Melanie S. Watson- Celebrating 30 Years In This Business

About Melanie S. Watson- Celebrating 30 Years In This Business

Melanie Watson is an Equine Behaviour Expert, Consultant and Trainer. She specialises in training owners to better understand their horses. Advocating humane, scince based positive reward based training, creating pure communication.

Melanie S. Watson- Celebrating 30 Years In This Business Description

Equine Behaviour Specialist, Trainer and Consultant. Please contact for advice, support or training anywhere in the UK. Expert witness service.



Am interesting mix of emotions and reactions going on with Dotty mare today. I have been shaping flexions and turns on the ground as well as riding her on the ground at her shoulder. That has all gone surprisingly well really. She was unsure of my close proximity at her shoulder for walk on and turning on both sides but proved yo become relaxed with this. Today I took some time above her without too many issues. I could bridge and treat my touching her hip from above yet when I randomly touched it off the ground she reacted badly. Over all I am delighted with Dotty as she has lowered her guard with me time and time again.


Brilliant new resource for support and training


This is the 3rd day in a row where I have been able to trust the training which Dotty is trusting. The "foot up with duration" behaviour has been shaped over time to the point where Dotty in 100% on board. The dreaded hind feet lift was shaped with a long stick with a glove on it. I have now taken that away and moving straight in with my hand. While Dotty is concentrating on lifting up and holding up those feet, I am able to then step in and hold them myself. Quite a result from such a sensitive and reactive mare. I am now reaping the benefit of weeks of "foot up and hold with duration" behaviour. While Dotty is holding her foot up, she is not kicking out. The danger is always when you let go of that hind foot. That is the time she may react badly because of my proximity.


Dotty mare doing so very much better these days. Calmer all round. We can groom her and I can pick all her feet up on cue now including her hind ones without using the long glove stick. Bringing out the farrier tools and hearing their clatter again put her on threshold. She just had to temporarily revert back to a lash out. At least I can trim up the fronts now including putting them forward onto the stand for rasping. Some memory triggered this action yesterday. I did not react to it at all and simply picked the front foot up again and rasped it on the stand. She did not repeat the kick out again


I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone here. ...all 3000+ of you. Amazing how you have all chipped in with comments, support, questions and observations over time which is brilliant. I am glad to have been of help to people and thus helping their horses. Keep on interacting with myself and everyone else here....... this is a community after all xxxx


I do get disheartened sometimes when I read the brutal advice given so freely, by so many on Facebook. I often get tagged in to conversations where people are pleading for advice after suffering some sort of traumatic episode or accident with their horse. If you go to your Doctor with a serious medical issue then chances are he will point you in a direction of an expert to further diagnose and plan a course of treatment. If your vehicle breaks, you will probably seek out an mechanic to help fix the problem. Being a good driver does not help at all. There is a vast difference between an average Horse Trainer and an Equine Behaviour expert so why are professionals , like myself, always the last in the line, to be contacted? So much collateral damage can done to the horse in between the start of unwanted behaviour and the commonly applied training using force of our will - because there is no knowledge of Applied Behavioural science. My consultation service is an invaluable tool, when getting down to the nitty, gritty of understanding unwanted behaviour and why it is being repeated. 1- What is actually happening re Behaviour? Getting rid of the commonly used anthropomorphic labelling of behaviour. 2- What is reinforcing that behaviour? Why is it being repeated? 3- How historical associations and Classical Conditioning may be at play? 4- How the basic 4 way pull of environment plays its role in triggering the behaviour? 5- Which emotions and hormones are to the fore? 6- What genetic influence may be part and parcel of why this behaviour is being displayed. These are just a few questions I would use in my research into the whys and wherefores of the said behaviour so that it can all be unpicked and a proper understanding can be gained. Suggested management changes and forward thinking training plans can only be explored and explained after a thorough investigative Consultation has taken place. The bullying of a horse into some sort of learned helplessness, never fixes the emotions behind those behaviours. Inevitably there will be a reoccurrence, even escalation, once all the pressure and force is taken away. Remembering that all behaviour is information to the owner or trainer- we need to listen to what they are telling us first and foremost.
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Getting there carefully with Dotty


This is a really great film done by my friend and awesome horse trainer Shawna Corrin Karrasch. It is a valuable lesson in teaching a busy horse to learn to do very little- such a massively overlooked part when clicker training is done wrong. Over-arousal or busy brained horses need to work out how to impulse control and learn calmness and the art of bringing themselves down with self-regulation.


