Men Get Eating Disorders Too

About Men Get Eating Disorders Too

Supporting men with eating disorders, carers and families to get their voices heard

Men Get Eating Disorders Too Description

Men Get Eating Disorders Too (MGEDT) is an award-winning organisation dedicated to raising awareness, campaigning and supporting the needs of those affected by eating disorders in males. We exist to challenge the stereotypes and misconceptions associated with eating disorders. This is a subject commonly associated only with females. However, in reality, anyone can suffer irrespective of age, social background, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and indeed gender. The issue of men and eating disorders is widely under-represented and misunderstood, and at present males with eating disorders represent a marginalised group.

We aim to promote the message that eating disorders are indiscriminate. Our goal is to ease the isolation male sufferers experience. By challenging stigma more males will be able to recognise symptoms and seek help when they feel they need it.

The main activities and services we provide include:
• Providing information on our website that is specific to the needs of men with eating disorders. The site provides an online platform on which men can get their voices heard by telling their stories, writing blogs and posting on the discussion board.
• Speaking at major conferences and events as part of our community engagement and outreach programme.
• Developing awareness-raising resources for national distribution.
• Supporting research studies by recruiting participants and promoting the need for research in this area.
• Leading on publicity campaigns in the media and press to increase awareness and profile of our work.
• Designing and delivering training across the country to professionals, volunteers and others in a supporting role to provide a greater understanding of the unique issues facing men with eating disorders.
• Providing volunteering opportunities including a user-led steering group and a ‘Champions’ and ‘Ambassadors’ scheme.
• Delivery of men's & carers peer support group in London.
• Management of the Sussex Eating Disorders peer support service involving mixed gender peer support groups in Brighton and West Sussex.



Please note: The trustees of Men Get Eating Disorders Too formally announce that following internal investigations, guidance from the Charity Commission and legal advice, Sam Thomas, founder of the charity, will no longer be in the service of the charity. We would like to thank Sam for his contribution to the males and eating disorders arena.
The trustees will, whilst ensuring the current services continue, now begin the task of looking to modernise in the coming months, with a view to expanding the charity's reach to help more males, of all ages, living with or recovering from eating disorders, their families and carers.
The trustees would like to thank all supporters for their ongoing support and help.


For anyone interested there is a Government consultation on mandatory calorie labelling in the out of home sector. The consultation closes December 7th.…/manda ting-calorie-labell…/


Hi Everyone, Debbie, Chair of MGEDT here. Please find an article from the Daily Mail featuring one of our former trustees, Bev Mattocks, and myself. The narratives of caregivers are also important vehicles for raising awareness of males and eating disorders. Let's get the conversation going!


Hi Everyone, Debbie, Chair of Men Get Eating Disorders Too here. We have had a media request from BBC Radio Stoke regarding BDD and body image issues. The report will be angled as an eating disorder/mental health issue. Are there any men in the Cheshire/Staffs area willing to share their story? If so, please indicate your interest via this facebook page and I'll forward the contact details. Also, being mindful of your wellbeing, please only consider sharing your narrative if you consider yourself in a safe place to do so. Thank you.


I said it a year ago, and I say it again - thank you to every male for taking the important step of talking about your own mental health issues! Debbie Roche


Hi Everyone, Debbie, Chair of Men Get Eating Disorders Too here. As a mother of a son travelling the recovery road I thought this would be interesting to other parents/carers who may have found or be finding themselves in unknown territory. The article is rather limited in what it offers, but at least it is starting a discussion!


An interesting yet brief report of a study undertaken by researchers from the University of Michigan - but is it telling us anything new?


This article is from last month, but it is an issue we must not ignore and hence worth revisiting - we really DO need to start talking seriously about Binge Eating Disorder!


Please read the latest media contribution from our trustee, Danny Bowman. Well done Danny for continuing to raise awareness of mental health issues.


It is said that there is a book in everyone of us. One of our ambassadors, stand-up comedian Dave Chawner, has proved this saying right by the release of his first book, Weight Expectations.
The book, part memoir and part self-help guide, illustrates Dave's daily battles living with anorexia nervosa and his journey to recovery.
Weight Expectations: One Man's Recovery from Anorexia available at Amazon, Waterstones, Foyles and other bookshops.


In the name of raising awareness of eating disorders, it is our honour to support a truly amazing new play about the journeys of three individuals battling the malevolent eating disorder, anorexia.
The piece is entitled "Eat Me" and is going to be transferring to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August - if anyone is going to be enjoying the delights of such a fantastic few days of entertainment, please consider going to see the show.
Please find links to the production htt...p:// and also the fundraising page. Please share and raise awareness of this fantastic production amongst your networks.
The headshot is of Daniel Richardson, who plays Jonathan, a male sufferer struggling to regain any positive control in his life.
See More


Makes for good insightful reading from MGEDT Ambassador Dave Chawner...


As part of a fascinating discussion on eating disorders in men, MGEDT Trustee James Downs joined Tom Pollock on Radio 5 Live last week. It is so great to see an extended piece like this in the media, giving time to go into the depths of what can be really complicated issues with sensitivity. Catch James from c 45mins in, or take a listen to the whole hour!


At Men Get Eating Disorders Too, part of our mission is to raise awareness. This is why we try to support anyone else in doing the same. For example, trainee journalist at City University, Clara Rauschendorfer, interviewed some supporters of our charity for this article on the barriers faced by men with eating problems.
"Men see eating disorders as female illness, a bit like menstrual problems, and don’t think they’ll be taken seriously by a GP, or even considered as gay”


Men Get Eating Disorders Too Trustee, James Downs, writes today in the Huffington Post about his experiences of growing up with an eating disorder in Wales.
It comes at a time when there is a national review into eating disorders services in Wales, which will be presented to the Welsh Assembly Government to act upon. MGEDT is interested in supporting work in Wales, and if you are from Wales and want to contribute to the review, see @tredcymru for details of workshops across the country. There is also a link to an online survey if you can't go along to a workshop, at Thanks!


Our new campaign 'In The Frame' is launched in time for Eating Disorders Awareness Week and in build up to MGEDT's ten year anniversary.
It involves you submitting a photo and a personal statement in your word words describing recovery. In-particular, how you have been best supported whether it be by MGEDT directly and/or other organisations, services, etc.
We will post each submission over the coming months with an aim to put a face and a voice to men with eating disorders.
... To take part please email your photo and statement in no more than 50 words to:
Help us raise funds this Eating Disorders Awareness Week in our appeal for UK-wide peer support groups: ity/mgedt/edaw2018
Danny Bowman (MGEDT Vice-Chair) is the first to kick-start the campaign.... #EDAW2018 #MGEDT10 #InTHeFrame
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Just got the Kindle version of the book Wight Expectation.

Very well written! A book for everyone who wishes to get more into this subject in a light and sometimes funny way with no drama.

I highly suggest you buy it.


Helping a Friend Combat an Eating Disorder


Great place to find awareness and encouragement that one is not an odd ball as others have eating disorders too.


Great Resources

More about Men Get Eating Disorders Too

Men Get Eating Disorders Too is located at c/o Community Base, 113 Queens Road, BN1 3XG Brighton