Momentum Stockport

About Momentum Stockport

Momentum Stockport is a Stockport-based grassroots network arising out of and following the Jeremy Corbyn for Labour Leader campaign.

Momentum Stockport Description

Who are we?

Momentum Stockport is a branch of grassroots network arising out of and following the Jeremy Corbyn for Labour Leader campaign.

What do we want to do?

Organise in every town, city and village to create a mass movement for real progressive change.

To make Labour a more democratic party, with the policies and collective will to implement them in government.

Bring together individuals and groups in our communities and workplaces to campaign and organise on the issues that matter to us.

How are we going to do it?

Organise events, rallies, meet ups and policy consultations to encourage mass mobilisation for a more democratic, equal and decent society.

Encourage those inspired by Jeremy Corbyn's campaign to get involved with the Labour Party. Assist members in making their voice heard in Labour Party debates.

Facilitate and coordinate people to build new and support existing organisations that can make concrete improvements to people's lives. Through these actions, we aim to demonstrate on a micro level how collective action and Labour values can transform our society for the better.

Who runs it?

Formed as a successor to the Corbyn campaign, Momentum is in the process of setting up governance arrangements to represent its supporters amongst the Labour Party membership as well as the wider social movement which is springing up. As it grows, Momentum will develop democratic governance structures at every level of the network. Until these governance arrangements are established, the following people are providing a reference group for the organization:

Richard Burgon, MP for Leeds East
Katy Clark, former MP for North Ayrshire and Arran
Clive Lewis, MP for Norwich South
Becky Long-Bailey, MP for Salford & Eccles
Kate Osamor, MP for Edmonton

A number of these people are also being appointed as directors to the company limited by guarantee set up to manage the database of about 100, 000 supporters who have opted to continue to be involved.

What is the relationship to Labour and Jeremy Corbyn?

Momentum is the successor entity to the Jeremy Corbyn for Labour Leader campaign but it is independent of the Labour Party's leadership. It will work both inside the Labour Party and organise in broader civil society. While all of the individuals setting up Momentum are members or supporters of the Labour Party, we anticipate that many thousands of people who are not members of the Labour Party will wish to be involved in the wider social movement in their communities or workplaces.

How will we work with existing organisations?

Momentum does not seek to compete with the excellent work organisations, campaigns, unions, local Labour parties and activists are already doing. Rather, we seek to work with, compliment, amplify, coordinate, and extend what already exists.

How will we manage the diversity of groups, actions and organisations that will fall under your banner?

Momentum is a people's network. We want to encourage groups to take ownership of their organisations, running them in a grassroots, democratic fashion. Those working through Momentum will have autonomy of action, but unity of purpose.

Is this just a big protest movement?

No we are not. Although, we will certainly be protesting the attacks on ordinary people this government is making on a daily basis. We will work together to improve people’s lives today, build positive alternatives, and show how Another World is Possible.

We are dedicated to building our anti austerity movement and working towards a Labour Government in 2020 with Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister.

More about Momentum Stockport

Momentum Stockport is located at Stockport Labour Club, Stockport