they are known to cause kidney damage with long-term use. Click on the link below for more helpful tips:


Genetic Targeting – Individualised Care Mr. J's journey into his 40's was marred by unexpected trauma as he was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. Under the impression he was receiving the best treatment his health deteriorated dramatically. He turned to Medix for guidance, and only then did he discover that the single most effective line of treatment was for him to enroll in a global clinical trial.


I believe each one of us must find their meaningful purpose in life and hold true to it. Through hard work, resilience, and determination anything is possible. Mastering these traits sets us free from gender inequality. As I hold firmly to these ideals, I look forward to the future, void of gender bias, rendering the need for a Women's Day obsolete. - Ms. Sigal Atzmon, CEO Medix
#UNWomen #WomensDay Think equal, build smart, innovate for change....
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How Does Personal Medical Case Management Work? The goal of Personal Medical Case Management (PMCM) is to ensure the best possible medical outcomes for patients during their medical journey. Follow the five main stages to see how PMCM works to make a real difference in peoples lives.


Medix is motivated to create an environment that establishes socially responsible working relationships for partners, customers and employees alike. To discover more about Medix' approach to corporate sustainability click on the link below.


Affecting around 65 million people globally and predicted to be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, do you know what COPD is?


Medix supports World Cancer Day 2019 and its efforts to create awareness, encouraging people globally to take positive steps towards prevention, early detection, and favorable treatment options. #WorldCancerDay #IAmAndIWill


There are moments in life where everything seems to be falling apart. Rest assured that Medix’ Personal Medical Case Management services are here for you, helping navigate your medical journey all the way.


What a Year! Medix' VP of Business Development takes a look back at the last twelve months and the significant trends that are set to impact the healthcare industry in 2019.


Wishing you and your loved ones a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year. Together, we will continue to Make A Difference In People’s Lives in 2019. Best wishes The Medix Team


Healthcare privacy in a digital age - How Safe Are We? Medix-Global explores the value of Electronic Medical Records in the new age of digitisation and the fundamental challenges surrounding privacy, confidentiality, and security. Click the link below to learn more.

More about Medix-Global

Medix-Global is located at 118 Piccadilly, W1J7NW London, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 3514 3864