
About Menopause

The Menopause Room
Your Menopause Your Way - A popular support group for menopausal women, which offers professional advice.

Menopause Description

Your Menopause Lifestyle page - Offering professional advice, help and useful information on dealing with your menopause symptoms. Connect and communicate with other menopausal women on this very popular Facebook page. Please note, this is NOT a closed group
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Luxury Skin Care For Hormonally Ageing Skin. http://www.



Friday Fashion Tips Our poor feet! - We pay little attention to the fact we expect them to carry our whole body weight around each and every day, squashed into a pair of shoes which may look gorgeous, but are probably not that comfortable! This week we get some insightful tips on picking the right shoe style from our regular fashion expert Jacynth CEO from This is what she has to say...
Hi Ladies
... I’ve spoken before how to find the best fitting shoes, how to wear different styles, and ways to treat problems such as corns or ingrown nails. But did you know that the actual style of shoe also can make a big difference? Painful feet are a common problem, and hot feet are often a symptom of menopause. So to ensure they are kept in the best shape, it’s important to understand more about picking the right shoe styles.
1. Vary your heel height
Sticking with the same style of shoe too long can lead to adverse effects. If you wear flats all the time, you can end up with flat feet, whilst always wearing heels can result in your Achilles tendon shortening. The best option is to vary the type of shoes you wear as much as possible – even through the day. Good news is, that just gives you another excuse to buy a new pair!
2. Beware of the flats you’re wearing
Even though flats are more comfortable, they can again cause issues if you wear the wrong ones.
Ballet flats provide you with no cushioning due to their thin soles, so they subject your spine to more shock, which can result in back pain
Trainers don’t tend to provide a lot of support, unless they are proper athletic ones, which will cause your feet to widen if worn too often
Equally Uggs provide your feet with no support, and can encourage rolling onto the outside of your feet.
This doesn’t mean you should these styles all together, but it’s best to keep this in mind
3. Opt for a slight platform
Despite what you might think, a higher heel with a platform will hurt less than a slightly lower one without a platform. This is because the platform acts as a cushion. Also a chunkier heel will help distribute your weight better to relieve pain on the balls of your feet.
4. Catering for bunions
Approximately 36% of the population suffer from bunions, and these are far more common amongst women. If you have these, the best option is to steer clear of shoes that are too pointing or too high, as well as ones that are strappy of have side cut outs.
So there you go ladies – some ways you can help relieve foot pain and discomfort by choosing the right pairs of shoes. And remember, if you feel guilty about buying a new pair of shoes, you can just remind yourself it’s for your health!
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Dont think any of us realised what a life changing journey this was going to be!


How are we all feeling today then?


The Devil within (Members post)
Anyone else found menopause has turned them into an angry monster? My temper is terrible and I cant believe the words that come out of my mouth when I’m in an angry rage, my language is awful.
... Can you relate?
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Happy Thursday all 😘


Menopause has stolen my health (Members post)
It feels like my general health has been robbed by menopause. Apart from the usual symptoms, hot flushes, headaches, sore joints and muscles, weight gain etc. My health just seems to go from bad to worse and I develop a new symptom most weeks, the latest being, dry eyes and itchy skin.
... Does anyone else feel their health is in decline because of menopause?

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Telegraph have just asked me to share this with you all. 🙂


Stay Cool - Fill a hot water bottle with ice cold water.


Are you following us on our new Instagram account yet?🤗 Lots of quick tips, meno advice, daily stories and our new Weekly videos on IGTV Come on over and have a look 😊


Best Brain Food
Menopause can cause metabolic changes in the brain. Oestrogen works with the areas of the brain that affect verbal memory and executive function, which helps with organising information. Other menopausal symptoms, such as depression, hot flushes, and trouble sleeping, can also affect your ability to focus.
60 percent of your brain is made up of DHA & EPS which are omega-3’s found in fatty fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and algae. Both of these fatty aci...ds are critical for supporting brain function, mood, regulating metabolism, and preventing inflammation. So, give your menopausal brain a boost and make sure you include lots of omega 3’s in your diet on a regular basis.
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Confused about Magnesium? Read this quick guide to work out which one is best for you
There are different types of magnesium: Oral supplements ...
Continue Reading


Uggh...Nooo I’m not ready for you Monday!


Typical menopausal day for me! 😜
This lovely girl is too young to blame menopause. But Im not, so I’m going to! 😉 I have definitely become more clumsy. How about you, how many can you tick off?


