Megaphone Uk

About Megaphone Uk

We aim to use the web to unite people who want to see greater fairness and more common sense in the way we work for our economy, and the ways our economy works for us.



Every worker deserves a wage they can live on. And when companies deny workers the National Living Wage, they should be punished for it.


Ministers Boris Johnson and Michael Gove want to make the PM break her promise and scrap our holiday pay and break rights from the Working Time Directive when we leave the EU.
Don't let them! Sign the petition now at


Michael Gove and Boris Johnson are planning to force Theresa May to scrap the Working Time Directive after Brexit.
This is the piece of EU legislation that underpins lots of our rights to hours, breaks and holidays. It’s long been a target of the hard right, who want to give bosses even more power over workers.
The PM has repeatedly promised workers' rights won't be cut - she needs to face down the hard-Brexit extremists in her own cabinet.


Imagine the Planet of the Apes without any apes, or Transformers that don't transform. Visual effects artists bring our favourite movies to life.
But right now the big studios don't credit all the VFX workers who create their films. That's just not fair.
We're working with BECTU, the union for VFX crew, to demand studios give credits where credit is due. Join our petition now!


Plymouth firefighter Mark has seen his pay fall more than £2,000 in value since 2010, as the government has been actively holding down pay for everyone working in the public sector for 7 years.
Prices haven't stopped rising in that time and the squeeze is hurting many public servants and their families, contributing to staff shortages across our essential public services.
Please help win a fairer pay rise for public servants - join Mark's online petition to Theresa May now.


Uber's CEO Travis Kalanick resigned today, as shareholders tried to stop a run of scandals and controversy at the company. Travis may no longer be at the top (he's still on the board), but it doesn't look like much is changing for Uber's army of drivers, who still aren't entitled to the minimum wage or holiday pay.
Join GMB's petition to Transport For London. They must not renew Uber's London license this summer unless Uber agree to real change and to play fair by drivers, passengers and taxpayers.


It seems that every election, parties tell us it’s the most important one for a generation. But this election genuinely could be. Whoever ends up forming the next government, at the top of their in-tray will be striking a new deal with our European neighbours as we leave the EU.
That’s going to be hard any way you look at it, but if it’s to have any chance of working, it has to be matched by an equal commitment to forge a new deal for the UK’s working people. We're determined working people must not end up paying a price for Brexit.
The TUC's Frances O'Grady blogs on four issues where politicians wanting our votes need to show us a clear plan to get the economy working for workers.


Later this month the Transport For London board will hear the case for renewing Uber's 5 year licence to operate in the city.
Uber still refuse to accept the ruling of a legal case brought by Uber drivers' union GMB, which found that Uber have to meet basic standards like the minimum wage, paid holiday and safety protection. They also have to pay employment taxes they have been avoiding.
Please help GMB call on the TFL board to refuse to renew Uber's licence if they don't operate within the law. Sign the new GMB petition to TFL now:


A decade after the financial crash, we're still feeling the squeeze on our pay. People's living standards are going to be a big issue in this election, and maybe the next.
Use our new calculator to find out what's likely to happen to your own pay by the time of the 2022 general election.


Today is Work Your Proper Hours Day. It's the day in the year when the average person doing unpaid overtime stops effectively working for free, and starts earning for themselves. In 2016, more than 5.3 million people put in an average of 7.7 hours a week over and above their contracted hours - making £33.6 billion of free work. Want a shock? Use this calculator to find out how much more you'd get paid each year if unpaid overtime was paid at your usual rate.


Further strike action on Southern Rail take place this week, and the disruption this will cause for passengers is regrettable. But we won’t be misled by Govia and the government on why the strikes are taking place.
For some time now, they've tried to reduce the dispute to ‘it’s about who opens and closes the doors. We know it's not just about train dispatch, it’s about guaranteeing a second safety critical trained person on the train, for safety, security and accessibility.
S...outhern will save money by cutting conductors. In 2014/15 they received £42m from taxpayers and paid out £22m in shareholder dividends – a very bad deal for passengers and taxpayers.
If you agree and want to see the failed Southern Rail franchise replaced by a service run in the public interest, join our campaign:…/s outhern-fail-time-fo…
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We're joining with shopworkers' union Usdaw and campaign site Care2 tomorrow to hand in a petition of more than 100,000 signatures at Philip Green's London offices.
Philip Green pledged to "sort" the hole in the BHS pension fund that he helped cause, but his offers have been far too little, and far too slow in coming. He took hundreds of millions in dividends out of the retailer before it closed. 11,000 lost their jobs and many more stand to lose pension savings unless he pays up.
If you didn't add your name yet, you can do so here. Please help us keep the pressure on:…/p hilip-green-honour-y…


Thanks to everyone who signed our petition with the NHS Support Federation, calling on Philip Hammond to commit to a financial reset for the NHS in his Autumn Statement tomorrow. We’ve delivered your signatures to him at the Treasury, and recorded this short video there.
If you can, please help add to the pressure in parliament by writing to your MP with our friends the NHS Support Federation:


The government are finally starting their promised independent review into online voting for unions. They were pushed into conceding this during the passage of the Trade Union Act, which will force unions to hit unfair ballot thresholds using only outdated and expensive postal voting.
We’re glad the government (eventually) saw sense in allowing this review, and we’re looking forward to telling its chair Sir Ken Knight why we think online voting in union ballots should be allowed as soon as possible.


Uber drivers and their union GMB have won a landmark tribunal case, establishing that they are employees of Uber, and as such should receive basic employment rights like the minimum wage and sick pay.
Uber are still denying their responsibilities to their workers, and plan to appeal the decision, which went against them on all counts.
We're calling on Uber to drop the appeal, agree to the tribunal's ruling, and stop trying to drive down workers' rights. Join the campaign and sign GMB's petition now!


Billionaire former owner of BHS Philip Green has said he's "very, very, very sorry" for the company’s collapse. But the Pensions Regulator has "yet to receive a comprehensive written proposal" from him about a settlement for the BHS pension fund, which faces a deficit of £571m.
11,000 jobs have tragically gone. Now workers could also lose great chunks of their retirement savings. "Sorry" just won't cut it.
Please help add to the pressure on Philip Green to honour his earlier promises. Sign the BHS workers' union USDAW's petition now:

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