Mindfulness Association

Monday: 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 16:00
Friday: 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Mindfulness Association

Compassion-Based Mindfulness Training, delivered online. Mindfulness teaching skills and Post Graduate Studies in Mindfulness in London and Aberdeen.
www. mindfulnessassociation.net

Mindfulness Association Description

The Mindfulness Association is a community interest company (CIC) that has been set up at the request of Rob Nairn to deliver secular mindfulness training. It is a non-profit making organisation with altruistic aims directed towards sharing the benefits of mindfulness with all of those who are interested.

Our objectives are to offer high quality trainings in mindfulness and compassion which help people to establish a regular and effective mindfulness practice and which help people to bring mindfulness into all aspect of their daily lives.

We aim to make our trainings accessible to as many people as possible and in particular we try to keep the prices of our courses affordable and to offer our courses at different locations around the UK and in Ireland.

We also offer a comprehensive training pathway towards the teaching of Mindfulness and Compassion with the aim of meeting the growing demand within the UK for mindfulness teachers and delivers all training under the directives of BAMBA (British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches).

The Mindfulness Association is also working with the University of Aberdeen in the ongoing development and delivery of its Masters Programme in Mindfulness Studies. The aim is to provide students with a high quality Masters level training in Mindfulness, Compassion and Insight and Wisdom which can then be applied by the students in their different professional settings in order to promote physical and mental wellbeing.

The board members of the Mindfulness Association are: Rob Nairn, Sean McGovern (Director), Heather Regan-Addis (Director), Norton Bertram-Smith (Director) and Vin Harris.

The Mindfulness Association offers many of its courses at Samye Ling Tibetan Centre and associated centres throughout the UK, with the aim of supporting their charitable work. To this end the Mindfulness Association is one of the founder members of Samye College.



Check out our latest Seeing Deeply: Insight cohort at Samye Ling (last weekend).
Would you like to know more about our Seeing Deeply course?
Visit our website:
... https://www.mindfulnessassociation.net/co urses/level3/
Or if you are a member, make sure to log on tomorrow evening, Thursday July 19th at 7pm to hear Choden give a teaching on Deepening Insight.
Not a member? Not a problem!
Sign up here for a 6 month trial for £10:
https://www.mindfulnessassociation.net/jo in-us/
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Equanimity is a wonderful gift that over the years has developed from my mindfulness, compassion and insight practice. It means that when the shit hits the fan, I am less likely to panic and am more able to accept the situation as it is and see what unfolds.
This contrasts sharply with my life before mindfulness when I thought that there was a solution to every problem, regardless of how complex, if only I could think about it enough. The problem was that constantly thinking about my problems wasn’t a recipe for happiness. I like to quote Einstein and his definition of madness – “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome’ – Still, I would continue thinking about the problem for the hundredth or thousandth time, expecting a solution.
https://www.mindfulnessassociation.net/eq uanimity/


Choden, co- author of Mindful Compassion and the upcoming book, From Mindfulness to Insight, is dropping by the membership this Thursday, July 19th at 7pm to give a Live Teaching on:
In this online session Choden will offer methods for deepening our experience of insight.
... The key issue is bringing an active curiosity to whatever arises in the mind on a moment by moment basis. Each time thoughts, emotions or mind states arise we inquire where they come from, where they abide and where they go. We do not do this intellectually but as an ongoing, open ended reflection.
The more we engage with our mental processes in this way, the more we come to see that whatever arises in the mind is changing moment by moment, has no substantial reality and cannot be grasped. This immediately gives a feeling of freedom.
But what is also important is to balance this reflective inquiry with acceptance and kindness towards whatever arises. This combination is powerful because it integrates wisdom with compassion in our sitting practice, as well as in our daily lives. It opens the possibility for a much freer and more creative relationship with our inner world.
Calling all members to log on and join in!
Not a member? No problem!
Sign up for a trial 6 months for £10:
https://www.mindfulnessassociation.net/jo in-us/
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Something to start the week with...
https://www.facebook.com/319228401438031/ posts/2251690914858427/


The Arabs used to say, When a stranger appears at your door, feed him for three days before asking who he is, where he’s come from, where he’s headed. That way, he’ll have strength enough to answer. Or, by then you’ll be such good friends you don’t care. Let’s go back to that. Rice? Pine nuts? Here, take the red brocade pillow. [ 294 more words ] https://www.mindfulnessassociation.net/re d-brocade-naomi-s…/


Interesting article that offers some solutions when finding oneself paralyzed in the face of an overwhelm...
How do you cope with overwhelm?
Do you get overwhelmed?
... https://www.facebook.com/138283436675/pos ts/10155710164741676/
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Mindful Moment...
What we need is here. And we pray, not for new earth or heaven, but to be quiet in heart, and in eye, clear. ... What we need is here.
Wendell Berry.
May you find all that you need here in this moment.
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My father is a cowboy. And I mean that in the 1940s, Hank Williams- Lonesome Blues kinda way. I always had some sort of inkling of this truth, but I did not fully understand what it meant, until now. This moment. The moment in which I am his caregiver. You see, I always sort of disengaged when my father started singing his songs. [ 508 more words ] https://www.mindfulnessassociation.net/my -father-is-a-cowb…/


Mindful Moment...
Mankind is as tough as war yet delicate as flowers
We can endure agonies but we open fully only to warmth and light
... Daniel F Mead
May the summer heat and sunshine inspire a turning towards and an embracing of life.
Even if it is only for a moment or two...
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https://www.mindfulnessassociation.net/th e-courage-to-teach/


Check out some of the tutors at the Mindfulness Association sharing why they practice mindfulness!
Mindfulness can help us tap into the innate capacity of the mind to be aware of the present moment in a non-judgmental way. It can be developed through systematic training and promotes a way of being that helps us take better care of ourselves and others, and lead healthier lives. It enables us to access inner resources for coping effectively with stress, difficulty and illness.... Mindfulness is based on Buddhist meditation techniques, but the training offered is entirely secular.
To sign up for a course:
https://www.mindfulnessassociation.net/co ur…/start-training/
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Sunday Morning Wonder....
https://www.mindfulnessassociation.net/th e-way-it-is-lynn-…/


https://www.mindfulnessassociation.net/ex periencing-the-fe…/


I have been slowly building up and preparing to head over to Canada to spend some time with my father who is terminally ill. Part of this preparation has been spending extra time and quiet time with my children who are not coming with me. I’ve been cooking them their favourite meals, baking more, sitting with them as they watch ‘their’ shows- I’ve even taken to watching my sons play their favourite video game, just so we can be together. [ 781 more words ] https://www.mindfulnessassociation.net/co nnection-for-well…/


One of the challenges we face as mindfulness practitioners is bringing our practice off of the cushion and into our daily life where we can really feel its benefits.
One of our lead tutors (Choden) offers some tips on how to do just that.
Have a watch!
... www.mindfulnessassociation.net
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More about Mindfulness Association

Monday: 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 16:00
Friday: 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -