
About Mhra

Encouraging and promoting advanced study in the modern humanities

Mhra Description

The Modern Humanities Research Association, founded in 1918, publishes Modern Language Review, Legenda, Texts and Translations, and other scholarly books and journals. It funds young scholars and edits the MHRA Style Guide.

For further information, see our website.



The MHRA turns one hundred in 2018 - and we'd like you to help us celebrate.
The centenary will be marked by a series of centenary lectures across the country, as well as a special lecture by the 2018 President, Professor Marina Warner.
The MHRA was one of the first scholarly associations to recognise the value of interdisciplinary study, now central to so much of academic life. It is now a key source of financial and academic support for scholars in an area of the academy is increasingly under threat on a national level, as Modern Languages in particular suffers a recruitment crisis.
Check out the list below - as well as our very special centenary page - to find out if a centenary lecture is happening near you.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @MHRABooks. And share your memories of the Association, and your experiences of the centenary events, using the hashtag #MHRA100.
Warwick 7 February 2018 Professor Thomas Docherty (Warwick) Oculus 1.04, University of Warwick, 5pm Justice, Economics and Law: Humanities and the Tragedies of Revenge
Glasgow 1 March 2018 Professor Susan Bassnett (Glasgow) Room TBC, 4pm Crossing Textual Thresholds: Why Translation Matters
Swansea 22 March 2018 Professor Elaine Treharne (Stanford) Faraday Foyer, 6pm ‘Making this thing other’: Transforming our Cultural Record in the Digital Age
Leeds 28 March 2018 Professor Edwin Williamson (Oxford) Business School, University of Leeds, Time TBC Why is Don Quixote the first modern novel?
Durham 17 April 2018 Alberto Manguel (Buenos Aires) Calman Learning Centre, 6pm The Tears of Isaac: How Literary Language Explains the World to Us
Exeter 9 May 2018 Professor Manfred Engel Queen’s Building, LT1, 4pm The Realm of Dreams: Impressions from a Journey through its Cultural and Literary History
London 11 May 2018 Dame Marina Warner (Birkbeck) Lansdowne Club, 9 Fitzmaurice Place, Mayfair W1J 5JD, 5pm Sound, Gesture, Image: Translations of Performance and Genre in the Digital Age The MHRA Presidential Address for 2018
Dublin 16 October 2018 Professor Michael Cronin (Dublin) Neill Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub, 6pm Utopia for Modern Languages and How We Can Get There
Belfast 8 November 2018 Professor Roland Greene (Stanford) Council Chamber, Lanyon Building, 6pm Early Modern Prose Fiction: How to Think About It without Anticipating the Novel
Oxford 9 November 2018 Professor Alain Viala (Oxford) Nazrin Shah Centre, Worcester College, Oxford, 5pm Gallantry in Modern France
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Our most recent #PortStud is now OUT! guese-Studies-33-2 Including Lusophone Studies: A Cumulative Area Bibliography, 2015–17


Need a research assistant on a large project? Our new round of research associateships is now open for applications:…/applications-o pen-research-associa… #funding


Postgrads! We are looking for a new co-editor of the online, postgrad/ECR journal 'Working Papers in the Humanities'. You would also serve as a representative on the MHRA committee. Excellent experience, and great fun. More information here: editor-wanted


We've announced a lot of new titles recently. If you've lost track of the exciting latest additions to our forthcoming list, you can find them all here: ncements


We've had a bumper publications week! Three of our journals make their autumn appearance, and will be on their way to subscribers soon:
The Yearbook of English Studies: 7
Modern Language Review: 12-4
... Slavonic and East European Review: 95-4
Whilst in the Tudor and Stuart Translations series, Robert S. Miola has edited George Chapman's version of Homer's Iliad: 0
Finally, we've also announced a new title in our European Translations series, Boethius's 'Un Dit moral contre Fortune' ed. by Glynnis M. Cropp in association with John Keith Atkinson. -century-french
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Now out in Critical Texts: '‘Noa Noa’ by Paul Gauguin and Charles Morice', ed. by Claire Moran.
See our blog post here:

More about Mhra