Mindfulness For Anxiety

About Mindfulness For Anxiety

Our aim is to help people overcome anxiety through a variety of extremely effective mindfulness based practices.

Mindfulness For Anxiety Description

Our aim is to help people overcome anxiety through a variety of mindfulness methods. Anxiety can be an incredibly distressing thing to live with and we believe that the practice of mindfulness is the most effective way to help people overcome the great internal and external challenges that it brings.

We have spent many years deeply studying the mechanics of the mind and have learnt how to bring real transformation to peoples lives. Through a variety of means we will teach you how to heal from the distress of anxiety so that you can finally live a life filled with peace, happiness and contentment.



An amazing affirmation for healing anxiety and finding peace. Start using this now, and you will plant a seed of transformation inside of yourself.
Over the months, and over the years this seed will flower, and you will rediscover a place of deep ever present peace inside of yourself.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhUjGGlDS Ok


An 8 week mindfulness course with Sion starting on October 18th


One for those carrying fear and trauma.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBooBPlCN jU


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPLvE3nOW LY


We've got a new upcoming Mindfulness course for stress and anxiety starting in October with Sion. Get in touch if you'd like to book a space. See the event below for more details. https://www.facebook.com/events/488995418 244336/


This short story came to me when I was singing and playing guitar one day. It might help those suffering from trauma, fear and anxiety.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npAXnItfw dQ


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L65vsao3 Eg&feature=youtu.be


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mls_5iLhw 9g&feature=youtu.be


A simple guided meditation:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGKIGYd7A io&t=23s


Overcoming shyness and social anxiety.
A question asked at one of our Overcoming Anxiety workshops about how to overcome anxiety in social situations:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yq7GJ2en- zs&feature=youtu.be


Are you experiencing fear that is stopping you from fully enjoying life?
... Do you desire peace of mind and the end of continuous worry?
Would you like to heal past traumas? Overcome social anxiety? Overcome OCD?
Is there a feeling that something integral is missing from life?
Are you truly happy?
I know it can be a little daunting to come on a course like this, but I promise you, there really is nothing to fear. The only way to get over the fear of doing something is to do it.
I encourage you wholeheartedly to be brave and join us on this course. May you come into the Christmas period with a huge smile on your face, knowing that 2019 is going to be the start of a life of peace, happiness and contentment.
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There is light at the end of the tunnel!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rgqFM5Ci Xo&t=25s


Upcoming October 4 week INTENSIVE course in MANCHESTER.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81WQGJI_u 6U


4 RETREAT DAYS over 4 WEEKS. (12:00-18:00 each week with a lunch break.)
Are you experiencing fear that is stopping you from fully enjoying life?
...Continue Reading


A really great exercise for those with anxiety. I learnt this off one of my teachers Adyashanti. It's great for calming a panicked nervous system.
So, you imagine a horse.
On the in breath you bring your hand up to the top of the horses mane. On the out breath your bring your hand smoothly down the mane and all the way along the horses back.
... And repeat, breathing in, you bring your hand to the top of the mane. Breathing out, you smoothly run your hand all the way down the length of the horse.
Horses are incredibly grounding. There are cases where people who have experienced intense trauma have completely healed just by spending time around horses.
Give it a go :)
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9lNwDyE3 48


For many of us. There is a deep disconnect between the body and the mind. This disconnect was set up when we developed the ability to talk and think. When a painful emotion arises within the experience of a young child, this emotion is too painful and overwhelming for them to fully experience. For the child with a sensitive developing nervous system, the emotions are too intense to fully feel with their attention, and so as a means of escape, their attention is pushed up into...
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More about Mindfulness For Anxiety

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