Middlesbrough South And East Cleveland Labour Party

Political Party
4.5 star rating

About Middlesbrough South And East Cleveland Labour Party

We are the official page for Middlesbrough South & East Cleveland Labour Party. Our local labour party is made up of over 700 people working together and campaigning for a better, fairer Britain.



One year since our incredible prospective parliamentary candidate, Lauren Dingsdale, was selected!


Mick Thompson will be an excellent Mayor for Middlesbrough.
Middlesbrough is on the rise again - let’s keep it that way. Vote Labour on the 2nd of May.


UK workers work the longest hours in the EU


Private NHS profiteer leaves workers without pay for weeks
https://www.gmb.org.uk/…/private-nhs-pr ofiteer-leaves-worke…


https://www.politicshome.com/…/read-lab ours-full-17-point-p…


Middlesbrough is on the rise again..
https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/…/middles brough-named-one-eur…


It’s important that you make your voice heard and register to vote at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
Here are some of the key dates you need to know.
1. Deadline for registering to vote – Midnight on 12 April 2019
... Even if you’re not going to be around on election day, you can still make your voice heard. You still need to register to vote by midnight on 12 April 2019, but then you have the option of either of the below choices.
1. Deadline for registering for a postal vote – 5pm on 15 April 2019
2. Deadline for register for a proxy vote – 5pm on 24 April 2019
Make sure that you don’t miss out. Register now at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
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https://twitter.com/unitetheuni…/status /1113699723683274752…


Baby stuff still needed drop off every Monday If you know someone in need


https://morningstaronline.co.uk/…/resea rch-shows-austerity-…


Urgent Baby stuff needed.. If you know someone in need Baby pack collection day #TeesBabyBank Details below.


Simon Clarke MP Voted to take away FREE school meals from Children
https://www.politicshome.com/…/mps-vote -down-labour-bid-sto…


As the government prepares for the Chancellor’s ‘Spring Statement’, a list of Tory ‘achievements’ since 2010 has been circulating on social media. It makes the bleakest of reading:
per-pupil spending down by 8% (20% on over-16s according to BBC News last week) 1189 Sure Start centres closed 760 youth clubs closed... teens stabbed up by 93% front-line police numbers down by 21000 NHS A&E crisis at a 14-year high NHS patient satisfaction at an 11-year low of 53% rough sleeping up by an astonishing 163% Foodbank usage up to a shaming 1.3m a horrific 4.1 million children in poverty 2,620 deaths of rough sleepers two out of three children in poverty in working households – the idea that work is a route out of poverty is a lie for millions 100 NHS walk-in centres closed 600 police stations closed 675 libraries closed 760 youth centres closed 470 schools closed 50 fire stations closed 433 HMRC tax offices closed 100 Job Centres closed The hidden cost of austerity causing death, poverty & suicide – and easily avoidable.
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Don’t believe the hype - work is no longer the way out of poverty - the Tories have seen to that. Record employment means absolutely nothing in the face of so many people being underemployed through zero hour contracts.
“After the longest period of wage stagnation in 200 years, it should come as no surprise that many workers are struggling to make ends meet. According to our research, one in three workers are in that situation. When asked, less than a third of workers think the economy works well for them and over half say their jobs are becoming increasingly stressful.”
https://labourlist.org/…/we-hear-of-rec ord-employment-but-…/


Pension changes that will make at least 60,000 pensioners Worst off
60,000 of the least well-off pensioners with partners of working age are set to lose up to seven thousand pounds a year as a result of benefit changes designed to save £1bn over the next five years!!
🔷️The change, which was slipped out in January on the evening of a #Brexit vote, was condemned by charities as a stealth cut which would drive up pensioner poverty, although at the time there were no details of ...how many people would be affected.
🔷️As well as moving pensioners on to universal credit, a working-age benefit designed to incentivise work, the move means that affected mixed-age couples in social homes are likely to be be subject to the #bedroomtax – a £14 a week average loss in rent support from which pensioners were previously exempt.
🔻Tom Selby, senior analyst at financial services firm AJ Bell, said: “Tens of thousands of mixed-age couples are facing a £1 billion hit as a result of the government’s pension credit raid. With pension credit worth up to £13,273 a year, versus £5,986 a year for universal credit, at the extreme those affected could be over £7,000 a year worse off.”
🔻https://www.theguardian.com/…/thous ands-of-poorest-pensione…
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Jennie Formby :
'My statement on the inaccurate and misleading leaks from the NEC. We're in good shape and ready to fight a General Election, the sooner the better'.