Miracle In The Making - Hypnobirthing York

About Miracle In The Making - Hypnobirthing York

Ashley offers a positive, empowering, no nonsense approach to antenatal education through Hypnobirthing - the Calm Birth School Way. This is your one stop shop for everything you need to prepare for a positive, informed birth either group or privately.

Miracle In The Making - Hypnobirthing York Description

Hypnobirthing with Ashley - the Calm Birth School way offers the best in antenatal education; you will get a no nonsense, positive course in how to best prepare for what labour, birth and beyond may bring and an opportunity to hang out and eat cake and drink tea!
You will learn about the ins and outs of what's on offer, relaxations techniques that will serve you way beyond pregnancy, release fears and anxieties, learn invaluable breathing techniques, understand the power of affirmations and visualisation and get to grips with your birthing body!



So...IвАЩve been putting this off and couldnвАЩt go live because IвАЩd get distracted and flustered, but wanted to do a video!
ItвАЩs a long one, but thereвАЩs some endings and beginnings (including PixiвАЩs birth story рЯТЩрЯІЪрЯПЉвАНвЩВпЄП)
Thank you рЯЩПрЯПЉ


IвАЩm not sure where the last 17 days have gone...but we had a baby рЯСґрЯПї
On the 4th Sept we welcomed a little GIRL in to our family вЭ§пЄП
We have one hell of a birth story and when this baby haze clears I look forward to sharing рЯ•∞
... Meet Pixi Blue рЯІЪрЯПЉвАНвЩВпЄПрЯТЩ
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ItвАЩs September and weвАЩre having a baby рЯСґрЯПї


