Melanie Mackie - Award-Winning Mentoring Consultancy

About Melanie Mackie - Award-Winning Mentoring Consultancy

Helping ambitious women achieve personal and professional growth whilst creating a life on your own terms. Mentor & Consultant offering 1: 1 Mentoring sessions | Group mentoring | Online mentoring courses



I believe in the ocean curing all bad moods. I believe in the waves wiping away worries. I believe in seashells bringing good luck.... I believe in toes in the ground grounding my soul.
It no longer matters if you work in corporate or run your own petite business. Even if you’re the most productive person in the world everyone needs a little time and space to just be. To hit pause for a moment. Tune out. Reflect and enjoy the moment.
And ask am I living my best life?
Am I living and working how I intend to?
Am I a priority in my own life?
Because if the answer is no you’re the only one who can do something about it.
Read more about living your best life on the Branches of Wisdom Blog…/become-a- priority-in-your-life
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Where do you find the woman who is desperate for you to grow, bloom and transform into everything your meant to be and more?
You’ll find her within and she is waiting for you to tune in, listen and take action. If you are ready to get reacquainted take a look at the brand new Bloom From Within Sessions and I’ll be your guide. Link in bio.
... #grow #bloom #transform #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #petitebusiness #mentor #guide #soulsisters #leadwithyourwisdom
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We are not all the same. We are unique and so are our beliefs, values and petite businesses.
But, there are people who we naturally resonate with and those that we definitely don't. And the point is by being more of you, you are likely to attract more like-minded souls. (not weirdos as such!) Towards you. And that is a magical moment when you meet someone who says "Oh Me Too"!
It happens to me a lot. And it definitely happens within the Social Collective. Find out more if yo...u want to join us in October.
Some might say we are weird but I'd say not, just ourselves :-) ve/
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Affirmations. These little nuggets of wisdom can be brilliant reminders as and when you need a little pick me up. A nudge to get your positive pants back on and focus on you.
Affirmations work for me if I feel they are written in a way that I would say them. And they work even more if I actually believe them wholeheartedly. If I don't they become wishy-washy meaningless words.
So if you need to get a little Monday, or in fact any day motivation try compiling a list of affirm...ations that suit you.
And it just so happens that I have created a pin board on Pinterest if you need some ideas to get you started.
Happy Monday! /affirmations/
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Sometimes we all need someone to sit and chat through an idea, to help us sow the seeds, to share the space and time to ponder the possibilities, to realise that someone else can see and feel your vision too. And today is one of those lovely days when it feels a privilege to tune in and listen to yet another remarkable woman who simply wants to be and do something incredible with her petite business and soul led work to create a community to support others in their time of need. And I know she will do it. As it’s time for us all to rise. You with us too?! #grow #bloom #transform #womenempowerment #womeninbusiness #soulledwork #soulledlife #bethechange #community #collaboration #mission #passion #purpose #mentor #teatime #nicecupoftea


We have to decide we are important enough to have some space and time within our busy schedules in order to sustain ourselves and our soul-led work. By taking regular breaks, getting away from our desks and our non-stop devices we become more productive. More mindful and connected.
So if you’re ready to say hello to yourself and think outside? (No Box Required) Join me for a wander and ponder at Virginia Water lake, Surrey and let's nurture ourselves whilst we netwalk in nature.
Find out more here walk/


We have to decide we are important enough to have some space and time within our busy schedules in order to sustain ourselves and our soul-led work. By taking regular breaks, getting away from our desks and our non-stop devices we become more productive. More mindful and connected.
So if you’re ready to say hello to yourself and think outside? (No Box Required) Join me for a wander and ponder at Virginia Water lake, Surrey and let's nurture ourselves whilst we netwalk in nature.
Find out more here walk/


Invest your energy in something that is going to contribute to your growth.
Always brilliant to spend some in person time with these fabulous petite business owners and remarkable women. Today was a lovely day spent al fresco by the river in celebration and recognising everything collectively achieved so far this year. And I know there is plenty more to come!💕🙏💕 #socialcollective #summercelebration #petitebusiness #womensupportingwomen #growing #blooming #transforming #highvibetribe #mentor #riverthames


Invest your energy in something that is going to contribute to your growth.
Always brilliant to spend some in person time with these fabulous petite business owners and remarkable women.
Today was a lovely day spent al fresco by the river in celebration and recognising everything collectively achieved so far this year. And I know there is plenty more to come!
... #socialcollective #summercelebration #petitebusiness #womensupportingwomen #growing #blooming #transforming #highvibetribe #mentor #riverthames
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Angel Eyes. A new rose in our garden this year and despite the intense heat it is blooming again. Love the summer evenings when the sun drops and I can potter with my pots. Everything else in the garden is struggling and bit frazzled but angel eyes is just bloomin’ lovely. 💕🌹💕 #roses #bloom #angeleyes #garden #summertime #beingoutside #sanctuary #summerevening #longhotsummer #abundance #joy #smelltheroses #gardener #flowersofinstagram


Growth, encouragement, transformation, community = the Social Collective.
When you find the right group, one that feels uplifting and energising something very special occurs. Deeper connections are made. Relationships grow and flourish. You make friends. And finally you breathe a sigh of relief as you know you’re in the right place with the right people. Feeling fully seen, supported and strengthened by being part of a something special together. No longer on your path alon...e.
Collective insights and wisdom are powerful. And so the Social Collective is a safe, trusted place where collectively we all benefit, learn, grow and transform ourselves and our petite businesses.
We are Encouragers for each other and receive mutual encouragement and trusted support in return.
Collectively we make change happen.
Find out more about joining us in October ve/
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Letting the sunshine in. How do you deal with set backs in life and your petite business? For me when the trials and tribulations seem to be endlessly challenging I know it’s time for me to hit pause. Get outside. Try not to panic and just be. And my next step always comes. Usually I’ll hear a reminder. A whisper. “Stay in your lane. Stay on course. Remember what you’re here to do and be”. And as I sit here amongst the trees, birds and ducks life rolls on and feels good once more. 💕🌿💕 #beingoutside #morninglight #mission #reflections #seekthelight #womenempowerment #soulpreneurs #soulledlife #soulledwork #mentor #grow #bloom #transform #leadwithyourwisdom #leaders #petitebusiness #gardenoffice #gardener


Helping one person might not change the world. But it might change the world for one person. New on the Branches of Wisdom Blog Be The Change You Wish To See.
One person cannot change the entire world but we can all do what we can.
It's easy to sit back and believe someone else can speak up on our behalf. Someone else will make the necessary changes. Someone else will bravely share their story and that will be enough to see the change we wish to see.
... But why not me? Why not you? Why should someone else do it on our behalf?
Maybe you wonder whether or not you and you alone are able to make any impact?
Whether anyone else cares about what you have to say?
Whether or not anyone is interested and would listen?
The answer is always yes.
Somebody somewhere will always benefit. We can all go and hide under my rock if we choose to. But if something truly matters to you, you will choose to do something about it. You will do whatever you can. You will find a way forward.
Read more here…/be-the-c hange-you-wish-to-see
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“Do not chase another human being. Instead, chase your curiosity. Chase your development and your goals. Chase your passion. Strive to work for something bigger than yourself. And instead of trying to convince someone that you fit within their world, build your own.”💕🌿💕
After the storm, wind and rain the dark clouds pass once more. And the path forward appears once more in the light.
Which path are you going to choose? What feels right to you? Who will walk along side you?
... #grow #bloom #transform #tribe #soulsisters #mentor #soulpreneurs #petitebusiness #livelifeonyourterms
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Peaceful and tranquil in this gorgeous garden #summer #gardens #timeout #selfcare #metime #BritishSummer #heatwave #beingoutside #beingnotdoing #pause #moments #keepingcool 🌿❤️🌿


When a flower doesn't bloom you fix the environment in which it grows. Not the flower.
#grow #bloom #transform /


It’s impossible, said pride. It’s risky said experience. It’s pointless said reason. Give it a try whispered the heart.
... Climbing Up The Ladder Of Success - New on the Branches of Wisdom Blog
We all have different wants and needs for our lives and businesses and what we class as success varies from person to person.
Success may look like keeping up appearances online and becoming a “social influencer” with thousands of followers on social media. It may look like a diary chock-a-block with clients. It may look like hitting your sales targets and being a six-figure business. Or it may mean being interviewed on TV or for a well known magazine. These are all fabulous achievements.
But we don’t all desire the same things.
Read more here…/climbin guptheladderofsuccess
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Nurture and Netwalk in Nature with Transformational Mentor Melanie Mackie.
With a diary bumper full with clients to see, tasks to do, sales to make, meetings to attend, social media updates to post, admin to process and not forgetting a home life to juggle. Squeezing in some time for you to just be is mission totally impossible.
... With all this doing and not enough being is it any wonder soulpreneurs feel stressed, uninspired, isolated, worn out and disconnected from themselves, their petite businesses and the world at large?
If this sounds like you, know that you are just as important, if not more so than everything else on your to-do list. Because you are your business. And if you’re not at your best everything often grinds to a halt. Especially you.
However, instead of recognising how frazzled we are and take our foot off the gas we believe the solution is to up the ante and cram in more.
But it isn’t.
This is the perfect time to stop all the doing, pushing and striving and gift yourself some time to be. Not do. Let yourself pause for a moment. Take a break. Breathe. Chill. Recharge. Reflect. Contemplate. Ditch the to-do list for now. Tune out from the noise and stress all around you.
And quieten your mind so that you can tune back in to you.
Find out more about the Nurture and Netwalk in Nature meet up's with Melanie at Virginia Water and book your ticket here walk/
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More about Melanie Mackie - Award-Winning Mentoring Consultancy