
About Mintie

Eco-Friendly Products. Reducing plastic waste one Mintie product at a time! ! We love our planet and you should too! Join the Movement!



Snug Lunch
I’ve realised that although our newest member to the Mintie family has been a best seller I’ve hardly posted any pics of them in action!
So here’s a simple Snug lunch, as you can see you can fit A LOT in this box and to top it off it’s leak-proof too!
... Here are my top 5 things I L💓VE about our Mintie Snug
1. She’s sleek and won’t leak
2. The divider is optional and you can remove it too
3. It’s big enough for a massive salad and sides or a sarnie with all the extras snuggled in (she’s 1.2 litres in size)
4. Like all our products it’s made from top Food Grade 304 stainless steel and has a BPA-Free silicone seal in its lid, making it healthy and super durable
5. It’s easy to clean and is 100% dishwasher, fridge and freezer safe
Have you tried our Snug yet? I’d love to hear from you if you 💕 it too!!
#whatmykidseat #kidslunchboxideas #zerowastehome #zerowasteukliving #reducetheplastic #lowwastelunchbox #reusablelunchbox #zerowastejourney #foodonthego #lowwastejourney #lowwastelivinguk #lowwastelife #reuseable #swaptoeco #plasticfreelunchbox #loveyourlunch #plasticfreesnacks #ditchtheplastic #lessplasticisfantastic #lowwastejourney #lowwastelunch #stoptheplastictide #uselessplastic #healthykidslunch #ecogreen #whatmychildreneat #lowimpactlivingwithkids #lunchboxforkids #lunchsetkids #plasticfreemummy #ecolunch
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🦔 Happy Birthday Mintie! 🦔 Our little hedgehog turned two this week, two years of Mintie madness. An idea born in our kitchen has grown into something much bigger than we ever expected
Like into a proper grown-ups business! We are super stoked with all the love and support our followers, customers and friends have given us on our journey so far.
Today we’d like to give you all a big wrap around hug and say thanks a million and we hope you can have a slice of cake to celebrate... with us on this special day
Thank you to everyone who has shopped in our store, made a plastic free swap, thank you to all our wonderful wholesalers who are just amazing and some I’m honoured to say have become good friends, thanks to everyone who has hit the like button, given us a little heart or left a comment on a post, thank you to all those folks who email us and truly make our day when they tell us they love what we do, thank you to all the people come rain or shine who have supported us at markets and events & a massive thank you to my gorgeous kids Rose and Marley who consistently wait patiently whilst I take ‘another’ photo of their lunch whilst trying not to be late for school!! Without all of you guys we would be nowt so from the slushy bottom bits of our hearts - mwah 😘 and if you’ve got this far down the post thank you too.
Use the code Mintie20 for 20% EVERYTHING in our store this weekend as a birthday treat from us xx...
Big Love & Happy Birthday Mintie
#lettherebecake #kidslunchboxideas #zerowastehome #zerowasteukliving #reducetheplastic #lowwastelunchbox #reusablelunchbox #zerowastejourney #happybirthdaytous🎉 #smallbuisnessbirthday #lowwastejourney #lowwastelivinguk #lowwastelife #reuseable #swaptoeco #plasticfreelunchbox #loveyourlunch #plasticfreesnacks #ditchtheplastic #lessplasticisfantastic #lowwastejourney #lowwastelunch #stoptheplastictide #uselessplastic #ecogreen #lowimpactlivingwithkids #lunchsetkids #plasticfreemummy
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Super simple lunch for the smallest today
Ginger cake, carrot salad, clementine and a bagel
I’m still mainly buying bread prepackaged at the moment, I’d love to make my own (and the time to do that) but it’s just not happening right now
... Next goal maybe to replace my broken bread maker which would help with the waste and packaging
I also read a great article by @ecoandbeyond about the horrific amount of bread we waste each year in the UK, this was a fab read and really got me thinking
It’s estimated that 44% of bread produced is wasted, not used...that’s a lot of crumbs for the birds 🐦 some might say a carb overload
So if like me you’d like to think differently and use your loaf (see what I did there?!) then head over to @ecoandbeyond there are some fab tips too which I’m definitely going to implement and hopefully use what we buy and waste less
I’d love to know your top hacks for saving a slice and not binning your bread, let me know below
#whatmykidseat #kidslunchboxideas #zerowastehome #zerowasteukliving #reducetheplastic #lowwastelunchbox #reusablelunchbox #zerowastejourney #foodonthego #kidsfoodideas #lowwastejourney #lowwastelivinguk #lowwastelife #reuseable #swaptoeco #plasticfreelunchbox #loveyourlunch #plasticfreesnacks #ditchtheplastic #lessplasticisfantastic #lowwastejourney #lowwastelunch #stoptheplastictide #uselessplastic #healthykidslunch #ecogreen #whatmychildreneat #lowimpactlivingwithkids #lunchboxforkids #lunchsetkids #plasticfreemummy
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Love this summery shot of Mintie from @shoresuze
It might be dull & grey outside my window today but I can see little signs of Spring waiting to burst...the daffs 🌼 are trying really hard in the front garden and I’ve noticed it’s not so super pitch black when I get up in the morning
Come on Spring, do your thing! Till then I will have to enjoy this sunshine picture from Madeira and dream of sunnier skies to come
... Also BIG, exciting stuff happening in our newsletter this week so if you aren’t already a subscriber hop over and sign up for all the latest Mintie news!!!