IвАЩve had some varied responses about having the children at home when I birth.
I seem to be more of a daylight hours birther so I have in my head that will probably be the case this time...although i love the idea of leaving them to sleep and a baby рЯСґрЯПї being there in the morning (it happens).
My oldest son is keen to go out and return when thereвАЩs a baby...the little one on the other hand is all about being in the thick of it.
... I have no idea how IвАЩll respond to having him there should that be how it pans out, but IвАЩve been talking him through all of the things that may be alarming like:
Noise Blood Time
I have talked to him about how Birth can be slow or fast, sometimes thereвАЩs tricky moments and even times when Mother and baby need some help.
But most of all, I have told him thereвАЩs nothing to fear. Things happen that can be scary, but the norm isnвАЩt about emergencies and scary stuff...we are made to do this and entering in to labour and birth feeling safe, loved and supported will certainly put us on the right track.
Who knows how IвАЩll feel when the time comes or even whether Flyn will be happy to take his brotherвАЩs lead and come back to meet his sibling, but Birth is a family affair...it just may look a little different for some families вЭ§пЄП
https://www.facebook.com/401149230095040/ posts/1055677934642163?sfns=mo
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I will miss this view when itвАЩs gone.
The sleepless nights Creaking body The wild party that seems to take place through the night
... I will miss my boys sneaking in for cuddles and secret chats with my Bump
I remember so distinctly crying a few days after my first baby was born that I just wished I could put him back. Suddenly it felt like he belonged to everyone else. Like I was faced with so many decisions and full of self doubt.
ItвАЩs hard to contemplate the changes on the horizon... 6 years as a four and soon we will be a five рЯС®рЯПЉвАНрЯ¶≤рЯС©рЯПїрЯС¶рЯПїрЯС¶рЯПїрЯ СґрЯПї
I want the next few weeks to slow down. I want to take it all in. I want to make the most of our little family in preparation for the next chapter.
But time keeps ticking, whether you feel ready or not. So even if just for today, I will let myself be still for longer. Take longer, slower, deeper breaths. Say yes, instead of no. Drink in the day вЭ§пЄП
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I lay here for hours at the moment with one little persons feet in my back and one in my tummy feeling like they are planning an escape route through my hip рЯ§£
ItвАЩs safe to say thereвАЩs little time for indulgence at the moment.
Having 2 boys already, 2 businesses and just life unfolding, IвАЩm knackered.
... Grabbing moments to connect with this ever growing baby inside is hard.
But my early wake up calls are proving to be the time.
рЯІШрЯПївАНвЩАпЄПA bit of breathing
рЯСґрЯПїA dose of happy birth videos
рЯОІSome spotify playlist creating for labour
рЯТХOxytocin inducing morning cuddles with one of my boys
Yesterday I had the short, sharp realisation that I am reaching a place where I need to stop.
I need to stop work, guilting myself over unreturned calls or texts, trying to fight thought the physical symptoms to stop and also the emotional.
And lean in to this final little part of my pregnancy рЯ§∞рЯПї
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Well, there's only 5 days left to vote, so thought I'd better repost - as much as that's uncomfortable for me.
I was really lucky to be nominated for an award by someone and I'm so grateful and humbled, but the award is dependent on public votes, so it's down to my friends etc. to vote.
I'm in very good company within the category, so to just make it there is lovely!
... Head to the link below and click on the Health, Keep Fit and Wellbeing catergory and you'll find me there :)
ItвАЩs quick and easy to do by simply clicking here www.womenmean.business/wmb-awards вАЬ
People can vote for 1 nominee, in each category, per email address. All voting must be done via the web page. We will not accept any other type of votes.
Public votes are open NOW and close midnight Sunday 18th August 2019
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When my midwife came last week, she explained to me the growth chart that was in my notes. This wasn't in there when I had my other two and quite honestly I hadn't looked at it...probably because I'm not sure I have a great deal of faith in how these are being used.
As stated here...these were introduced to pick up 'small' babies, but subsequently countless women I've worked with have been told they are having big babies.
... They are being scared out of their home births because there is a discomfort in supporting birth where the baby may be 'big'.
My individual growth chart takes in to account my boys' birth weights. I would've thought that subsequently the expected birth weight of this baby would be the same or more, but no...the line is below meaning that short of growing a smaller baby in this pregnancy than the last 2 I am always going to be plotted above. It feels like you're set up for failure.
I've made it clear that I am uninterested in talking about how big my baby is. I wouldn't accept induction or growth scans based on this precarious line that's being followed. But when someone - a professional starts to tell you scary tales about your baby being too big to birth etc. how easy is it to ward off that worry?
How easy is it to face the 'expert' and say, 'No thank you. I trust my body'
It's not.
And then how does it feel to worry for weeks on end to find that you birth a baby that is a perfectly 'normal' size?! And I say that loosely as I donвАЩt think thereвАЩs any such thing as вАШnormalвАЩ
As I've said before, I don't disagree with monitoring growth. But I do totally disagree with the half version that women are being given when trying to make informed decisions. Selling scans as the most accurate assessment of your baby's weight. Telling women who are having perfectly healthy pregnancies that they need to give their baby an eviction notice because the powers that be have decided.
It makes me so so sad.
Thankfully when you start searching there are other places where you can seek out balanced advice like this informative post.
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Wowsers...never have I had so many ups and downs in pregnancy рЯ§∞рЯПї
IвАЩve been meaning to come and share a few times, but as you may imagine, the downs donвАЩt lend them self to sharing рЯШЙ
Yesterday I spent the day with my old uni friends...celebrating the marriage of one and reunions with the other little globe trotters. It was a beautiful day (aside from my feet and ankles swelling to an unfamiliar size рЯРШ)
... Today we drove home and I was feeling refreshed and happy and then BOOM my mood plummeted out of nowhere. Like the weight of the world рЯМО had fallen on my shoulders and everything became scary and bleak.
Nothing happened... There was no exact beginning or end, just sadness.
THIS has been my experience many times over the last few months.
Feeling light as a feather and then the heaviest heart from nowhere.
Yesterday there wouldвАЩve been no sign of this to anyone, not even to me. But today I feel almost unrecognisable.
For the most part I adore pregnancy. I see it for the gift it is and even with all of the many ailments this one has brought, I still feel lucky. But sometimes it feels like thereвАЩs no space for sadness. Or fear or questioning whether IвАЩve done the right thing.
I know IвАЩm not the only one who has these ups and downs...I see women all the time like me.
What I rarely hear or see is anyone feeling like itвАЩs okay to say it out loud. I read posts on a daily basis of women trying to call out, to feel connected, to not feel ashamed and I see a lot of responses saying how lucky they are to be having a baby.
This is true. It is an amazing gift to be having a baby, but itвАЩs also really really hard! Hard on your body, Hard on your mental health sometimes and I think it has been pretty hard on my family.
My boys have seen versions of me that I didnвАЩt know existed. My Mum gets tears most times I visit. My husband often doesnвАЩt know if heвАЩs coming or going and I can be pretty unkind to myself.
As tempting as it might be to appease a woman by telling her sheвАЩs lucky, she probably already realises that which makes it all the more difficult to speak up when itвАЩs just hard to put one swollen foot in front of the other.
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Does size really matter or is this another method to control birth?!


