
About Megalithomania

Megalithomania was created to become an open forum to debate the megalithic arts and sciences with annual conferences, tours, DVDs and Downloads of all the multi-media presentations.

Megalithomania Description

Megalithomania was founded by Hugh Newman, John Martineau and Gareth Mills in the winter of 2005. Inspired by the incredible research of numerous authors, the conference was created to become an open forum to debate the megalithic arts and sciences. The team felt that history books and colleges do not present the evidence that is being discovered today. Revelations in the fields of archaeoastronomy, geomancy, mathematics, ley alignments, sacred geometry and other cutting-edge disciplines are helping rewrite our own history, but are often completely overlooked by the academic world. Many people want to know where we came from and connect to our ancestors so we hope that this annual event can be part of that process.



Megalithomania's Hugh Newman and his co-author Jim Vieira are holding two lectures in the coming weeks in America, The First is in Boulder, Colorado on 13th June - Ancient Nephilim, The Pyramids & Stone Circles - Boulder, CO and the second is in LA on 17th June - Ancient Nephilim, The Pyramids & Stone Circles - Irvine, CA, plus Hugh will also be speaking at Alien Con in LA over the Solstice Weekend!
Giants on Record by Jim Vieira and Hugh Newman


Latest Megalithomania Newsletter - 9.


Santu Antine Nuraghe megalithic tower in Sardinia. Thousands of tons of stone with beehive chambers 60 ft tall and huge corridors were put together with massive cyclopean blocks. There are about 8000 recorded Nuraghe’s in Sardinia dating back to around 1800 BC to 1200 BC. Legends states they were built by giants.


Ancient Technology of the Megalithic Serpent Gods | Hugh Newman | Megalithomania | Why were serpents carved in ancient temples all over the world since 12,000 years ago? Who were these master megalithic masons? Why were they called 'feathered serpents'? Hugh Newman investigates the ancient teachers of mankind in this new 2019 lecture.
Hugh Newman - Egyptian Origins: Pyramids, Gods & Giants Tour - November 2019 - Origins Conference 2019 - Megalithomania


Megalithomaniacs at the Laconi Menhirs Museum on our Ancient Sardinia tour.


More Photos from Megalithomania


Marbles of the Gods | Stone Spheres of Costa Rica & the World | Hugh Newman | Megalithomania | | New lecture filmed in 2019. An exploration of the perfectly carved ancient giant stone spheres found in Costa Rica and around the world. What were the ancients up to?


Andy Megalithic Burnham live at Megalithomania!

More about Megalithomania

+44 7779 113542