Mrcp Paces Coaching

About Mrcp Paces Coaching

Intensive Online MRCP PACES Coaching
Delivered by Senior NHS Consultants and MRCP PACES Tutors
100% Positive Feedback
admin@pacescoaching. co. uk

Mrcp Paces Coaching Description

Face-to-face Skype Coaching sessions delivered by Senior MRCP PACES Tutors

Interactive PACES Workshops on Practical demonstration of PACES examination techniques and "talking" stations

Teaching faculty of NHS UK Consultants with a track record of Excellence in MRCP PACES teaching

Book a date and time convinient to YOU, from comfort of your own home, anywhere in the world

Learn highly effective strategy to pass PACES in first attempt

Focused and targeted coaching to address YOUR PACES Specific training needs

Excellent PACES guidance, mentoring and tips

Learn UNIQUE & Highly effective approach to excel in ALL stations of MRCP PACES PACES

FREE online advice to all your PACES specific queries

Are you preparing to sit MRCP PACES for the first time and wondering how to KICK START your exam preparation?

Have you failed this challenging exam before and wondering what could be done to pass it next time?

Are you looking to seek High quality EXPERT advice from SENIOR PACES tutors for all you exam queries?

Do you want a constructive and critical review of your past exam scores /college feedback with an in-depth analysis of how to overcome your weaknesses?

Are you wondering how some doctors seem to 'FLY' through the exam with ease?

What if you get a 'difficult' case? . . . . . . . .

What will really happen on the day of my exam?. . . . .

You have come to the RIGHT place.

We will help you devise a PERSONALISED learning plan that works for YOU and has worked for hundreds of other doctors we have helped in passing PACES.

Most PACES courses do not always teach you what it ACTUALLY takes to pass the MRCP PACES exam. There are so many doctors who fail PACES each year and most have NO clue WHY they failed.

We have dedicated a lot of time and thought to work out what ACTUALLY help YOU in your quest for a pass. With the help of our dedicated online coaching session for PACES, you CAN PASS the exam FIRST TIME. We will ensure that you're armed with the correct knowledge and skills to pass PACES.

By attending our online PACES Coaching you will discover precisely what separates a "borderline" from a "satisfactory" candidate

We will tell you how to eliminate all of those "if's and but's" that seem to surround the exam. .

You will learn:

How to AVOID the psychological traps' that virtually every doctor falls into! '

Legend myths' about the exam debunked!

How to ACTUALLY improve your COMMUNICATION skills to tackle ANY talking station

The absolute MUST HAVE ATTITUDE to have in order to pass first time

What you MUST do NOW to prepare yourself for the exam

You will receive a complete and comprehensive guide on negotiating PACES exam. Every technique that our senior PACES turors have used to achieve such a fantastic outcome for many doctors over the years, whom they have helped pass the exam FIRST time.

Whether you've just started preparing for the exam or whether you've got a bit of experience, you will MASSIVELY benefit from this useful insight.

Your chances of passing first time will soar sky high once you know what the examiners are REALLY looking for.

If you want to be as certain as you ever will be about passing first time, then the sooner you know this the better. Because every time you go out practicing and rehearsing from now until your exam you're literally missing out on putting this valuable information into practice!



... 1. Exactly WHAT TO SAY when STUCK 2. WHY do doctors FAIL in Station 4 3. What are the Top 7 tips of passing Communication Skills station 4. How to devise a Strategy for Breaking bad News, Dealing with a Difficult patient, DNAR, and HIV scenario 5. How to structure History Taking Station 6. Top 6 mistakes all unsuccessful doctors make in Station 2 7. How are Station 2 & 4 marked 8. How to tackle difficult examiner's questions
Small Group, Focused, Targeted Coaching
Sunday 17 February, 11 am UK time ayment
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Using jargons and making up signs are two of the commonest reasons for failure in the PACES exam. PACES Coaching will teach you *exactly* how to tackle these two problems.


Why you must NEVER leave it to 'chance', 'hope', and 'wish' when it comes to passing PACES in first attempt. Check out this blog by Dr. Naseem Naqvi, Director PACES Coaching:


"...The course was very precise and informative, teaches you all the needed tricks for communication stations. Everyone should consider going for it especially people who needs guidance on communication skills....."
Dr. Samira Hoque, Nottingham University Hospital, UK


We are now taking booking for PACES assessment period Jan - April 2019. Season’s greetings and Happy Holidays from PACES Coaching!


PACES Coaching has now helped pass 6 out of 7 candidates in 2018. A track record of 85% pass in first attempt at PACES.


'Dear Dr. Naqvi
I wanted to thank you for your fantastic support and guidance as I passed PACES with a score of 170/172! I am so thankful for your excellent teaching and notes, without which I could not have achieved this success!....'
- Dr Niharika Varma, Core Medical Trainee, London, UK ... June 2018
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Last few places available for PACES Coaching sessions in July and August. Book Now to secure your place as we are expecting a very high volume of bookings over the next few days. Thank you.


'Hi Dr. Naqvi,
I am delighted to inform you that I passed MRCP PACES examination in January 2018. In my previous attempts I struggled with history and communication stations. This time, I managed to get FULL marks in communication skills station and 18 out of 20 in history station by following your strategy. Thank you for your able guidance!!.....’
... Dr. Suman Paul Senior Clinical Fellow, Respiratory Medicine Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS trust Preston, UK 25 February 2018
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*Limited FREE PACES coaching session spaces*. Subscribe to our News Letter for more info.


*We Are Now Offering 15 FREE places on PACES Coaching Clinical (1.5 hour session worth £170) with every full day station 2 & 4 session booked between Oct - Dec 2017*.
Visit for more info.


PACES coaching now accept payments in all major Cryptocurrencies. Should you wish to pay in bitcoin, Ethereum, or other digital currrencies, please contact admin and we will send you further info.


Our new and improved website is now live. Visit


What is your biggest challenge in PACES?


"I passed!! Thank you so much for your help!!"
- Dr Rajna Golubic, Core Medical Trainee, Cambridge, UK


Some permanent junior doctor vacancies available in the UK hospitals. Support and advice regarding GMC registration, IELTS and PLAB will be provided. Email for more details.


'I found the coaching session very useful in particular the advice regarding differential diagnosis and general advice on marking principles. Bearing this in mind I will focus on these particular points and feel more comfortable in the next sitting. I liked your examples of the approach to the systolic murmur for which it is difficult to conclude based on clinical signs whether it is AS or MR. Many thanks!!!.....'
- Dr Rajna Golubic, MD MPhil PhD Core Medical Trainee, Cambridge, UK


Please note we are now fully booked till 3 July.

More about Mrcp Paces Coaching

Mrcp Paces Coaching is located at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, FY3 8NR Blackpool