Mendip Gliding Club

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: 08:30 - 17:00
Sunday: 08:30 - 17:00

About Mendip Gliding Club

Small and friendly gliding club in the Mendips with beautiful views of Somerset, the western coastline and Wales



Cheddar Lake from 3000ft QNH just under cloud


Flying Sat 11th. Good day in variable wind direction. Some good lift around at times. Keith transitioned into the Skylark 4 today. A small group of flyers had some good airtime in the K13's the Skylark and the K8. Flight times over an hour and over 4000ft. And it's supposed to be better tomorrow!!??. Those that can make it should have a brilliant time.......


Busy, but a little frustrating day today, and after such a glowing RASP as well!? 36 flights but many were short as the weather didn't cooperate. Andy set off early on his 5 hour attempt, which ended in 66 minutes. Flights got shorter after that! Hez converted into the K8. Paddy, John and David all lined up for their XC and none stayed up for longer than about 7 mins. A frustrating but fun day. Thanks to Guy on his first DI day, Nick for standing in as winch driver, and Keith for slogging it out as Duty Pilot


Flying Thursday. Sporty was the common expression to describe flying today. The wind was more on the ridge than expected and some good flights were had. Bumpy crosswind landings were the challenge. The odd thermal activity helped to extend flights. An agreed half hour airtime allowed all to get in the air despite the showers and many achieved that. So, all good fun


Great time lapse video of a Mendip north-easterly wave bar. Courtesy of and thanks to Henry


Another good day on our week course, took an aerotow to 1 mile above sea level this evening lots of good soaring flights and lots of training flights thanks to Mr Hatton for his marvellous help in the K13 this week so far still a good number of days a head with some good flying to be had we hope. See you all there.


Course 1, day 1 of 2019, couldn't of had a better start a great day for training, high aerotows and lots of upper air work completed.... long may it continue......


Well done Max on receiving the Best Ab-initio award for achieving solo status in just over 50 flights. Seen here accepting his award from the Club Chairman. Congratulations Max!


Oh well. No flying today, just a touch cloudy. The day brightened up when we met our new member Chloe Elizabeth Green. Congratulations to Jeff and Linda on their new arrival shown here with an older member of the club, only 85 years apart. Never let it be said we don't cater for all ages!!


Thermals?! Sunshine?! What's going on? All flights longer than five minutes, that's what! We've waited weeks for a day like today, and we made the most out of it. Congrats to John Connor on completing his two hour flight in the Discus. Everyone had extended flights today, lots of thermals, little bit of ridge lift at times, but lots of wind made for some bumpy approaches for landing. All good fun though! Well till 3.30 anyway when the weather closed in and rain stopped play. Lots of members taking Bronze exams today will great success. Well done to all.


If you’ve ever seen a sailplane flying gracefully through the sky you probably wondered what it would feel like to do that. Soaring in a glider is a wonderful sensation, something almost too difficult to describe in words.Treat yourself and be amazed!
Come and enjoy a trial lesson at Mendip GC. You may want to try out the controls or just sit back and enjoy the experience and the scenery, either way you're sure to love the sensation of flying like a bird! Stay aloft circling... in the rising warm air (thermal) You may even be joined by a hawk showing us how it's really done. Take an aerotow to prolong the flight on those days where lift is in short supply. There's no engine to spoil the peace just the sound of the breeze rushing past the cockpit.
There's a choice of a winch launch (£50) or an aerotow (£90). Drop us a line if you'd like more info or come and see us on a Thursday, Saturday or Sunday and see the club in action. See you soon!
Check out our website at or go direct to hers to buy your voucher
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A busy weekend! We did 22 flights on Saturday and 23 on Sunday. Laurie did 4 Trial Lessons on Saturday. Gavin came up and helped on Sunday and looked after 4 more lessons. Visitors enjoyed their flights and included one speculative new junior member. Gavin got hog of the day in the very stable/high pressure conditions, not that it rankled at all.... 😀
Great flying on Sunday, technically pretty flat condition-wise but 3 instructors, 3 winch men, 3 K13's, a couple of ab-initi...o's and our visitors had some good circuits, especially Max who took his very first solo flight. Great news. Well done Max!!
Minor hiccup. Some inconsiderate airman-ship from a couple of para-gliders who repeatedly flew along airfield boundary held up early launches for maybe 20-30 minutes.
Nick Davis from Heron and Lasham GC came and flew with Simon and is now an authorised Ass Cat. Nick will be supporting Thursday operations in the main. Henry also started his AFR with Simon.
Oh! And most importantly lovely pasties were enjoyed courtesy of Mrs Linda Green. Thanks Linda. What more could you want!!
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A massive well done to Max on his first solo today after only about 50 launches

More about Mendip Gliding Club

Mendip Gliding Club is located at Halesland Airfield, New Road, BA5 3BX Draycott, Somerset
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: 08:30 - 17:00
Sunday: 08:30 - 17:00