I have to admit I have spent very little time thinking about my birth. I guess with 2 the focus feels much more about afterwards...becoming a family of 5 and what that looks like.
But itвАЩs time to up my game. More breathing, more relaxing and more filling myself with positive births.
... This one is beautiful вЭ§пЄП
https://www.facebook.com/291582524207596/ posts/2468921946473632?sfns=mo
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ItвАЩs Birth Trauma Awareness Week and it very nearly passed me by.
I wonder whether unconsciously I let it as IвАЩm in the final couple of months of my pregnancy and it can be difficult still to think about.
This said, a huge part of the work I do is with women and couples after traumatic birth and although it may seem like a sharp contrast to teaching people about calm births...itвАЩs so often interlinked.
... I wrote this a couple of years ago and wanted to share it again вЭ§пЄП
IвАЩm lucky to have had an incredibly healing birth after this and to be embarking on another birthing adventure, but I know for some it feels too difficult to ever consider Birthing again.
I hope this provides some hope
https://selfishmother-blog.com/finding-my -calm-after-the-sвА¶/
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So this happened last month рЯСЗрЯПїрЯСЗрЯПїрЯСЗрЯПї
During one of my middle of the night email scrolls, I was shocked to see this land in my inbox!
I have no idea who voted, but I was so sure it was an error рЯЩИ
... I make no secret about the absolute joy IвАЩve had over the years supporting women in pregnancy. It seems crazy that IвАЩve been so lucky. But to have any recognition seems crazier.
The awards are based on public votes, so although this feels incredibly unnatural to me - it would seem I have to ask for your vote рЯЩПрЯПЉ
ItвАЩs quick and easy to do by simply clicking here www.womenmean.business/wmb-awards вАЬ
People can vote for 1 nominee, in each category, per email address. All voting must be done via the web page. We will not accept any other type of votes.
Public votes are open NOW and close midnight Sunday 18th August 2019
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ItвАЩs always worth checking out your local trusts birth statistics. I used to look on birth choice, but I believe that became вАШwhichвАЩ
I have to say IвАЩm always surprised to see how few home births there are in York and also what the busiest birth-days are.
... Makes me wonder about collective energy and itвАЩs a lovely thought that hundreds and thousands of women could be Birthing alongside you рЯШН рЯС©рЯПїрЯСґрЯПїрЯС©рЯПЉвАНрЯ¶±рЯСґрЯПїрЯ ІТрЯПЉрЯСґрЯПїрЯСІрЯПљрЯСґрЯПїрЯС±рЯПЉвА НвЩАпЄПрЯСґрЯПїрЯС©рЯПљвАНрЯ¶±рЯСґрЯПїрЯ С©рЯПњрЯСґрЯПїрЯС±рЯПљвАНвЩАпЄП
What would help you make a decision about where you birthed?
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More about Miracle In The Making - Hypnobirthing York

Miracle In The Making - Hypnobirthing York is located at The Mount, York