Migraine Action

Monday: 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 16:00
Friday: 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -



Result of the vote on the future of Migraine Action
Thank you to those who attended Extraordinary General Meeting of members on 2 June and to those who submitted a proxy vote.
... We are pleased to advise you that, of those who voted, 79% voted in favour of the special resolution. The charity will now be closed and the net assets donated to the Migraine Trust.
This will create a significantly larger national charity which we believe will be able to better serve the needs of people affected by migraine across the UK.
Closing the Charity
From 16 July 2018 we will no longer provide the helpline service and our website will not be available. People trying to contact us will then be asked to contact the Migraine Trust. If you have any questions or queries about the Migraine Trust and their activities before then, please contact them directly:
Phone: 020 7631 6970 Mail: The Migraine Trust, 52-53 Russell Square, London, WC1B 4HP
Current Membership
Members are being sent a letter about what happens next which includes the information in this article.
Current membership arrangements will cease when the charity closes. We have cancelled payments for those who pay by direct debit but you may wish to check with your bank that these payments have been stopped. For those of you who make payments to us by standing order we are unable to stop these payments so could you please contact your bank to stop them.
Legacies If you have left a legacy to the charity in your will, then your executors would normally be expected to ensure that it is passed to the Migraine Trust. However, to avoid any uncertainty, and to make sure that your legacy benefits migraine sufferers, you may wish to change your will so the Migraine Trust are named as the beneficiary. Please contact the Migraine Trust directly for more information. Thank you
We are extremely grateful to all those who have given donations to the charity over the years. Without your support, we would not have been able to provide help or advice to people affected by migraine – a service that has been a lifeline to many. We must also pay tribute to the extremely dedicated current and former staff, trustees and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to support the migraine sufferer.
Whilst this is undoubtedly a time of change for people affected by migraine, we are confident that there is an exciting future ahead as we strive for that world free of migraine. Michael Wakefield Chair, Migraine Action Incorporated For and on behalf of the Board
See More


Good Morning Everyone, we hope you had a good migraine free weekend. Has anyone found omitting caffeine from their diet like this lady, has made a difference to their migraine/headaches?
https://www.express.co.uk/…/migraine-sy mptoms-headache-chro…


Help to raise awareness of migraine worldwide by taking part in the #ShadesForMigraine campaign this Migraine Solidarity day on 21st June 2018.
For more information check out their website www.shadesformigraine.org


#NotJustAHeadache #Migraine #Invisibleillness #chronicillness


Promising results from one of the other CGRP drugs Galcanezumab that is still undergoing trials:
http://www.mdmag.com/…/galcanezumab-sig nificantly-drops-hea…


Migraine is a very individual condition and what triggers them is not always identifiable. For some people it can be a particular trigger or a combination of trigger that sets of their attacks, however these can change overtime and the list of triggers can be endless!
If you would like more information on migraine triggers please get in touch x


There are only 2 more days to go till young Laura undertakes the 5k junior Edinburgh Marathon Festival on the 26th May, for Migraine!!
Help show her your support by donating generously on her fundraising page:
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/la ura-johnstone11


Art is a great way of communicating what a migraine feels and looks like, as a picture captures so much!
Rafa Montilla shares with us his abstract, geometric representation of aura. He hopes through his work he can increase awareness and understanding of migraine:
http://www.migraine.org.uk/…/expressing -migraine-through-a…/


With there currently being no cure for migraine, treating it can be extremely difficult with many people finding the side effects for current treatments available for migraine intolerable.
Have you tried using essential oils to help with yours ???


Exams can be an extremely stressful time for children with migraine and taking the right steps to manage it can help. Check out these tips to help your child cope with exam stress:
https://www.nhsinform.scot/…/mental-wel lbeing/stress/coping… …


Studies have shown that taking 400-600mg of vitamin b2 as a preventative can help to prevent migraines - have you tried taking vitamin b2 supplements and has it made a difference to your attacks?


