Midhurst Methodist Church

About Midhurst Methodist Church

Our calling is to love God and our Neighbours



This is the sheet for our Easter Sunday service


We share our Happy Easter message with you, which features this prayer, from the Methodist Church website, written by the Revd Michaela Youngson.
When everything was dark and it seemed that the sun would never shine again,... your love broke through. Your love was too strong, too wide, too deep for death to hold. The sparks cast by your love dance and spread and burst forth with resurrection light.
Gracious God, We praise you for the light of new life made possible through Jesus. We praise you for the light of new life that shone on the first witnesses of resurrection. We praise you for the light of new life that continues to shine in our hearts today. We pray that the Easter light of life, hope and joy, will live in us each day; and that we will be bearers of that light into the lives of others. Amen.
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Our Easter model is now complete, Christ is risen!


Easter Day - Christ is risen!


Four more elements get added to our Easter model on Good Friday...


The progression of Easter as shown in our model


A poster has been issued detailing some of the ways you can support Midhurst Foodbank, do consider how you may be able to help some of the most vulnerable in our community.
The text has been copied below to allow you to click on the links (note that the ‘Charity Checkout’ link will not load on iPhones and iPads, but you can access via their website)
... Poster text: How you can give to Midhurst Foodbank during the COVID 19 Crisis Giving Food Donations of food can be given at Tesco and Budgens in the baskets provided. There is also a collection basket in Boots for personal items. There is currently also a box located on the drive at the Vicarage on June Lane where you can drop donations. You can find a list of what is most needed on the website… https://chichesterdistrict.foodbank.org.u k/giv…/donate-food/ You can donate food without leaving your home using Bankuet. They will buy and deliver the food directly to the warehouse in Chichester. https://www.bankuet.co.uk/chichester Giving Money Financial donations are always appreciated. Midhurst Foodbank is one of the four foodbank centres that make up Chichester District Foodbank. As such, we share much in common, including employed staff, a central store and a bank account. Food is regularly supplied to Midhurst from the central store when Midhurst supplies are low. Your financial donation to Chichester District Foodbank will be used to feed people across the district and support the smooth running of the foodbank centrally. If you feel strongly that you would like your donation to be limited to use in supporting the work of the Midhurst centre, then you are able to do so. If you are a UK taxpayer, please make sure that you gift-aid your donation (allowing us to claim an additional 25% directly from the government at no cost to you). You can donate money in the following ways… • Charity Checkout – One-off or regular giving online, using your card. Gift- Aid option available. ‘Message’ option allows you to specify for Midhurst. https://chichesterdistrict.charitycheckou t.co.uk/#!/ • Bank Transfer – Sort code: 40-52-40 Account number: 00024991 Account name: Chichester District Foodbank To Gift-Aid download and return the Gift-Aid form found at https://chichesterdistrict.foodbank.org.u k/wpcontent/ uploads/sites/104/2018/05/New-Gift-Aid-Fo rm.pdf To specify Midhurst put this in your reference at the point of transfer or email info@chichesterdistrict.foodbank.org .uk with the details of your transfer and your request. • Other ways – Details about giving as you shop, legacies and fundraising can be found at https://chichesterdistrict.foodbank.org.u k/gi…/donate-money/ Big or small, every gift you give helps transform lives.
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Good Friday Reflections


This is the sheet for our Good Friday reflections


Statement from British and Irish church leaders from 6th April: British and Irish Church leaders united in response to coronavirus pandemic The Revd Dr Barbara Glasson, (President of Methodist Conference) together with Church leaders from denominations across Britain and Ireland, has today issued the following statement: God’s world is in the midst of an unprecedented crisis. In the nations that make up Britain and Ireland the Covid-19 virus continues to affect people at an a...larming rate, health services along with many of our institutions and organisations, both local and national, are under extreme pressure and people are getting used to living in a very different way, many in extreme isolation. As with all such crises, there is a danger that the most vulnerable in society will be most badly affected. Christians the world over are entering an important time in the church year as we look to the events of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. At the centre of our common faith are both the depths of despair and the heights of joy. In the Bible and in the songs and liturgies of the Church, we see Jesus entering fully into human suffering. In His rising again, that suffering is redeemed and transformed into hope and joy. After Jesus’ death his disciples were afraid and all seemed lost and hopeless, but the risen Christ met them in their despair and restored hope through his victory over death. We pray that the world today might know this hope in place of despair. In the Book of Daniel we read about God’s people being taken into exile in Babylon. Daniel could not pray in the Temple in Jerusalem, but he continued to pray in exile – opening his window to face Jerusalem. Though he was on his own he joined with the prayers of the people wherever they were. Now we too are separated from each other physically, but when we pray in our homes we join in with this ancient tradition of our home as a place of prayer. Wherever we are, whenever we pray, when we speak and think of Christ, there he is in the midst of us. We join our prayers with all those who pray in our own churches and communities and around the world. As church leaders from across the many and varied churches of these Islands we urge all people to join us in prayer this Holy Week and Easter; to pray for those who suffer, those who face untimely death and all those who care for them; to celebrate our common faith at a difficult time; to help and support our neighbours in need; and to observe all the safeguards in place to slow the spread of disease.
Our Prayer Loving God, in Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for our salvation, cast out the darkness of our anxiety, fear and mourning, enfold us in your love and give us joy and hope this Easter. Amen.
https://www.methodist.org.uk/…/presiden t-of-conference-joi…/
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The story next moves in to Maundy Thursday...
You will have to wait for the next instalments!


The progression of Easter as shown in our model


We have an Easter model this year showing the progress of the Easter story - part 1 is Palm Sunday...


This is the sheet for Maundy Thursday Supper and Gethsemane Reflection

More about Midhurst Methodist Church

Midhurst Methodist Church is located at North Street, GU29 9DU Midhurst, west sussex