Mk Aerobatics

About Mk Aerobatics

Yak 52 differences training and aerobatics, including spin training (normal, flat, inverted and competition). Air displays in Yak 52 and Yak 50. In the near future we will provide EASA Aerobatic ratings and UPRT.

Mk Aerobatics Description

Aerobatic and Tailwheel Instructor. Provider of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training.

B747 and Competition Aerobatic Pilot, trainee display pilot.



A great day of team training. Paul is the Yakovlevs Display Team’s newest recruit and has been training towards his initial display authorisation in the Yak 52 (in a previous life he was a Chinnock Display Pilot). Today we had Paul flying with Instructor and Display Pilot Marc practicing his display routine before flying a solo display in the overhead as part of the mentored training required to achieve a DA. He then started his training towards flying the Yak 50 with instru...ctor and display pilot Matt. This training is concentrated around flying circuits from the back seat of the Yak 52. We do this because the limited visibility in the back is similar to the Yak 50 and requires a good standard of sideslip to land and that skill is directly transferable to the Yak 50 taildragger. Obviously plenty of tailwheel time is also essential before strapping into the 450hp Yak 50. Plenty more training next week with an AOPA Aerobatic course being run on the Yak 52. For more info on training with us contact . . . . . . . . . . #yak52 #yak52pilot #yak50 #yak50pilot #pilot #aerobaticpilot #airdisplaypilot #airshowpilot #airlinepilot #aerobatic #aerobatics #warbirds #warbird #aircraft #pilot #pilotlife #team #summer #fun #loveflying #flighttraining #pilottraining #flyingschool #flyingtraining
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New type in the logbook! This beautiful Cirrus SR20. A serious touring aircraft @ AT Aviation Sales UK


Side slipping is fun...
I’ve not got a lot of hours in the Robin DR400 compared to other types because it doesn’t do aeros! So with the Club aerobatic aircraft out of action I took it up with a strong crosswind and tried making the circuits tighter and tighter and therefore inevitably ending up very high to explore the aircraft’s handling. Check out the VSI! Slippery little aircraft! . .... . . . . . . . #robindr400 #crosswindlanding #crosswind #cockpit #sideslipping #cockpitview #loveflying #flyinginstructor #flighttraining #pilottraining #aerobatics #aerobaticpilot #pilot #airlinepilot #atpl #generalaviation #handling #summer #fun #happy #awesome
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After crossing at the bottom of a heart the number one/leader now on the right hand side of the pair turns hard left and the number two pulls up into a barrel roll/ air combat manoeuvre called a High Yo Yo to end up on the leaders tail for the next part of the display.
The high Yo-Yo is a very effective maneuver, and very difficult to counter. The maneuver is used to slow the approach of a fast moving attacker while conserving the airspeed energy. The maneuver is performed b...y reducing the angle at which the aircraft is banking during a turn, and pulling back on the stick, bringing the fighter up into a new plane of travel. The attacker then rolls into a steeper pitch turn, climbing above the defender. The trade-off between airspeed and altitude provides the fighter with a burst of increased maneuverability. This allows the attacker to make a smaller turn, correcting an overshoot, and to pull in behind the defender. Then, by returning to the defenders plane, the attacker restores the lost speed while maintaining energy . . . . . . . . #aircombat #aircombatmanoeuvring #formationflying #cockpit #warbird #warbirds #fighter #yak50 #yak52 #heart #love #airshow #airdisplay #becauseiwasinverted #aerobatics #summer #fun #pilot #aerobaticpilot #airshowpilot #smokeon
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Breaking for the heart 💓 The leader calls the smoke on and the split and both aircraft turn. The number two keeps the leader on the horizon and they aim to cross at the bottom of the heart. The leader is constantly giving commands to make sure both aircraft pass at the right point and the shape of the heart is correct. Not as easy as it looks!
The perfect way to end our aerobatic displays for air shows and private events including weddings! . .... . . . . . . . . #heart #love #fun #wedding #bride #groom #weddingairdisplay #thebigday #weddingplanner #eventmanagement #airshow #airdisplay #yak50 #yak52 #warbirds #warbird #cockpit #pilot #aerobatics #cockpitview #formationflying #formationaerobatics #awesome #breathtaking #aircraft #somersetwedding #dorsetwedding #weddingvenue
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It was great to get back into the Yak 50 again today for two sorties of formation aerobatics! It’s always rewarding flying an aircraft you can’t see out of! A sporty crosswind made landing more interesting but as always this aircraft doesn’t fail to impress with her stable handling on the ground. . . . .... . . . . . . #yak50 #yak52 #taildragger #warbird #warbirds #cockpit #cockpitview #aerobatics #formationaerobatics #vintageaircraft #retro #summer #fun #happyplace #pilot #pilotlife #aerobaticpilot #displaypilot #airshow #airdisplay
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Give me a shout for Yak 52 aerobatic training


Few pics of flying with the kids! 😍😎


Amazing update on the Silver Spitfire


Today‘s quick flight was in the Robin DR400 My daughter’s first time in a light aircraft today and her face says it all! 😂It was also my 11 year old son’s first time taking off, climbing and doing some 360 turns! Very proud of him! He read the checklists like a professional P2! 😍😎 . . . .... . . . . . #family #familygoals #fatherson #fatherdaughter #flying #generalaviation #cockpit #cockpitview #selfie #pilot #pilotlife #traineepilot #pilottraining #pilotstuff #airlinepilot #aerobaticpilot #aviators #flyingtraining #flightinstructor
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Yak 52 aerobatic training and conversions


So much more satisfying operating an aircraft where you can’t see anything in front of you! 😳😎
For aerobatic training in Yak 52s or Air Displays contact . .... . . . . . . . . #yak50 #yak52 #taildragger #warbird #warbirds #aircraft #landing #cockpit #cockpitview #radialengine #aerobatics #flyingschool #pilottraining #flighttraining #atpl #pilot #aerobaticpilot #airlinepilot #clouds #summer #fun #awesome #happy #happyplace #igdaily #aviation #avgeek #aircraftphotography
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8 point roll: a good coordination exercise and a mental one trying to count to eight! 🤷‍♂️
For aerobatic training in Yak 52 warbirds or air displays contact . .... . . . . . . . . . #yak50 #yak52 #aerobatics #aerobatic #aerobaticpilot #aerobatictraining #aopaaerobatics #pilottraining #flighttraining #flightschool #flyingtraining #flyingschool #warbird #warbirds #warbirdtraining #taildragger #british #somerset #summer #fun #happy #pilot #pilotlife #airlinepilot #airdisplay #airshow
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It was great to get back in the Yak 50 this week and blow off some cobwebs.
For aerobatic Instruction in Yak 52 aircraft email . .... . . . . . . . . #yak50 #yak52 #aerobatics #aerobatictraining #aopaaerobatics #pilottraining #radialengine #warbird #warbirds #vintage #retro #pilot #aerobaticpilot #taildragger #stickandrudder #smokeon #summer #happy #fun #picoftheday #ig #pilotlife
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Head in the clouds!
Teaching aerobatics in the Slingsby Firefly is always fun! . .... . . . . . . . . #flighttraining #pilottraining #aerobatictraining #aopaaerobatics #aopa #aerobatic #aerobatics #britishaerobatics #slingsbyfirefly #clouds #pilot #pilotlife #aerobaticpilot #flying #loveflying #happyplace #summer #fun #happy #love #bigatmosubglasses #pilotsunglasses #aviatorsunglasses #aviators
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OTMET 1H arrival London Heathrow Inbound from Washington. We are approaching waypoint NEDUL named after The Needles which is the area at the forefront of the picture on the Isle of Wight. What a cracking day! 😎 . . . .... . . . . . . #isleofwight #island #clouds #solent #theneedles #arrival #airline #airlinepilot #pilot #pilotlife #cockpit #cockpitview #flightdeck #flightdeckview #lhr #london #england #british #scenery #summer #happy #flying #loveflying
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More about Mk Aerobatics

Mk Aerobatics is located at Henstridge Airfield, BA8 0TN Henstridge