For the last 3 weeks we have been working away at teaching Casper to be less reactive to life and to be more confident in his own skin. He has now been taught to stand on a wooden plinth for mounting. Before he would move away from the rider on a mounting block, now he has the confidence to stand still and square onto the block without moving away. The exercises he has learned on the ground are now being used ridden- moving to targets and going round the round pen on voice cues for a start. The last few pictures are of mum Justine, learning some ground work basics with him and having him connect with her..


Science moves on and proves, without a doubt, that the old ways of weaning are just so harmful. I see more cases of separation anxiety issues with horses which stem originally from traumatic forced weaning experience. Food for thought.


Buzz and Woody are now lovely family horses doing lovely normal family stuff. I thought you would all love to see how they are doing as riding ponies out in the big wide world. Makes me very happy.


We have been systematically working away at training Casper to be less reactive to movements and sounds. He met these fronds 2 weeks ago for the first time and was obviously extremely wary. This video, taken 2 days ago, shows how very much more relaxed he is with their touch, feel, rustling noises and where his body is in relation to them. To have him stand so relaxed while they are truely behind his eyeline and touching his haunch and back legs, is great. Casper now wanders through them, and under them, without scooting too. Perfect. Clever ponio.


Over the last week Dotty has been to Rainbow Vets at Malton for a very thorough pain related check up. She was scoped for ulcers, slightly red lining but no ulceration to see. She was scanned showing that she is cycling normally with no abnormalities. Her sister was PSSM tested which proved negative so it was deemed unnecessary to test Dotty. She is on a bute trial as I speak. All indications are such that Dotty's touch sensitivity and human approach reactivity is not medical or pain related. Her older sister had exactly the same nature as Dotty, where all tests were done and nothing conclusive found. This all leads us to a genetic drive for unpredictable guarding behaviours. They have become a mirror image of each other. In my training with Dotty, I have been increasingly training her to accept more invasive procedures. I washed her on a hot day, which she loved. Carefully I shampooed her mane, which she seemed to quite enjoy. In these pictures I am trimming her mane shorter with a razor comb, being aware of her tolerance levels. I tried to stand up on a box but that was far too much for Dotty and took her over threshold. Daily now I am able to handle her hind feet after testing with the long stick with a glove on it. So long as you don't touch her anywhere, she now allows all feet to be handled now, lifting them up on a voice cue. She gets all quirky if she is tied up outside another horse, which might touch her- then she redirects her dislike on me. So always best to have her well away from stabled horses. I am spending time scratching her all over with that same long stick hand so I can stand back and be reasonably safe. She switches from obvious pleasure to warning me off, then switches back again. Quite a conundrum really
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With our continuing work with touch aggressive Dotty, we seize on a moment when we can. Turns out Dotty loves a tail scratch but this is simply not possible anywhere other than over a door, in protected contact and on Dottys terms. It would be so wonderful to be able to give her tail a scratch as a reinforcer during our work with her in other environments. Maybe one day!


Table manners -please! :0


Lucky update! :)


Finally, after many months of planning, my new website is up and running. Please feel free to take a look at my world and my work and see how I can help any horse owner to overcome problems and reach training goals in a force-free and positive way. #happyhorses #horse #horsetraining #forcefreehorsetraining #scincebasedanimaltraining #equine k/


sent my baby to mels in 2012 for manner training, she is 8 now and without the start mel gave her i dont think id had the pony i have today she is the most polite, respectful horse you could ask for xxx


Where do I start - I can honestly say my horse wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Mel. She helped me when I first got Sky as he had serious issues which she worked him through calmly. Last year she became my emergency service and travelled on a Good Friday to get him to the vets after a nasty potentially life threatening accident - Mel was the only one who could load him. I can't recommend her enough - I'm so glad I picked up the 'phone that day when I was close to giving up on who is now a wonderful horse x


When I met Melanie I was clueless about horses just very eager to do everything now, this second :) Melanie took time for me and my Romeo and not always told me what I wanted to hear but I guess it was for the best for both of us! I do know I can be quiet pain in the neck with all the questions, but you always took time for me to answer them all ☺️ thank you for being my first ever person to guide me in my horse world and put me onto right path myself and Romeo my special child :)


Well where to start........ I have had the most amazing day today with my boy Chester. He is a six year old cob suffering with separation anxiety. I am a novice and before meeting with melanie have tried lots of things to over come this from getting someone else to ride him out for me because I was unable, to using pressure and release. All to no avail. In fact he was becoming worse. I rang melanie who instantly reassured me and put me at ease after a long discussion on the phone we made a plan for her to come out to see Chester and I. This decision has been met with some criticism along the way I might add. As it's difficult for people to see another way other than the old way. However I had a session with melanie yesterday. Her words and wisdom empowered me, opened my mind and her training taught me a new way of seeing and doing things. Today I have had a truly awesome day of success yes SUCCEES !!!!!. Today I truly believe I have a long future with my boy filled with happiness. Connected as one like I thought was never gonna be possible. From little acorns grow big oak trees. If I can become a smidgen of a horse trainer that Melanie Watson is I will become a very happy lady. Can't wait to meet up again. Thank you so much. ����


R+ training Sunny

To all you out there that might doubt changing how you train your horse!

I read the recent post about Prince and I 100% agree and vouch that positive reinforcement does NOT encourage mugging and nipping. Sunny had a month back with me where virtually every bit of food bar grass came from my hand during training/play/R+. He's more engaged, alert, friendly yes but never rude, pushy or nippy as he understood the rules. Once I'd trained MYSELF to be consistent he trusted me that if he sought the reward it came. As he arrived at his new home yesterday, I applied all we'd practiced and he was the calmest and most relaxed in a new yard I'd ever seen. It was great R+ for me!


My horse is currently with Melanie for traffic training and after just a week I have been able to ride him out on the road with no other horse to chaperone him and he didn't bat an eyelid , I was amazed and very happy, he has another week with Melanie and I am looking forward to learning more. Melanie is a great teacher and explains things and she has patience to let her horses and their owners absorb information , highly recommended


My boy for various injury reasons has ended up at Melanie's three times in past 3 years for bringing back into work. She's the only person I trust with my boy and wouldn't hesitate to recommend her and do to anyone that may need her help. Thank you Melanie for everything you've done for me and Shadow. My boy will be going to Melanie for holiday work too whilst I'm away x


Melanie was my last hope when I bought my ex racehorse who was miss sold to us. After being told a load of lies by the seller we bought him believing he'd never raced or had any training. He was my second horse and quite frankly I'd bitten off more than I could chew with him. He threw everyone off and broke several bones, he was a devil to lead out or bring in from the field, hacking on the road was a far distant dream that I truly believed I would never do with this horse. I was at my wits end but felt I had to give him one last chance. Melanie helped Frank as he seemed to have lots of trust issues, after just 2 and a half weeks, I'd been to visit frank at the weekend and we'd hacked out safely and confidently out in traffic. I couldn't believe it, he was calm and easy on the ground and he didn't go against everything I asked for once. 3 years now I've owned him and we've not looked back. We've been to shows & competed in Ex racehorse classes where others around him have been kicking off and he's not batted an eyelid, we've been to fun rides around Somerford park and even my 12 year old has ridden him and felt safe trotting & cantering him around.

If you're considering using Melanie, all I can say is do it. She quite frankly saved my boy from being passed to the next home and most likely he would have ended up with a bad ending due to his problems and people misunderstanding his behaviour


Melanie very kindly came to Lincoln College to speak to my Animal Care students. What an amazing lady that has worked hard to introduce the science of animal learning theory to horse industry and prove horses can be trained through positive reinforcement. She has achieved results no whips and spurs would ever achieve!! Truly inspirational and she has motivated me more to stand by my beliefs in positive reinforcement for horses. If you love your horse you need to meet Mel and she will be able to teach you how to get better results out of your horse based on scientific theory that works.


I spent the day at Melanie's yesterday, learning about clicker training. Amazing experience, despite the cold and the wet, I feel that I learned such a lot. Thank you so much for your patience, fabulous horses and incredible ability to explain a complex subject, in a real user friendly way. I am going home to start again from the beginning and see what we can achieve! :-)


I recently did a week’s work experience at Instinctive Horse Training and had a lovely time. It was a wonderful experience seeing horses as active, willing participants in their training. Even when given the option to leave and not do something, they choose to stay.

Melanie and the rest of the team were all kind, helpful, and incredibly patient with me while I fumbled about learning the ropes. I learned a lot and picked up lots of things to try out with my own horse. I’d definitely come back again!


I recently bought a horse from Melanie . I visited her yard a number of times before picking him up . I witnessed the work Melanie does with horses throughout the time I spent at the yard . She also taught me a lot about how to handle certain situations and I witnessed that her way of training really works and is amazing ! I also spent time with her staff . I was very impressed by what I witnessed and would highly recommend her to anyone , in fact I have already done so on a number of occasions .

Both Melanie and her staff are very professional, knowledgeable, honest and committed to the work they do with horses, as well as being very friendly and welcoming . Whoever decides to send their horse to Melanie or attends any events she has on or even contacts her to discuss any issues they have will not be disappointed!


I just wanted to say thank you very much for coming and giving our Animal Management course group a talk last Wednesday.

I very much so enjoyed listening to your experiences within the horse industry and hearing of your fantastic rescue/ training pathway. Your progression to where you are now is inspiring.

It was also great being able to go away and research so many different areas of behavioural thought and people of interest.

If anybody is thinking of asking Melanie to give a lecture / seminar do not hesitate. It is a fantastic experience.


I have had the pleasure of knowing Melanie for approximately 4 years + as a friend and wonderful trainer. We were introduced by a good friend of mine who sent her very troubled little ex race horse mare to her as she felt her training methods would suit the emotional needs of said mare! Melanie was so patient with my friend's mare taking time to include my friend ( Client ) in helping shape and train new positive behaviours and ensuring she had the tools available to continue the training journey alone.

When i finally met Melanie, after having received many hours of advise from her, just because she genuinely wanted to help me in my quest to help the horses I was working with at the time, I was ineroxably drawn to her passion and drive to help better the emotional needs for the horses and humans alike. So much so that as a result of that meeting, where I was able to watch her work over several days she has inspired me to carry over her methods with the horses I work with and strive for a better understanding of their and our emotional needs for a happy and fulfilling life.

I continue to feel disheartened when I see negativity when referring to clicker training and positive reinforcement, which i believe stems from a place of misunderstanding!! At what point did We become so impatient?! Do we really realise that some horses and humans emotional trauma is so deep seated, that it may take some time to restore their faith in humanity?! There are so many wonderful trainers out there I'm sure of that, but there are also some undesirable trainers out there appealing to the public with quick fix methods whom perhaps don't take the time to truly understand the emotional needs of the horse!!!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Melanie Watson from the bottom of my heart. The horses thank you as do the many other animals you've helped and will continue to help! We are all very much looking forward to seeing you again in August to continue our quest to improve the lives of our majestic equine friends. Please continue with your amazing work and your passion to help the animals and a huge congratulations on your 32nd year in business.


I have had the great opportunity to have melanin Watson work on my 3 geldings, 1 came to her terrified of his own skin, suffering from panic attacks and other behaviour problems after spending some time with melanin he is a 1000% better he's more calmer and just an all round amazing boy and the techniques we have learned help us to this day, the 2nd and 3rd boy came from breaking and they are true gentlemen and I couldn't wish for anything more!!!

If you are having trouble with your horses I would recommend Mrs Watson the work she performs and teaches is pure perfection, an amazing lady to call my friend, 30 years and still going strong!!!


I brought my horse to Melanie after doing work experience a few times before and really liked what she had done. Her and Sophy did amazing work with mac and before we went there he would rear, buck and bolt off while going out in traffic with no breaks at all after a short period of two weeks and spending all my spare time down there Mac now hacks out great in company and alone. Can't thank Mel and her team enough!�


Dear Melanie,

I don't know if you will remember us and I have been meaning to contact you for a long time now. Around March 2011 I contacted you for some cyber support with our young horse. He was mine and my partners' first horse and we had to break him.

One of your support was with our concern every time the farrier came. I had been advised to lunge him first but he was in a field with no facilities and you said that no horse should have to be lunged prior to the farrier arriving.

Anyway whether you remember or not I have always wanted to drop you a big thank you as although you were not physically there you were always at the end of the email.

We have traveled a long way since those days. Today we have relocated, we have a couple of stables and paddocks and our horse Uno (who is now 5) has a new friend called Stan who is 10. Uno has put us through some real challenges as he is a typical alpha male big strong horse but we have won those challenges and today we enjoy him exactly how we want and when we want without the pressure of having to do this or that before we can enjoy him.

He likes to be ridden skillfully as it helps him understand what is expected of him and we have started to introduce the relaxed mode. So he knows the difference between work and focus and relax and leisure.

Him and Stan are great friends. Stan is an ex race horse who understands kick to move forwards and pull to stop. So we are having fun with him introducing him to all sorts that Uno was doing before we even got on his back, like going over trotting poles.

Once again a big thank you for your support back then. We always ensure we have someone involved in our lives with the horses that we trust and can rely on for help and you were that first person.

Hope your business and everything is still going strong.

Anabella Svidran


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After much soul searching to try every possible avenue available I came across Melanie whilst searching the Web. Gave her a call to discuss the options to make my Daughters Pony safer than he was, nothing was too much trouble! Melanie is everybody's Horsey friend that will give you true insight to Behavioural Problems & also Rider fears. She can match up to make a more positive & calm outcome for Both Horse & Rider - some years have passed but Melanie is always there if you need advice & a bloody good Laugh. Keep it Up Melanie. You are such a Inspiration for everybody & your Staff are Great too. Marianna & Amy Wiiliams


Absolutely amazing, mind is blown right now and chimps is a changed horse in such a short time! Thank you so much for everything you have done today!


sent my baby to mels in 2012 for manner training, she is 8 now and without the start mel gave her i dont think id had the pony i have today she is the most polite, respectful horse you could ask for xxx


Where do I start - I can honestly say my horse wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Mel. She helped me when I first got Sky as he had serious issues which she worked him through calmly. Last year she became my emergency service and travelled on a Good Friday to get him to the vets after a nasty potentially life threatening accident - Mel was the only one who could load him. I can't recommend her enough - I'm so glad I picked up the 'phone that day when I was close to giving up on who is now a wonderful horse x


When I met Melanie I was clueless about horses just very eager to do everything now, this second :) Melanie took time for me and my Romeo and not always told me what I wanted to hear but I guess it was for the best for both of us! I do know I can be quiet pain in the neck with all the questions, but you always took time for me to answer them all ☺️ thank you for being my first ever person to guide me in my horse world and put me onto right path myself and Romeo my special child :)


Well where to start........ I have had the most amazing day today with my boy Chester. He is a six year old cob suffering with separation anxiety. I am a novice and before meeting with melanie have tried lots of things to over come this from getting someone else to ride him out for me because I was unable, to using pressure and release. All to no avail. In fact he was becoming worse. I rang melanie who instantly reassured me and put me at ease after a long discussion on the phone we made a plan for her to come out to see Chester and I. This decision has been met with some criticism along the way I might add. As it's difficult for people to see another way other than the old way. However I had a session with melanie yesterday. Her words and wisdom empowered me, opened my mind and her training taught me a new way of seeing and doing things. Today I have had a truly awesome day of success yes SUCCEES !!!!!. Today I truly believe I have a long future with my boy filled with happiness. Connected as one like I thought was never gonna be possible. From little acorns grow big oak trees. If I can become a smidgen of a horse trainer that Melanie Watson is I will become a very happy lady. Can't wait to meet up again. Thank you so much. ����


R+ training Sunny

To all you out there that might doubt changing how you train your horse!

I read the recent post about Prince and I 100% agree and vouch that positive reinforcement does NOT encourage mugging and nipping. Sunny had a month back with me where virtually every bit of food bar grass came from my hand during training/play/R+. He's more engaged, alert, friendly yes but never rude, pushy or nippy as he understood the rules. Once I'd trained MYSELF to be consistent he trusted me that if he sought the reward it came. As he arrived at his new home yesterday, I applied all we'd practiced and he was the calmest and most relaxed in a new yard I'd ever seen. It was great R+ for me!


My horse is currently with Melanie for traffic training and after just a week I have been able to ride him out on the road with no other horse to chaperone him and he didn't bat an eyelid , I was amazed and very happy, he has another week with Melanie and I am looking forward to learning more. Melanie is a great teacher and explains things and she has patience to let her horses and their owners absorb information , highly recommended


My boy for various injury reasons has ended up at Melanie's three times in past 3 years for bringing back into work. She's the only person I trust with my boy and wouldn't hesitate to recommend her and do to anyone that may need her help. Thank you Melanie for everything you've done for me and Shadow. My boy will be going to Melanie for holiday work too whilst I'm away x


Melanie was my last hope when I bought my ex racehorse who was miss sold to us. After being told a load of lies by the seller we bought him believing he'd never raced or had any training. He was my second horse and quite frankly I'd bitten off more than I could chew with him. He threw everyone off and broke several bones, he was a devil to lead out or bring in from the field, hacking on the road was a far distant dream that I truly believed I would never do with this horse. I was at my wits end but felt I had to give him one last chance. Melanie helped Frank as he seemed to have lots of trust issues, after just 2 and a half weeks, I'd been to visit frank at the weekend and we'd hacked out safely and confidently out in traffic. I couldn't believe it, he was calm and easy on the ground and he didn't go against everything I asked for once. 3 years now I've owned him and we've not looked back. We've been to shows & competed in Ex racehorse classes where others around him have been kicking off and he's not batted an eyelid, we've been to fun rides around Somerford park and even my 12 year old has ridden him and felt safe trotting & cantering him around.

If you're considering using Melanie, all I can say is do it. She quite frankly saved my boy from being passed to the next home and most likely he would have ended up with a bad ending due to his problems and people misunderstanding his behaviour


Melanie very kindly came to Lincoln College to speak to my Animal Care students. What an amazing lady that has worked hard to introduce the science of animal learning theory to horse industry and prove horses can be trained through positive reinforcement. She has achieved results no whips and spurs would ever achieve!! Truly inspirational and she has motivated me more to stand by my beliefs in positive reinforcement for horses. If you love your horse you need to meet Mel and she will be able to teach you how to get better results out of your horse based on scientific theory that works.


I spent the day at Melanie's yesterday, learning about clicker training. Amazing experience, despite the cold and the wet, I feel that I learned such a lot. Thank you so much for your patience, fabulous horses and incredible ability to explain a complex subject, in a real user friendly way. I am going home to start again from the beginning and see what we can achieve! :-)


I recently did a week’s work experience at Instinctive Horse Training and had a lovely time. It was a wonderful experience seeing horses as active, willing participants in their training. Even when given the option to leave and not do something, they choose to stay.

Melanie and the rest of the team were all kind, helpful, and incredibly patient with me while I fumbled about learning the ropes. I learned a lot and picked up lots of things to try out with my own horse. I’d definitely come back again!


I recently bought a horse from Melanie . I visited her yard a number of times before picking him up . I witnessed the work Melanie does with horses throughout the time I spent at the yard . She also taught me a lot about how to handle certain situations and I witnessed that her way of training really works and is amazing ! I also spent time with her staff . I was very impressed by what I witnessed and would highly recommend her to anyone , in fact I have already done so on a number of occasions .

Both Melanie and her staff are very professional, knowledgeable, honest and committed to the work they do with horses, as well as being very friendly and welcoming . Whoever decides to send their horse to Melanie or attends any events she has on or even contacts her to discuss any issues they have will not be disappointed!


I just wanted to say thank you very much for coming and giving our Animal Management course group a talk last Wednesday.

I very much so enjoyed listening to your experiences within the horse industry and hearing of your fantastic rescue/ training pathway. Your progression to where you are now is inspiring.

It was also great being able to go away and research so many different areas of behavioural thought and people of interest.

If anybody is thinking of asking Melanie to give a lecture / seminar do not hesitate. It is a fantastic experience.


I have had the pleasure of knowing Melanie for approximately 4 years + as a friend and wonderful trainer. We were introduced by a good friend of mine who sent her very troubled little ex race horse mare to her as she felt her training methods would suit the emotional needs of said mare! Melanie was so patient with my friend's mare taking time to include my friend ( Client ) in helping shape and train new positive behaviours and ensuring she had the tools available to continue the training journey alone.

When i finally met Melanie, after having received many hours of advise from her, just because she genuinely wanted to help me in my quest to help the horses I was working with at the time, I was ineroxably drawn to her passion and drive to help better the emotional needs for the horses and humans alike. So much so that as a result of that meeting, where I was able to watch her work over several days she has inspired me to carry over her methods with the horses I work with and strive for a better understanding of their and our emotional needs for a happy and fulfilling life.

I continue to feel disheartened when I see negativity when referring to clicker training and positive reinforcement, which i believe stems from a place of misunderstanding!! At what point did We become so impatient?! Do we really realise that some horses and humans emotional trauma is so deep seated, that it may take some time to restore their faith in humanity?! There are so many wonderful trainers out there I'm sure of that, but there are also some undesirable trainers out there appealing to the public with quick fix methods whom perhaps don't take the time to truly understand the emotional needs of the horse!!!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Melanie Watson from the bottom of my heart. The horses thank you as do the many other animals you've helped and will continue to help! We are all very much looking forward to seeing you again in August to continue our quest to improve the lives of our majestic equine friends. Please continue with your amazing work and your passion to help the animals and a huge congratulations on your 32nd year in business.


I have had the great opportunity to have melanin Watson work on my 3 geldings, 1 came to her terrified of his own skin, suffering from panic attacks and other behaviour problems after spending some time with melanin he is a 1000% better he's more calmer and just an all round amazing boy and the techniques we have learned help us to this day, the 2nd and 3rd boy came from breaking and they are true gentlemen and I couldn't wish for anything more!!!

If you are having trouble with your horses I would recommend Mrs Watson the work she performs and teaches is pure perfection, an amazing lady to call my friend, 30 years and still going strong!!!


I brought my horse to Melanie after doing work experience a few times before and really liked what she had done. Her and Sophy did amazing work with mac and before we went there he would rear, buck and bolt off while going out in traffic with no breaks at all after a short period of two weeks and spending all my spare time down there Mac now hacks out great in company and alone. Can't thank Mel and her team enough!�


Dear Melanie,

I don't know if you will remember us and I have been meaning to contact you for a long time now. Around March 2011 I contacted you for some cyber support with our young horse. He was mine and my partners' first horse and we had to break him.

One of your support was with our concern every time the farrier came. I had been advised to lunge him first but he was in a field with no facilities and you said that no horse should have to be lunged prior to the farrier arriving.

Anyway whether you remember or not I have always wanted to drop you a big thank you as although you were not physically there you were always at the end of the email.

We have traveled a long way since those days. Today we have relocated, we have a couple of stables and paddocks and our horse Uno (who is now 5) has a new friend called Stan who is 10. Uno has put us through some real challenges as he is a typical alpha male big strong horse but we have won those challenges and today we enjoy him exactly how we want and when we want without the pressure of having to do this or that before we can enjoy him.

He likes to be ridden skillfully as it helps him understand what is expected of him and we have started to introduce the relaxed mode. So he knows the difference between work and focus and relax and leisure.

Him and Stan are great friends. Stan is an ex race horse who understands kick to move forwards and pull to stop. So we are having fun with him introducing him to all sorts that Uno was doing before we even got on his back, like going over trotting poles.

Once again a big thank you for your support back then. We always ensure we have someone involved in our lives with the horses that we trust and can rely on for help and you were that first person.

Hope your business and everything is still going strong.

Anabella Svidran


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After much soul searching to try every possible avenue available I came across Melanie whilst searching the Web. Gave her a call to discuss the options to make my Daughters Pony safer than he was, nothing was too much trouble! Melanie is everybody's Horsey friend that will give you true insight to Behavioural Problems & also Rider fears. She can match up to make a more positive & calm outcome for Both Horse & Rider - some years have passed but Melanie is always there if you need advice & a bloody good Laugh. Keep it Up Melanie. You are such a Inspiration for everybody & your Staff are Great too. Marianna & Amy Wiiliams


Absolutely amazing, mind is blown right now and chimps is a changed horse in such a short time! Thank you so much for everything you have done today!

More about Melanie S. Watson- Celebrating 30 Years In This Business

Melanie S. Watson- Celebrating 30 Years In This Business is located at Instinctive Horse Training) 44 Main Street, Skidby,, HU16 5TG Kingston upon Hull