Sunday Reminiscing in The Menopause Room It doesn’t seem that long ago that I had one of these!


Well you just have to, don’t you! 😉


Anyone tried these?


Fancy a spot of baking this morning?
Menopause HRT Cake HRT cake is NOT a cake made from synthetic hormones, it is made from natural, phytoestrogen-rich ingredients known to help reduce menopause symptoms.
... I first came across this cake several years ago, when a good friend from Australia passed the recipe over to me. Today you will find many different versions of it. But I always come back to this recipe.
Ingredients (makes 2 loaf tins) •2 ¼ cups wholewheat/buckwheat/rice/spelt or other flour •2 pieces stem ginger, chopped •2 cups dried cranberries or apricots •1 ½ cups porridge oats •Approx 1 litre soy/rice/almond/oat/hemp milk (1 carton) •¾ cup linseeds/flaxseeds (freshly ground) •1 tablespoon malt extract (or honey) . 2 teaspoons maca root powder •½ cup sunflower seeds •½ cup pumpkin seeds •½ cup sesame seeds •½ cup flaked almonds •½ teaspoon nutmeg •½ teaspoon cinnamon •½ teaspoon ground ginger Method 1.Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan 2.Grease and line 2 small loaf tins 3.Combine all dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl 4.Add milk and malt extract – mix well and leave to soak for 30 minutes. If the mixture becomes too stiff add a little more milk. 5.Spoon into tins and level the mixture 6.Bake for 30 -40 minutes until golden and cooked through 7.Cool on wire Slice when cool – will keep for 5 days in fridge in a sealed bag. Freeze for 2 months Eat one slice per day!! Additional Tip: When cooked, spike holes in the cake and add freshly squeezed orange. You can add icing/frosting using coconut cream and a freshly sqeezed orange blitzted together.
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Wonderful and helpful page!

Its good to know you are not alone.


This is a great way of communicating with others who have the same problems, it makes life a little easier �


This group gives me a chance to giggle at the ridiculous things that happen to me as I realise I’m not on my own. I also find it supportive for the same reasons and a comfort to know that I am ok and not insane � Thank you for that.


Reading about other womens symptoms just confirms I'm normal and not going crazy. Thank you for all the support ladies.


New to this page but wanted to pass on to you all what i found really good during my time going through menopause, i am 58 and started the menopause nearly 20 years ago, i have tried all potions,medicines,injections, hrt and herbal but nothing seemed to work on the hot flushes, this with the weight gain were my 2 worst enemies, the i tried Sage capsules 2 aday been taking them for 4 months now and can honestly say i might have 1 aday and it doesnt drench me, i have also lost half a stone � unfortunately i know this may not work for everyone but i do hope it works for some of you as it has for me Good Luck �


It helped a great lot. I've learned a lot from reading their posts. Thank you for sharing with us.


I recommend anyone going through Pre, actual and post, to read this page..... I have days that are good, bad... And ok...ish...but this page has actually helped on whatever is going on... The good side of social media is all in this page...


I love this page, it's good to know I'm not alone with the symptoms I am experiencing, especially when at times I have felt like I'm going crazy. I think almost every symptom I have has been covered on this page, at least It stops me worrying I have some dreadful illness. Thankyou ladies :)


I love this page this page it's very help full , I started having body changes in my 30's and now in menopause at 60 not any fun.


I love this page . I’m 47 now and not sure what stage of menopause I’m in. Been to DR . today as worried again I’ve been having some very light bleed on and off since January after 2 yrs of nothing just an odd little show so thought I was done . Seems bloods say I’m still in it . Going back tomorrow for a pelvic exam and smear and might be referred for scan with gynecologist. Wondering if this has happened to anyone. Thanks for this wonderful site again.


I find this page so supportive. I felt alone in the menopause before I joined. There's loads of great advice too.


Hi i am 49 & newish to this site it helps a lot .. i have just been diagnosed at beginning of the year ... I have serve muscle pain from waist down plus everything else .. I can handle a lot of it but the muscle pain has me in tears sometimes & night time is worse, I have told doctors just get told it the menopause that's it .. can anyone recommend anything to help the serve muscle pain .. thank you


Best menopause site by far. I'm addicted to it. Great tips and advice and love the interaction from everyone. Thank you xx


This page will be valuable to many women. Remember to include post-menopause, though. It's got many issues of its own.


This is an excellent page. It is so reassuring to know that so many other women are experiencing the same symptoms. The menopause should be talked about openly and honestly. I have found the posts on this page so helpful


Am new to this page, like the information knowing that so many of us go through this . With God on my side, i will be find.