Let's show some support for Laura
There are only 4 more days to go till the 5k junior Edinburgh Marathon Festival on the 26th May that Laura will be undertaking on behalf of Migraine Action!
To find out more on why she is running for such a worthwhile cause as migraine and to help show your support for young Laura visit:
... https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/la ura-johnstone11
See More


In case you missed it FDA approves Aimovig (erunumab) the first CGRP drug for migraine. Consultations on the drug have already started with NICE in March this year and we are hopeful that it will be approved by the early part of next year:
https://www.fda.gov/…/News…/PressAnno uncements/ucm608120.htm.


Every day our helpline receives calls from individuals who experience all forms of migraine, with countless triggers. But one thing that connects so many us is the misconceptions surrounding this neurological condition, and the battle to receive the help and understanding we all deserve.
Get in touch at info@migraine.org.uk or email us here on Facebook to share your migraine experiences, and help us to break these misconceptions. Until there is a cure, share your story and end the misunderstanding


Only 8 days to go till the 5k junior Edinburgh Marathon Festival on the 26th May that Laura will be undertaking on behalf of Migraine Action! She would like to run for migraine and help us to continue to provide support and advice to all those affected by this disabling condition.
Please help to support young Laura by donating on her Justgiving Page https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/la ura-johnstone11


The very disabling and isolating nature of migraine has a big impact on young people with migraine. Migraine steals so much of their youth, with many struggling to cope with education, work and everyday life, especially as they don't seem to be getting the help and support they need from family, friends and health professionals.
We have a range of resources available to help fight migraine stigma, so that we can help to educate others about migraine and how it can be better managed. Please visit www.migraine.org.uk or email info@migraine.org.uk


Stress is a common migraine trigger, with most people having experienced it at some point in their life. The way in which we cope with stress is very individual and for some it can be overwhelming - having a great impact on their mental health and well being!


This Mental Health Awareness Week lets help to raise awareness of the link between migraine and depression so that people affected can get the help and support they need!
Stress is a key contributing factor to mental health - for suggestions on managing stress download our information leaflet: http://www.migraine.org.uk/…/48-suggest ions-to-relieve-str…/


Sometimes words are just not enough. Our unique art collection is a brilliant way to show non-sufferers the reality of living with migraine. Share those images that depict your migraine and help destroy migraine misconceptions www.migraineart.org.uk


Rang the helpline after suffering a really bad migraine. The lady I spoke to was amazing and gave me loads of information, advice and helped me understand my condition so much more. A huge thankyou


Just wanted to acknowledge how good it was to talk to someone who was knowledgeable & sympathetic.


I would like some advice how to stop having very bad migraine that some times i loose my memory for three days.


I attended a insight day in Gloucester on the 10th June 2017. Suffered migraines since I was 10, now 36 I finally have some questions answered. Migraine action are incredible charity. And they need our support, thank you to all. without you lots of us suffers would be still in the dark as would most of our gp's less the 30. I would highly recommend


Hi, my names Laura and I'm 14 years old. I suffer with really bad migraines( every second of every day) with loads of side effects: vomiting ( pretty much everyday), blurred vision/ can't see at all when happens ( every morning), numbness everywhere in my body, face drops when really bad. Slurred speech( once a week), Itching on my back and face( hurts ) and I get all of this every day and I would like to know what side effects people get and if they have been diagnosed, I have had tests ( MRI, lumber puncher and eye tests) I got a special eye test on Monday. My parents and friends and teachers do not understand and I need to know that someone gets this to


Asked a question and within minutes got a reply,great response.


Always there when you need them. They have given me so much support over the years.


Really helpful and insightful awareness day. Attended in Shrewsbury


I am currently nursing a 7 week old and limited to paracetamol.... would appreciate advice to relieve the migraines I get as not allow Triptans and wouldn't want to be drowsy when looking after him too.... thanks in advance

More about Migraine Action

Migraine Action is located at 27 East Street, Fl 4th, LE1 6NB Leicester, United Kingdom
Monday: 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 16:00
Friday: 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -