Mm - Meaningful Massage

Monday: 10:00 - 17:45
Tuesday: 11:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 11:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00
Friday: 11:30 - 12:30
Saturday: 11:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Mm - Meaningful Massage

*New Client Offer for 60min tailored massage session with 15min consultation.

Each sessions are tailored to you to reduce stress tension, tightness or pain and get you freely moving and enjoying life!



Why am I so inpatient? Why I want everithing to be quick and done now? Why when I waiting in the food store in the queue 2-5min longer I feel stressed?


Being consistently stressed and overwhelmed become our normal day by day life.
You multitasking and feeling really strong about that ,what you do and how you do it.
And when you have few minutes time you straight away think what can you do next.
... You think that take time for yourself is luxury and you actuly feel guilty even think about that.
Not realize when you come home and sit down on the sofa finally after heavy and long day at work you are distracted by social media and you start checking your friends pictures from holiday you checking who they engage or married see their kids growing ,food they making cloths they wearing,restaurant they visiting and more pictures and more destruction.
Start comparing and judging yourself with others
Withouth realising you stressing and overloading your mind again.
I'm so pleased that this days we hear more about mindfulness about meditation or briefing and being present.
The media advertising more this year about mindfulnes and it been brought up to school clasess to bring awarnes to young kids as well.
What a amazing thing.
Mindulnes and sitting still.
How many of you do that?
Hand up 🖐
Just sit still and listen your thoughts
It will be lots of thought going one however more you practice less thought will come as you will be aware of them and you can control them because you will know yourself better than anyone else.
Look at them from outside.
Imagine standing on trafic light on zebra crossing waiting for that green person.
What do you see?
So many cars moving from left to right from right to left.
Those ARe your thoughts in your mind.
When the red light flush cars stops.
That's your still point moment
And when green person apear on traffick light you cross the road so you prioritise yourself
That is your time and moment to cros the road.
Do you get this?
Control your thought thats the key to know yourself and pay attention to those thought as sometimes they giving us a clue and direction in our life.
Have a lovely day :) With Love )❤ Monika
Ps:look at the picture and just absorb the beauty Can you see it?
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Very soon I will do live video about our busy livestile ,stresful days and why why are so inpatient all the time
How to keep our mind still and calm?
Can you do that?


Love this picture
Too often I think we focus on medication and medicine to treat conditions which with a bit of peace, love, laughter and peritonising you can heal
Specialy in this days and the lifestyle we have


In past 6 month I been mentored by amazing life coach and being part of group with beautiful and epic ladies
6 month ago I was depressed and feel anxious
I don't want to talk to anyone
... I don't want to see anyone
And I was thinking of quit of giving up what I love most .
What keep me going and not quit?
Assignments each week
Each week to get deeper in myself
To know myself more
Was that easy? Well no is not special when you feel all darkness around
When I felt nothing is worth of trying this epic humans was there and they guided me
They offer me their help their hand when I need it most
And I'm so pleased and grateful and I really appreciate every single day of my 6month of growth and learning.
If this days some situation triggers this darkness insde of me I know what to do now
Just Sit down in silent Couple of Deep breaths and concentrate on breathing If my thoughts are distracting me emadiatly I acknowledge those thoughts and I start count.
Count length of my breathe 1,2,3,4 Brief in Hold the breath for 2 seconds And brief out on 1,2,3,4,5,6.
Imagine every time I brief in I find the please where I fee tension,pain or niggle which coding issue.
I imagine white shiny light which helping scan my body
Every time I brief in I scan and find that place which feel uncomfortable,tight or stiff
I acknowledge the place and I imagine with every breath out is less and less tense,less pain,less stiff.
2min-5min-10min or 20min
That's all it take
So simple isn't it ?
And that's what I teach as well Teach my clients to brief and feel relax when stressful situation hit the day.
Breathing is one of the thinks which you can learn and stay positive for longer
Be the Peson you want to become👍 Do the thinks you want to do👍 Have the thinks you want 👍
Not other way round 😉
Oh that's a bit of clue from next post 😀
Speak to you soon With Love Monika
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Feel good to share my post on my profile. Inspired by Ruth Simmonds
Marketing is all about connection
... Recently I been creating email to my regular clients
I use to do this on regular base and suddenly I stoped
No motivation No will power No energy
Well sound like BS or excuses Isn't it?
So I sit down on Saturday morning and start writing and journaling
I wasn't aware how long I was sitting there and writing but the questions like:
What it is I'm passanate about? What is my purpose of assisting people? What is exiting me about helping people? How can I serve them well?
Came to my mind and I felt like I have to answer myself first before I create or send any email to my clients.
And I will definitely share more about with you.
However that email still sit in my documents, saved but not send.
The quastion is what I actually waiting for ? For Right time ? For Miricle ? Anyone will push me to do so?
Is only me who can decide It feels like momentum stops for me And more I waiting more I disconecting
So I'm here to connect again
I'm the creator of my future
No-one else will do that for me
I like to re-connect with
New Clients :
To help them with their current situation to feel healthier, happier and more positive without pain because "It Is Posible" To start believe that Pain don't have to be there all the time
Re-Conect with my Regular clients :
To try new esential oils which we will use in treatment room in form of our new diffuser and new products cooling and heating wax for my sports fanatics :)
Re-Connect with Clients who been with me for wile and not turn back yet:
Just to remind them that there been some changes and If thay enjoyed massage sessions before they will love this new sessions and packages which I created.
All my clients know that they are safe and they can trust me.
Today is the day to re-connect ❤
With Love Monika and MM-TEAM
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Marketing is all about connection.
Recently I been creating email to my regular clients
I use to do this on regular base and suddenly I stoped
... No motivation No will power No energy
Well sound like BS or excuses Isn't it?
So I sit down on Saturday morning and start writing and journaling
I wasn't aware how long I was sitting there and writing but the questions like:
What it is I'm passanate about? What is my purpose of assisting people? What is exiting me about helping people? How can I serve them well?
Came to my mind and I felt like I have to answer myself first before I create or send any email to my clients.
And I will definitely share more about with you.
However that email still sit in my documents, saved but not send.
The quastion is what I actually waiting for ? For Right time ? For Miricle ? Anyone will push me to do so?
Is only me who can decide It feels like momentum stops for me And more I waiting more I disconecting
So I'm here to connect again
I'm the creator of my future
No-one else will do that for me
I like to re-connect with
New Clients :
To help them with their current situation to feel healthier, happier and more positive without pain because "It Is Posible" To start believe that Pain don't have to be there all the time
Re-Conect with my Regular clients :
To try new esential oils which we will use in treatment room in form of our new diffuser and new products cooling and heating wax for my sports fanatics :)
Re-Connect with Clients who been with me for wile and not turn back yet:
Just to remind them that there been some changes and If thay enjoyed massage sessions before they will love this new sessions and packages which I created.
All my clients know that they are safe and they can trust me.
Today is the day to re-connect ❤
With Love Monika and MM-TEAM
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My new toy for treatment room and my clients
Pure esential oil Deffuser


