
About Mindrelease

MindRelease is a program that aids in the recovery of Anxiety, Panic Attacks & Phobias



Happy New Year Everybody. Hope you all have a great time seeing in the new year. It’s been a little quiet on this page this year and for good reason. I’m hoping to reignite this again soon in 2019. Lots of changes will be taking place. All the best to each and everyone of you - Steve Bird.


Do what makes you happiest. It’s your journey and nobody else’s.


How can music written about anxiety make you feel so good? What a great song this is...


Wow! Mind has just been blown...


It takes as long as it takes...


Very informative page. I'm following all the time as there is great content most days. Thank you


This page has helped me so much,thank you


This guy says everything were thinking ! He is so inspirational and thoughtful. Thank you !


Steve is a truly genuine guy trying to help people free themselves from the chains of adverse mental health symptoms. He's taken his own experiences and opened up his wisdom to the world. Mindrelease is on a real positive journey so I'd recommend you share the love and get on board if you or somebody you know suffers with anxiety, depression or panic attacks.

Keep going with the positive work Steve.


Steve has helped me through the hardest time of my life after the loss of my mum in June i got acute Anxiety and Panic attacks and was scared of everything...but i found Steve and helped so much in his way of work which is simple but affective Steves a great guy and i recommend him too anyone struggling with Anxiety or panic attacks...keep up the good work

More about Mindrelease
