Micro/Nano Flows

About Micro/Nano Flows

We are a research partnership (Univ. of Warwick, Edinburgh, and Daresbury Laboratory) focussed on modelling and simulation of micro and nano flows.

Micro/Nano Flows Description

The micro & nano flows group is a research partnership between the Universities of Warwick and Edinburgh, and Daresbury Laboratory.
We investigate gas and liquid flows at the micro and nano scale (where conventional analysis and classical fluid dynamics cannot be applied) using a range of simulation techniques: molecular dynamics, extended hydrodynamics, stochastic modelling, and hybrid multiscaling.
Our aim is to predict and understand these flows by developing methods that combine modelling accuracy with computational efficiency.

Targeted applications all depend on the behaviour of interfaces that divide phases, and include: radical cancer treatments that exploit nano-bubble cavitation; the cooling of high-power electronics through evaporative nano-menisci; nanowire membranes for separating oil and water, e. g. for oil spills; and smart nano-structured surfaces for drag reduction and anti-fouling, with applications to low-emissions aerospace, automotive and marine transport.