Attention lovely Mill Hill and around people!
Are you looking for Massage Therapis who can help you release aches and pain in your back and help you feel more relax?
Is working at a desk becoming an issue and you don't know how to sit well?
... Niggles and stiffness are starting to affect your daily life and stopping you from doing things you enjoy?
Maybe you heard about the benefits of Massage from friends but don't know where to start...
If you could attend a Massage Session which include a Consultation to help you with your posture,release tention and feel relax how would it change your daily life?
Existing regular clients report less back ache and easier movements.
Imagine having massage, led by knowledgeable Therapist who will ask you about pressure to make sure is not too strong and painful or too light for you who will tailor this session exactly for you.
What would it feel like to move easier and get back to doing some of the things you miss?
Even better, you can have a taster of 15min massage and Consultation at no cost! Yes, right!
Each Month we have a limited number of complimentary spots - make sure not to miss them!
It's not too good to be's MM-Meaningful Massage !
If that sounds Hell Yes, why not to book one of the limited spaces for a NO CHARGE trial 15min Massage and Consultation at a venue near you (Mill Hill Broadway ,1 Flower lane )?
Simply email:
and i will come back to you with all the details, times and location.
I am looking forward to meeting you soon!
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Attention lovely Mill Hill and around people!
Are you looking for Massage Therapis who can help you release aches and pain in your back and help you feel more relax?
Is working at a desk becoming an issue and you don't know how to sit well?
... Niggles and stiffness are starting to affect your daily life and stopping you from doing things you enjoy?
Maybe you heard about the benefits of Massage from friends but don't know where to start...
If you could attend a Massage Session which include a Consultation to help you with your posture,release tention and feel relax how would it change your daily life?
Existing regular clients report less back ache and easier movements.
Imagine having massage, led by knowledgeable Therapist who will ask you about pressure to make sure is not too strong and painful or too light for you who will tailor this session exactly for you.
What would it feel like to move easier and get back to doing some of the things you miss?
Even better, you can have a taster of 15min massage and Consultation at no cost! Yes, right!
Each Month we have a limited number of complimentary spots - make sure not to miss them!
It's not too good to be's MM-Meaningful Massage !
If that sounds Hell Yes, why not to book one of the limited spaces for a NO CHARGE trial 15min Massage and Consultation at a venue near you (Mill Hill Broadway ,1 Flower lane )?
Simply email:
and i will come back to you with all the details, times and location.
I am looking forward to meeting you soon!
See More


Attention lovely Mill Hill people!
Are you looking for Massage Therapis who can help you release aches and pain in your back and help you feel more relax?
Is working at a desk becoming an issue and you don't know how to sit well?
... Niggles and stiffness are starting to affect your daily life and stopping you from doing things you enjoy?
Maybe you heard about the benefits of Massage from friends but don't know where to start...
If you could attend a Massage Session which include a Consultation to help you with your posture,release tention and feel relax how would it change your daily life?
Existing regular clients report less back ache and easier movements.
Imagine having massage, led by knowledgeable Therapist who will ask you about pressure to make sure is not too strong and painful or too light for you who will tailor this session exactly for you.
What would it feel like to move easier and get back to doing some of the things you miss?
Even better, you can have a taster of 15min massage and Consultation at no cost! Yes, right!
Each Month we have a limited number of complimentary spots - make sure not to miss them!
It's not too good to be's MM-Meaningful Massage !
If that sounds Hell Yes, why not to book one of the limited spaces for a NO CHARGE trial 15min Massage and Consultation at a venue near you (Mill Hill Broadway ,1 Flower lane )?
Simply email: and i will come back to you with all the details, times and location.
I am looking forward to meeting you soon!
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Recently I been asked what I am passionate about in what I do?
And the answer is that: I am passionate to teach people of importance of regular massage:
... I’m passionate to help people who are like you who read this post and think that pain and tension is Normal and you get use to it or you just pop up pill which make it less painful or go to your GP and ask for steroid injection which numb a muscle for couple of months so you think is ok, however people are not realise that this is just temporary this is just short fix and reality is that pain will come back.
The problem is that you not listen what your body telling you in that moment of pain.
This problem been there for a while and pain is just a sign of paying attention to your body.
I’m passionate to help People who have tension or pain, stress but never try massage as they think is luxury or just is not for them as they do not know what to expect.
I’m here to help and guide you to understand why regular massage is important to prevent and reoccurring this pain or tension.
I have Special Bank Holiday Trail sessions going on this and next week.
If you are interested just drop me a message “FB Post” on 07545547654 and I will get in touch with you as soon as I can.
PS: This week I do serious of live videos 5 frequently asked quastion
With Love Monika
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Would you like to be massage by Therapist who wearing this legins?🤔
Lol they are so confy 😁❤


BANK HOLIDAY SPECIAL 45min Sport Massage £35 Message me to book for today or MondayBANK HOLIDAY SPECIAL 45min Sport Massage £35 Message me to book for today or Monday


Where would you prefer to have a massage treatment at:

More about Mm - Meaningful Massage

Mm - Meaningful Massage is located at Anytime Fitness Mill Hill,1 Flower Lane, NW7 2JA London, United Kingdom
Monday: 10:00 - 17:45
Tuesday: 11:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 11:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00
Friday: 11:30 - 12:30
Saturday: 11:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -