
About Mi-Yogah

Customised yoga and therapy classes in the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya & TKV Desikachar.
www. mi-yogah.com
Book Online Class vidhi. sohdi@nhs.net



Tajjah samskārah anya samskārah pratibandhī
This sūtra came to my conscious being as I was discussing about Ecoli bacteria with my colleague, a scientist at Imperial. She was describing me how the minute conditions were right, the bacteria that she was observing started to grow even though it was injected with virus eliminate it. Our minds seem to be working in exactly same molecular level. Patanjali always warns us of our old conditioning and encourages constant effort. Without that, and it's right environment old patterns that causes us distress/suffering will come back!!! Fascinating.....


Excited to be appointed Board Member of Complementary and Natural Health Care Council Profession Specific Board( PSB) for Yoga Therapy. PSBs provides advice to the CNHC Board about therapy-specific issues and are a key element of CNHC’s structure. http://www.cnhc.org.uk/profession-specifi c-boards-psbs


Check out and follow my Facebook page to recieve updates on yoga and it's Integration with UK's healthcare system. https://m.facebook.com/LondonRheumatology /


After receiving the amazing news of a successful grant application to the LNWHT to study effects of Y-T on Rheumatoid Arthritis, I would like to share the good news that we have guest lecturer confirmed- Dr CB Colaço, consultant rheumatologist who will be presenting the practical aspects of Shared Care Y-TKM in a clinical setting in the workshop. Learn the therapeutics principles of Shared Care Yoga Therapy (Y-TKM) and accrue CPD points. - Await confirmation from a Consultant in Pain Management at the BMI to present lectures on 'barriers to self-management for patients with chronic pain'. Fingers Crossed.... Participate in this 2 day workshop and be the voice of Shared Care Y-T's integration.
https://www.facebook.com/events/421692741 556763/


Check out my new workshop on Yoga and Ćakra-s at Evolve Wellness Centre on 4th March. This is an introduction workshop to Dr Kausthub Desikachar who will offering in-depth lecture on Ćakra-s can be viewed from the lens of Yoga Therapy. Email me on vidhi.sohdi@nhs.net if you have any questions. Visit www.mi-yogah.com or http://www.evolvewellnesscentre.com/…/y oga-chakra-workshop-…


Wanted to share these beautiful words of appreciation from one of the carer of my yoga therapy student from Pain Clinic at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. This shows how we can integrate yoga therapy with western medicine and it's potential and role as a valuable complementary medicine. If you want yoga therapy sessions or teachers personal practice, you can email me on vidhi.sohdi@nhs.net " just wanted to say a huge thank you for your help, support, and generosity of spirit; and for taking such care. I can already see very positive results - the combination of the new medication and your yoga practice is REALLY helping, so thank you thank you thank you. So as you can see below, she is doing your practice - with a little help from our downward facing pooch!"- John Blakley


Usage of sound within a yoga practice is a hallmark of the tradition of TKrishnamacharya. Certain sounds used can be a powerful tool for uncovering and expressing the true essence that can get hidden away with many obstacles that life presents us with. Combined with yoga practice, we can discover and influence new connections between body, mind, and breath, infusing our relationship to yoga with new vitality. Taught step-by-step through listening and response, pure sound an...d simple chants will be applied to asana, pranayama, and meditation. This integrated practice of chant, movement, breathing, and seated meditation encourages a new depth of experience helping to further our intention and sustain our direction toward yoga.
Through this workshop, yoga terachers and teacher trainees - will be able to learn different ways of incorporating sound within āsana practice. -learn different mantra-s that can be used during the practice and their purpose. -participants will be offered opportunity to experience the usage of sound with movement through practice.
Faculty- The workshop will be conducted by Vidhi; CNHC registered yoga therapist and Hon Research Assistant in the NHS. She is also an IST tutor for BWY and provides mentor support for yoga teachers and teacher trainees. She is a published writer on topics on yoga therapy. For more information visit her website on www.mi-yogah.com.
Investment towards your training & Development Early Bird Offer-£30 if booked before 15th Jan Normal Price- £35 if booked after 15th Jan.
CPD points- All workshops with Vidhi will offer you CPD points.
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Every week, diabetes leads to 140 lower limb amputations, 1400 cases of heart failure and over 540 strokes.
For World Diabetes on 14th Nov, I am starting a 'YT Manage Diabetes Well' campaign where I will be offering mi-yogaḥ therapy sessions and packages with extra bonuses to promote yoga therapy for management of diabetes.
If you or anyone your know with diabetes who will like to take this opportunity to learn tools offered in yoga therapy to help in management of diabetes... and avoid the life threatening complications, email me on vidhi.sohdi@nhs.net. Offer ends 14th Nov midnight. You can also read my article published in BWY quarterly magazine that talks about how yoga therapy helps in management of T2 diabetes. http://spectrum.bwy.org.uk/spectrum/sprin g2015/#22
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Om Yoga Show, London! If you are visiting, please pick up your copy at stand A15 of Om Yoga magazine to read my article Ancient Wisdom, Modern Healing; An interview with Dr Kausthub Desikachar - son of legendary yoga master TKV Desikachar and grandson of yogacharya Sri T. Krishnamacharya - to find out how the ćakra system can aid the integration of yoga with modern medicine.
Join him for the seminar on Ćakra-s in March 2017 in our city of London. Email me on vidhi.sohdi@nhs.net for more info.


On World Mental Health day, I share my article that was published in BWY's magazine Spectrum on how tools of yoga can help in management of anxiety. http://spectrum.bwy.org.uk/spectrum/summe r2016/#37/z


Chanting is a powerful tool for discovering, expressing and influencing all dimensions of the human system. As a practice and study on its own chanting can help us to improve our focus, memory and mental discipline build self confidence and awareness, bring balance to our energy reduce mental and emotional agitation, find and refine our own voice, improve listening and communication skills, increase our usual breath capacity, strengthen the link to our own spiritual connectio...ns and support an overall sense of well being.
The program will include instruction in: • Basic Techniques of Vedic Chanting • Listening and Repeating skills • Reading of Sanskrit transliteration • Movement and breathing to support chanting
Join with Vidhi, founder of mi-yogaḥ; Senior Yoga Therapist; Hon Research Assistant in the NHS, In-service tutor for BWY, Mentor for yoga teacher trainees for a 30 min free taster session of transformative sound on 1st of October at Evolve Wellness Centre.
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One of the latest study showing benefits of yoga on osteoporosis
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/2722 6695/


A lovely talk on healing through the yogic concepts spoken in a simple, everyday language from a medical professional.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07b9x6m< br>


Read my article published in 'Times of Malta' on how breath is essential in our healing. Learn the techniques using this tool in my latest workshop to manage stress.


Do you feel stressed from daily life stressors resulting in breathlessness, insomnia, headaches?
Do you feel rushed and never having time to slow down?
Make a conscious effort to take some “me” time and join Vidhi in a two hour experiential workshop where you will receive a grounding yoga practice, reconnect with your breath and learn meditation techniques, & develop tools for coping with the stress and anxiety. After the workshop you will be able to ... • Cope with better with life’s daily stressors • Practice breath techniques to calm the body and mind • Understand how our thoughts/emotions affect the physical body • Recognize your areas of discomfort and how to deal with them to work our way into deeper states of meditation.
This process will focus your mind, reduce stress and connect to your inner-self resulting in a feeling of balance and equanimity whilst the symptoms of stress and anxiety fade away into distance.
Vidhi Sohdi has over 10 years’ experience in teaching and over 2500 study hours in the ancient art of yoga. Founder of mi-yogah; certified and registered Yoga therapist with the Complementary and Natural Health Council (CNHC) and a Yoga teache r with BWY, she specialises in offering therapeutic aspects of yoga in individualised settings to manage acute and chronic ailments. She has conducted research projects on the effects of yoga at the University of Westminster and with the patients of Rheumatology department of Central Middlesex hospital. She is also a published writer for Diabetes UK’s and British Wheel of Yoga quarterly magazines.
After having suffered an immune system disorder that had debilitating effects on her body to the point of being bed-ridden; she discovered the self-empowering tool of yoga therapy that allowed her to recognise her patterns of stress that resulted in triggering of her condition. Through direct experience and regular yoga therapy practice, she has kept the illness at bay for over 7 years now and can even get into a head stand if required!
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5 more days left for the start of the Back Care and Prevention course. I invite you to join and book this course as soon as possible if you would like to develop strength and flexibility in your upper and lower back along with much needed relaxation. You can also read my article published in Times of Malta, health magazine that talks how yoga can help in the prevention of back injuries.


6 Wk Yoga Therapy for Back Care Evolve Wellness Centre Investment towards your health-£130 Starting 6th Feb every sat from 11.45-13.00
... Would you like to strengthen and stretch the muscles around your back in order to avoid injuries and to heal any existing back pain?
Would you like to learn relaxation techniques to release the area of the spine for better comfort and health?
Join Vidhi, CNHC registered Yoga Therapist and published writer, for 6 weeks of experiential classes where the tools of yoga are used to learn effective back care techniques that result in strengthening the spine, improved flexibility and also offer mental and physical relaxation.
After 6 week course, you will be able to:
-stretch out tight muscles and ligaments in the back area providing greater mobility, flexibility and better joint alignment; strengthen muscles & maintain better posture; -calm the mind and learn to cope with emotional discomforts that may result in back pain; -receive a gentle, grounded, holistic and non-invasive yoga practice resulting in better health of the back.
Register: Call Vidhi on 07462813937 or please call evolve at 020 7581 4090
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More about Mi-Yogah

Mi-Yogah is located at Neals Yard Remedies, TW9 1ND Richmond, Surrey, United Kingdom