I consider menopause as a challange to my life at first and I feel so disturb in the first place,but now with the help of this page I know all the problems cause by menopause, and now I will never disturb my self again ,thank you


New to this page helps to know we are not alone I wish our bosses(most of them are men I must add) would understand more about what we go through. It is so hard and like most of you on here there are times I hate being in my own head �� hope u all have a good day


I am 50 yrs diagnosed 3weeks ago;small build and sudden weight gain..I'm feeling heavy;bloated and joint pains restless can't sleep or eat. Please advise been on patches no help now on hormon tabs. What can I eat in craving all the funny things.Thank u


Menopause has stolen my health (Members post)
It feels like my general health has been robbed by menopause. Apart from the usual symptoms, hot flushes, headaches, sore joints and muscles, weight gain etc. My health just seems to go from bad to worse and I develop a new symptom most weeks, the latest being, dry eyes and itchy skin.
... Does anyone else feel their health is in decline because of menopause?

See More


Wonderful and helpful page!

Its good to know you are not alone.


This is a great way of communicating with others who have the same problems, it makes life a little easier �


This group gives me a chance to giggle at the ridiculous things that happen to me as I realise I’m not on my own. I also find it supportive for the same reasons and a comfort to know that I am ok and not insane � Thank you for that.


Reading about other womens symptoms just confirms I'm normal and not going crazy. Thank you for all the support ladies.


New to this page but wanted to pass on to you all what i found really good during my time going through menopause, i am 58 and started the menopause nearly 20 years ago, i have tried all potions,medicines,injections, hrt and herbal but nothing seemed to work on the hot flushes, this with the weight gain were my 2 worst enemies, the i tried Sage capsules 2 aday been taking them for 4 months now and can honestly say i might have 1 aday and it doesnt drench me, i have also lost half a stone � unfortunately i know this may not work for everyone but i do hope it works for some of you as it has for me Good Luck �


It helped a great lot. I've learned a lot from reading their posts. Thank you for sharing with us.


I recommend anyone going through Pre, actual and post, to read this page..... I have days that are good, bad... And ok...ish...but this page has actually helped on whatever is going on... The good side of social media is all in this page...


I love this page, it's good to know I'm not alone with the symptoms I am experiencing, especially when at times I have felt like I'm going crazy. I think almost every symptom I have has been covered on this page, at least It stops me worrying I have some dreadful illness. Thankyou ladies :)


I love this page this page it's very help full , I started having body changes in my 30's and now in menopause at 60 not any fun.


I love this page . I’m 47 now and not sure what stage of menopause I’m in. Been to DR . today as worried again I’ve been having some very light bleed on and off since January after 2 yrs of nothing just an odd little show so thought I was done . Seems bloods say I’m still in it . Going back tomorrow for a pelvic exam and smear and might be referred for scan with gynecologist. Wondering if this has happened to anyone. Thanks for this wonderful site again.


I find this page so supportive. I felt alone in the menopause before I joined. There's loads of great advice too.


Hi i am 49 & newish to this site it helps a lot .. i have just been diagnosed at beginning of the year ... I have serve muscle pain from waist down plus everything else .. I can handle a lot of it but the muscle pain has me in tears sometimes & night time is worse, I have told doctors just get told it the menopause that's it .. can anyone recommend anything to help the serve muscle pain .. thank you


Best menopause site by far. I'm addicted to it. Great tips and advice and love the interaction from everyone. Thank you xx


This page will be valuable to many women. Remember to include post-menopause, though. It's got many issues of its own.


This is an excellent page. It is so reassuring to know that so many other women are experiencing the same symptoms. The menopause should be talked about openly and honestly. I have found the posts on this page so helpful


Am new to this page, like the information knowing that so many of us go through this . With God on my side, i will be find.


I consider menopause as a challange to my life at first and I feel so disturb in the first place,but now with the help of this page I know all the problems cause by menopause, and now I will never disturb my self again ,thank you


New to this page helps to know we are not alone I wish our bosses(most of them are men I must add) would understand more about what we go through. It is so hard and like most of you on here there are times I hate being in my own head �� hope u all have a good day


I am 50 yrs diagnosed 3weeks ago;small build and sudden weight gain..I'm feeling heavy;bloated and joint pains restless can't sleep or eat. Please advise been on patches no help now on hormon tabs. What can I eat in craving all the funny things.Thank u

More about Menopause