#stainlesssteelbottle #stainlesssteelbottles #reusablebottles #reusablewaterbottle #refillyourbottle #refillrevolution #ditchsingleuseplastic #ditchsingleuse #reuseyourbottle #mintiebottle #bpafreebottle #loveyourbottle #comeonspringtime
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Left-overs from the heavens!
Oh my days, I was so pleased to have this lunch prepped, left-overs which could easily be the main event. This is the roasted roots happy salad (stuffed in a pita) from @gemswholesomekitchen ‘the self-care cookbook’ which I could happily eat everyday. The combo of sweet roasted veg, crunchy nuts and pomegranate seeds, utterly scrumptious
I’ve been full of a grotty cold this week so needed something to boost my belly and brain and this totally did ...the trick. Topped off with my fav @cococaravan chocolate, truly a gift from the gods
Happy nearly the weekend! Hope it’s full of lovely stuff x.
#theselfcarecookbook #leftoversforlunch #thankfulforleftovers #happysalad #perfectpitta #cococaravan #mumlunch #zerowastehome #zerowasteukliving #reducetheplastic #lowwastelunchbox #reusablelunchbox #zerowastejourney #foodonthego #kidsfoodideas #lowwastejourney #lowwastelivinguk #lowwastelife #reuseable #swaptoeco #plasticfreelunchbox #loveyourlunch #plasticfreesnacks #ditchtheplastic #lessplasticisfantastic #lowwastejourney #lowwastelunch #stoptheplastictide #uselessplastic #ecogreen #plasticfreemummy
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We are super chuffed to have the opportunity to work with the wonderful team @boulderbrighton
Our Mintie water bottles are now available in their climbing store with these rather awesome branded lids
If you are in Brighton do check these guys out, they have the best bouldering facilities suitable for all, my kids LOVE going there and have even tempted me up a few times on a climb too 😳
... As a small business is means SO very much to work with other small businesses locally, thank you for trusting us with your super duper logo
If you are looking for a smart corporate gift or dual branding possibilities please do get in touch as we’d love to hear more!
#stainlesssteelbottle #stainlesssteelwaterbottle #reusablebottlechallenge #reuseablebottle #corporategiftideas #dualbranding #reuseyourwaterbottle #refillyourbottle #climbersofinstagram #boulderbrighton #boulderingbrighton #choosetoreuse #refillmebottle #
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Needed ALL the skates on ALL people this morning, military timings to get our kind-behinds out the door
But lunch doesn’t have to be complicated & can still be kinda healthy. When I’m super pushed I mainline for fruits, chunky veggies I know they will eat and a sarnie or filling wrap to fill the gap. Always a biscuit or dried fruit too
... I’d love to know what shortcuts you have for getting stuff done but still eating well and keeping waste to a minimum
happy Tuesday, whether you are rushing or not don’t forget to eat your greens (and a biscuit too for good measure 😉)
#whatmykidseat #kidslunchboxideas #zerowastehome #zerowasteukliving #reducetheplastic #lowwastelunchbox #reusablelunchbox #zerowastejourney #foodonthego #kidsfoodideas #lowwastejourney #lowwastelivinguk #lowwastelife #reuseable #swaptoeco #plasticfreelunchbox #loveyourlunch #plasticfreesnacks #ditchtheplastic #lessplasticisfantastic #lowwastejourney #lowwastelunch #stoptheplastictide #uselessplastic #healthykidslunch #ecogreen #whatmychildreneat #lowimpactlivingwithkids #lunchboxforkids #lunchsetkids #plasticfreemummy
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Time to end the motivational bananas
Rose - ‘Not cool mummy, not so cool’ (my 11 year old chick going on 19!) Me - ‘okay clocked and noted’ I will no longer write meticulously on your fruit as a way of giving you subliminal messages of encouragement through your day. Just be normal
On the upside lunch looked yummy and I’m sure when she’s got over the emotional embarrassment of the zen message banana all will be well again
... Happy Wednesday peeps, it’s soggy out there so keep cozy and don’t forget your wellies
#whatmykidseat #kidslunchboxideas #motivationalbanana #stainlesssteellunchbox #zerowastehome #zerowasteukliving #reducetheplastic #lowwastelunchbox #reusablelunchbox #zerowastejourney #foodonthego #kidsfoodideas #ditchthedisposables #lowwastejourney #lowwastelivinguk #lowwastelife #reuseable #buymeonce #swaptoeco #uncoolmummy
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Perfectly Imperfect
Happy Friday all, I wanted to let you know that we have limited stock on our perfectly-imperfect Mintie bottles now available in our store. If you’d like to grab yourself a January bargain then head over to our site for a super discounted Mintie drinks bottle available in all three sizes.
These little dudes have some minor dinks or scratches which means they don’t make our A-Grade team but they still work super well as bottles and come with built-in charac...ter ready to go 😊
#plasticfreebottle #stainlesssteelbottle #stainlesssteelwaterbottle #reusablebottle #reusablebottles #reusereduce #refillyourbottle #ditchthedisposables #ditchthedisposable #bamboolid #drinkmorewater #loveyourbottle #perfectlyimperfect
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And we are back! Happy New Year lovely people
Mintie & the crew are refreshed from our BIG rest this Christmas. We had heaps of family time, not much phone time & it felt good to switch off and reset
...but we are all ready for LOTS of super Mintie antics in 2020 and can’t wait to get stuck in
... Thank you for all your orders, I reopened the shop today and these have been packed and posted and will be winging their way to you
Also a massive, humongous, gigantic, heartfelt thank you for ALL your love, support in 2019. We were blown away and feel incredibly humbled by how this community has supported our little business to grow
We’ve got great plans for 2020 and can’t wait to share with you in these tiny squares💚
back on the lunches, stuck with a safe bet of rolls, veggies, a squashy date and a Garibaldi for good measure.
So nice to be back xx.
#kidslunchesforschool #kidslunchbox #kidslunchboxideas #plasticfreelunch #plasticfreefoodie #healthyeatingforkids #stainlesssteellunchboxes #stainlesssteellunchbox #plasticfreelunchbox #ditchthedisposables #plasticfreeliving #reallifelunch
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Personalised Minties all in a row. Thank you @studiocowx such a pleasure working with you. Thank you for trusting us with your super lush logo 🖤
Here at Mintie HQ we are still packing and wrapping at the speed I never thought possible, last posting dates are all in our stories today
Merry nearly Christmas peeps xx.
... #smallbusinesscollaboration #stainlesssteelbottles #reusablebottle #personalisedgiftsarethebest #ecochristmasgifts
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Sorry for the lack of lunchbox posts recently, I’ve still been making all the lunches but it’s been super dark in the mornings and we’ve often been out the door before the sun comes up!
But here’s today’s eats for my two, I think I’ve been a bit over ambitious on the veggies but seeing as they are already 80% mince pie I thought it was worth a try!
I also wanted to say thank you SO VERY much for all your orders, we are packing these as quickly as we can to get them out to you... in time for the big day 🌟 Right where did I hide those mince pies 🥧😉
#plasticfreelunchbox #ecochristmasgifts #giftsyouneed #loveyourlunch #stainlesssteellunchbox #plasticfreesnacks #ditchtheplastic #ecoconsciouschristmas #giftwisely #earthconscious #lessplasticisfantastic #lowwastejourney #kidslunchboxes #childrenslunchbox #giftthatkeepsgiving #lowwastelunch #plasticfreechristmas #useandreuse #makeachangetoday #stoptheplastictide #waronplastic #uselessplastic
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Thank you for all your personalised orders over the weekend you lovely people🌟 last orders for the personal touch is MONDAY 16 DECEMBER.
This gives our super embroidery team enough time to get your Mintie bags looking ace and packed before last postage (2nd Class) on the 18th.
Remember you can have any name, phrase or number on your bag and in any colour too 🌈
... Happy Monday x.
#plasticfreelunchbox #ecochristmasgifts #giftsyouneed #loveyourlunch #stainlesssteellunchbox #plasticfreesnacks #ditchtheplastic #ecoconsciouschristmas #giftwisely #earthconscious #lessplasticisfantastic #lowwastejourney #kidslunchboxes #childrenslunchbox #giftthatkeepsgiving #lowwastelunch #plasticfreechristmas #useandreuse #makeachangetoday #stoptheplastictide #waronplastic #uselessplastic #snackpots #healthysnacksonthego #personalisedecogift #personalisedlunchbox #personalisedgifting #cottonlunchbag
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What a way to start a Friday!!!
We are delighted to have been asked by @olio_ex to be part of their MASSIVE hamper giveaway this Christmas. If you don’t already know about Olio (which I’m sure you do 😉) they are THE movers and shakers in reducing food waste and food sharing - what could be better? Find out below how you could be a winner ——->
Win 1 of 2 an eco mum & baby care hampers (worth £500 each). UK only
... @olio_ex is a free app that connects neighbours so food and household items can be shared, not wasted.
To be in with a chance of winning, all you have to do is… Download OLIO (iPhone or Android) Add a listing to the app with #EcoMumsComp in the ‘description’ field between 5/12 - 11/12 Automatically added to a draw to win!
Good luck!
#ecogiveaway #greengiveaway #olioapp #olio #oliogiveaway #mumsnetgiveaways #mumsnet #sustainablegifts #sustainableliving #hampergiveaway #reducefoodwaste #epicchristmasgiveaway
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Right the Christmas brakes are off! Mintie’s spines are tinsel tingly and ready for you!
I’m super happy to say we can now wrap your Mintie pressies and make them tree ready for the big day.
Just select the gift wrapping option under our ‘Accessories’ tab in our store and we will merrily make your parcels ping. We use all plastic-free wrapping which is recyclable, reusable & compostable
... And the best bit is we will be donating £1 of each gift wrap pledge to a local Brighton charity called the Clock Tower Sanctuary. They support young people who are homeless or insecurely housed in the city
If you’d like a special message in your parcel just let me know when you place your order and I will happily pop that in too...happy happy x.
#ecogifts #ecofestive #ecopresents #greengifting #greengiftingideas #givethoughtfully #giveback #plasticfreewrapping #ecoconsciousliving #ecoconsciousgifts #stainlesssteellunchbox #plasticfreelunchbox #giftsthatlast #buymeonce #ecocool #ecogreen #lowimpactlifestyle #coollunchbox #smallbuisnessgift #smallbizgifts #tweengifts #beginningtolookalotlikechristmas @ Shoreham-by-Sea
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Black Friday...what’s your thoughts?
Frantic? Fun? Fast & Furious? Discount-Tastic? Fabulous? Flipping awful? Full of joy/disappointment?
Whatever your thoughts on the mega spend of a long weekend I thought I’d share Mintie’s plans. Like last year we won’t be taking part in Black Friday but we’d really like to give some big shout outs to some of our wonderful stockists who have lots of lovely gifts for Christmas and all year round!
... I’ve tagged them in the post...go check them out, give them a follow and maybe if you can why not purchase a gift for a loved one or friend from a small business today.
And if you live in Brighton head over to the BEST Black Friday event ever - a FREE market with 100% off everything 🖤 see @harrietsofhove post today to find out more. Now that’s what I call a bargain!
#blackfridayboycott #alternativeblackfriday #supportsmallbusiness #shopsmallbiz #shoplocallythischristmas #buywhatyouneed #thoughtfulgifting #beautifuldevon
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What’s in your snack pot?
Our Mintie Mini Pots are great for stashing fruit, nuts and nibbles but they are also ace for mini mince pies, chocolate Brazil’s, sweet candied fruits & chocolate pennies 😉
And if you are a newsletter subscriber don’t forget to use your Christmas Gift Code for your FREE mini pot before December 18
... Happy Snacking!
#plasticfreelunchbox #ecochristmasgifts #giftsyouneed #loveyourlunch #stainlesssteellunchbox #plasticfreesnacks #ditchtheplastic #ecoconsciouschristmas #giftwisely #earthconscious #lessplasticisfantastic #lowwastejourney #kidslunchboxes #childrenslunchbox #giftthatkeepsgiving #lowwastelunch #plasticfreechristmas #useandreuse #makeachangetoday #stoptheplastictide #waronplastic #uselessplastic #snackpots #healthysnacksonthego #kidssnackbox
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More about Mintie

Mintie is located at 15 middle street, BN1 1AL Brighton